My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1452 Strange Things (1/2)


Brother Liu stood quietly.

Looking at Little Brother Liu who was holding the diary, his body was trembling slightly and his eyes were moist.


I see.

As my father, Liu Zhengqing wrote the diary until February, and as a father, I continued to write for my son to read.

Three time and space, one inheritance.

The Liu family is unprecedented.

Brother Liu nodded slowly, feeling a little moved. Although he was about to fall into the unknown, he felt a little comfort in his heart after leaving a perfect explanation to his friends.

As for my younger brother and the others, Brother Liu believes that they are a group of people who can create miracles.

The theatergoers said that they will be plunged into layers of crises?


Theatergoers have predicted the death of countless Liu brothers.

But he was slapped in the face countless times by Brother Liu.

"As my descendant, my little brother, it is my duty to slap a villain in the face."

Brother Liu looked at the little boy and smiled knowingly, feeling a little reluctant in his heart.


But he saw Little Brother Liu jumping up and down, "The violent bear is finally gone! Brother, I am back to be the king!"

Brother Liu was stunned.

"Kun Sang!"

"Did you see that?"

"The Violent Bear said that I am now the captain of the Tianjue!"

Liu Xiaodi held up the diary for February and puffed out his chest and said: "The prison bird comes out of the cage, the tiger comes out of the mountain, I will lead the Tianjue to create the glory that belongs to my little brother!"

Brother Liu pursed his lips slightly.

Are all children in the world like this?

Should I remove him?

But at this moment, Liu Xiaodi slowly lowered his head, clenched his fists, tears flashed in his eyes, "Only in this way can I live up to the violent bear's trust in me!"

Then he wiped away his tears and said, "Friends, when the violent bear comes back, I must make him proud of me."

Brother Liu smiled quietly.

My son is different from others.


Brother Liu turned his back and looked at the theatergoers.

At this moment, I heard Liu Xiaodi saying from behind: "Of course, in terms of coolness, I will give in to the violent bear a little bit. After all, he will leave earlier than me."

Brother Liu shook his head and smiled.

Then time jumps.

The previous scene of writing a diary was just an inconspicuous moment in a long time in the eyes of theatergoers.

I heard a theatergoer say: "Have you finished settling your affairs? Then let me enjoy my prison life!"

This moment.

Brother Liu's eyes became blurry again.

He returned to that desolate planet again.

Looking into the distance, the Tianjue started its engine and flew into the depths of the universe.

The figures of the theatergoers gradually faded away, and the world became silent.

"Demon boy."

"I am here."

"What's the situation now?"

"It's weird."

The devil boy wondered: "I can still control everything in reality, including Wujiang, including nanoworms, and the network system on the earth. Moreover, your life indicators are completely at normal levels. We don't seem to have changed."

"But you can't touch Little Brother Liu and the Tianjue. In addition, I don't know if there are other things that you can't touch."

Brother Liu frowned slightly and glanced at the desolate planet beneath his feet, feeling a little lonely.

The theatergoers seemed to be isolated from nothing.

But it seems to isolate everything again.

Is this the eighth dimension?

It is not something that can be reasoned out and analyzed by normal logical thinking.


Fu Qing said a lot of names, all of which were confusing.

Brother Liu's heart was in turmoil, "How should I understand all this and how should I free myself from this imprisonment?"

"If so, there is a teacher..."

"Or, it would be nice if there was a senior who could give me some pointers."

Brother Liu's eyes were full of confusion.

This is also the moment.

On the horizon where the yellow sand swept away in the distance, a figure suddenly appeared.

Brother Liu was startled, then narrowed his eyes.

Yes, that was exactly a figure, a human figure.

He was wearing an ancient Chinese gray gown, cloth shoes, his hair in a bun, and he was slowly shaking a paper fan in his hand.

He is only 20 years old and has handsome features.

Dusty and dusty, but still somewhat celestial, he came slowly.



Brother Liu pondered, "Weird things happen every year, so many today?"

He glanced behind the ancient man.

In the yellow sand, a huge bipedal bird three meters tall ran roaringly. This strong creature that looked like an ostrich but had no hair was the aborigine of this desolate planet.

But what is the situation with the man in ancient costume who is walking slowly? !

Brother Liu just watched quietly.

He didn't even know if this weird man could see him.

Until this man in ancient costume slowly walked over and raised his head slightly, "Brother Liu."

Brother Liu's eyes trembled, "You..."

"I am, king, king, king..."

But I saw this man in ancient costume, high-spirited, waving a paper fan, speaking Chinese, but when he opened his mouth, he had a severe stutter, "King, king, king..."

Brother Liu became anxious, "What is your name Wang?"

"King king king king..."


Brother Liu was amazed, "Where did this weird thing come from?"

"I am...King, King, King..."


But he saw the man in ancient costume put on the paper fan and nodded suddenly, as if he had defeated something in his heart.

He suddenly crackled like beans in a bamboo tube: "I am Fu Qing, the king of the Titan Zerg!"

"You seven-dimensional little bastard killed me!"

"I was kind enough to help you fight the enemy, but ended up with my body broken!"

"I lost all my eight-dimensional abilities!"

"Fortunately, I have traveled the universe for hundreds of millions of years and swallowed countless spaceships. Of course, I am a vegetarian, so most of the spaceships flew out, but some crashed in my stomach."

"Like that kidnapper starship!"

"This kind of civilization specializes in kidnapping life on various planets and then uses it for research."

"They kidnapped you Earthlings many years ago, but kept them in a freezer and never dissected them."

"You know! We Zerg have parasitic abilities. Before my body collapsed, I split off a cell and parasitized this body! ”

“What’s this guy’s name again!”

“His ego is always against me.”

“It makes me speechless!”


“He is a poor scholar in your China’s Eastern Han Dynasty, named Wang Chong!”

“I, I, I, I…finally said it!”

“I’m dying of suffocation!”

“Little guy, Brother Liu, do you understand? !”

“Do you want me to repeat it to you four times?”

Brother Liu was stunned, “I understand…You have no ability now, but you meet me with the eight-dimensional theory? Hello, Wang Chong.”


The ancient scholar shouted: “I am furious, I am not Wang Chong, but Wang Wang Wang Wang…”

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