My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1448 Eight-dimensional Perspective (1/2)


"It turns out there's more than one side."

"What I saw before was just the most straightforward side of space."

"Living in three-dimensional space, we almost deceive ourselves into thinking that we understand all aspects of an object."

"This is ridiculous and ignorant."

"It's like, in the eyes of two-dimensional creatures, their peers are just moving black lines. If you don't break through the paper, you will never know that your companions actually have various contour."

"Topological space..."

"It's a unique analytical perspective."

"Space is like a tree diagram in many graphic materials, that is, a topological structure. It is divided into countless parts, and then divided into countless parts. Huge information is hidden on the backside that we cannot see."

"Ascending to an eight-dimensional perspective, you can look around from any space in the topological space."

"There are no restrictions on length, width, height, or location."

"There's no covering whatsoever."

"And any... secrets."

"The so-called 'limitation' is just a term specific to low-dimensional organisms."

"Now, standing in the Tianjue Ship, I can see the appearance of the Tianjue Ship, the circuits of the Tianjue Ship, and the current flowing through it at the same time.

"I stood in Fu Qing's belly and could see its internal conditions, Fu Qing's entire body, its huge internal organs, and the blood flowing in its internal organs."

"Topological spaces."

"It should be the basic perspective of eight dimensions, and after that, it should be able to control these spaces."

at this time.

In Liu Di's eyes, there seemed to be countless illusory worlds. Their edges seemed to blend together, but each one was clear and distinct.

Brother Liu raised his head slightly.

Saw another secret.

8 light-years away, a creature with a body shaped like a huge eyeball and countless thin threads floating around, with various organs connected to the ends of the threads, was swimming rapidly in the deep universe, heading towards him.


Brother Liu paused slightly.

Is this its true nature?

Actually, it is tens of millions of kilometers in size!

"It's here to kill you."

Fu Qing said slowly.

"kill me?"

"Can it touch me?"

Liu Di opened his eyes slightly, "It said it was a ten-dimensional creature!"


Fu Qing smiled, "You have met it before. Can it only exist in the mirror?"

Brother Liu nodded slowly, "Yes, it exists in all reflections similar to mirrors."

"It's not ten-dimensional."

"It's just a silicon-based creature that pretends to be powerful and scaremongering."

"But it is undeniable that it is also an eight-dimensional existence among silicon-based organisms. Its original dimension is much more advanced than three-dimensional organisms like you."

"So the two spaces don't merge."

"So, it uses [4·Sample Space] to put samples in your space and project its body into your own space."

"You are a native of your own space, and it is just an outsider, and its body cannot fully enter. It can only show its body through the mirror."

Brother Liu was slightly startled, "Isn't the picture in the mirror a shadow caused by the refraction of light? I originally thought that theatergoers use the mirror like a computer screen, and its body is always in the same universe as me."

"You still haven't figured out the mystery of space."

“What about the space in the mirror?”

"Since there are objects in it, the objects in it must naturally have their own space."

"When you look in the mirror, haven't you ever thought about where you, the plants, trees, blue sky and white clouds in it should be stored?"

“Space holds everything, and everything needs space.”

"Even if it's what you call a shadow."

"The reason why you have such doubts is that you are still limited by low-dimensional thinking."

Brother Liu was silent.

This question is very philosophical.


Liu Di said slowly: "In other words, this theatergoer is an eight-dimensional creature?"

Fu Qing said: "Yes."

Liu Di frowned a little, "Then I have reached the seventh dimension now, so theatergoers can already take action to sanction me."

Fu Qing said: "That's right."

Brother Liu fell into silence.

I have just opened a corner of the eight-dimensional world through topological space, and I feel that it is profound, vast and powerful.

On your own against theatergoers?

You can't even imagine the opponent's attack methods at all!



"Is there a deep feeling of powerlessness that comes over you?"

"I can tell you clearly that if you fight against theatergoers, you will die."

Fu Qing's laughter was very low, "According to my observation, the eight-dimensional level of the theatergoer you mentioned is nothing more than [4·Sample Space], but Fu Qing, the king of the Zerg, has evolved to [Lu·Mutual Exclusion" Space], this is also the reason why your seven-dimensional ability cannot work in my body."

"I said before that I can grant one of your wishes."

"And the explanation about space just now was just my casual guidance."

"So, I can help you kill the theatergoers!"

Brother Liu smiled lightly, "I don't believe you have that kind of ability."



Fu Qing's voice was filled with helplessness, "Little guy, you are really using your clever little head everywhere, even at this moment, you are still using the method of provoking."

"Let me tell you, sweet words are useless, only strong strength is the basis for dealing with crises."

"You, just hide in my body honestly!"

At this moment, Fu Qing's voice became distant and vast, as if it had gone a light year away in an instant.

And Liu Di's perspective, as if falling from the clouds in an instant, penetrated through layers of fog and returned to the body. At this time, looking around, he could only see his most basic perspective as a three-dimensional creature.

Just like the general public.

At this moment.

Liu Di could only see the bridge of the Tianjue and the dark universe outside the cabin.

Even the boundless universe lost its signal because of Fu Qing's body blocking it.

Liu Di was not blind.

But the huge gap made him feel 'blind'!


A sound similar to thunder came from the deep universe around him.

It was as if Fu Qing was swimming, and the space in his abdomen was squeezed and shattered like glass.

Liu Xiaodi and his companions looked around in confusion, wondering, "What happened?"

Liu Di clenched his fists, "Fu Qing, the king of the Zerg, is helping me fight!"

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