My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1452 Medical Team (1/2)

The main starship of Star Shield Team is very large.

The total length is 200 kilometers.

It is comparable to a super-large city on Earth. Let alone finding the core, getting lost is a matter of minutes.


Verify what Krone said, whether there are scientists and whether there is a technical solution for treating split personality.

this is very simple.

Liu Xiaodi and the others only had to follow the giant policemen carrying the 'corpse'.

Those interstellar policemen carried Kepler residents on their shoulders, while their younger brothers followed closely in the ventilation ducts overhead.


After walking a full dozen kilometers.

Everyone saw a huge and open laboratory.

The entire space is nearly 10,000 square meters, with blue floors and blue lights, making it very technological.

On the ground, there are nearly 3,000 beds placed one after another.

There are many short creatures with light gray skin, a lot of hair on their bodies, and huge eyes, walking back and forth among them.

These creatures are like goblins.

However, they are wearing clean and white lab coats, and many of them are wearing reading glasses and pen and paper on their chests.

inside the ventilation duct.

Liu Xiaodi looked down and asked, "What are these little monsters?"

"They're not little monsters."

A trace of respect flashed in Spann's eyes, "They are the Kaban civilization, a creature with a very developed brain, a very creative and exploratory spirit. Among the civilized creatures in the universe, they are called Kaban scientists, and they have a very distinguished status. One The research results of Kaban scientists are enough to make low-level civilizations rise in level in a short time. A Kaban scientist was once kidnapped. On the black market, a Kaban scientist is worth 2 billion rough stones."


Kun Sang was stunned, clasped his fingers and said: "My reward is 36 million? Can it beat 50 of me? Is it equivalent to 40,000 emperors?"

Spann and Little Brother Liu both turned around, "Did you understand your mathematics yourself?"

Kun Sang pouted, "Look, the reward for both of you is still 0!"

Spann sighed helplessly, and then looked at the ground, "Scientist Kaban... There are really scientists on the starships of the Star Shield Fleet, and, at a rough look, there must be at least a thousand! This is a very powerful force. The power of technology!”

But see below.

Giant policemen are constantly bringing in unconscious Kepler residents and placing them on beds.

Immediately, Kaban scientists came forward to conduct a physical examination and collect various data.

Spann's eyes brightened slightly.

at this time.

The huge Commander Kraang slowly walked into the laboratory.

It glanced at the situation in front of it, a little anxiously, "Professor Luban, how far is the progress now? Are we sure we can cure them?"


Liu Xiaodi was stunned, "This is our ancient Chinese power!"

But a very old Kaban scientist, less than 1.5 meters tall and wearing a white coat, came forward.

It only has three fingers, but it presses the empty screen in its hand very quickly.

Professor Luban pondered: "Their situation is more serious than the group of mentally disturbed people we have encountered before. According to my guess, the source of pollution that caused their schizophrenia is very powerful."

at this time.

Professor Luban raised his head slightly. Its height was just above the other party's ankles. "Commander Kroang, please note that the source of pollution I am referring to is not the two magnetars."

Commander Krone frowned slightly, "You don't need to think about this, I will handle it. What you have to do now is to use your skills with all your strength, you must, you must, you must! Save these poor Kepler residents!"

Professor Luban's huge eyeballs flashed, and then he nodded slowly, "On behalf of these residents, I would like to thank you for being such a kind guardian! As for their treatment, we, the Kaban scientists, will do our best to ensure that the task is completed!"

"Thank you for your hard work."

Commander Krone nodded slowly, then walked out of the laboratory and went to his command center.

inside the ventilation duct.

Liu Xiaodi and others looked at each other.

Kun Sang said: "We are really too suspicious, and the villain's heart will crush the gentleman's belly!"

A few people were still a little worried.

Continuing to observe for a while.

But I saw that those Kaban scientists were busy, meticulous, and even sweating profusely.

"Professor Luban, I have found a breakthrough. After the operation, their violent personality will be erased, and at least 70% of their first personality memory will be retained!"


"Too little!"

"This affects their daily actions!"

"Continue to research and experiment, and be sure to find a more reliable way!"

"But remember, our time is limited, 3 hours, we must succeed!"

"Also, the life of any Kepler resident must not be in the slightest danger! We will return as many healthy residents as Commander Krone gives us sick residents!"

Spann and the others in the ventilation duct looked at each other again.

This time, they all nodded secretly.

"The Star Guardian Alliance is reliable."



Commander Krone walked alone in the dark corridor. The diamond-shaped observation window beside him projected the dazzling light of Kepler's sun, illuminating Commander Krone's face.

It comes to its secret headquarters.

After face scan.

The hatch slowly opened.

In front of the table in the command center, stood a giant policeman with a straight body.

Commander Kron didn't care, but slowly walked to the huge chair, stretched his body slightly, and sat down comfortably.

He slowly raised his head, looked at the giant warrior in front of him, and laughed: "Adjutant Bo Ming, thank you for your hard work. This is... how many times we have performed a self-torture trick?"

The adjutant Bo Ming, who was supposed to enter the recruit camp, raised his head slightly and said calmly: "In the past 20 years, I have been dismissed by you 17 times, but... for the development of our giant civilization, I am willing."

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