My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1450 Justice (1/2)



Kun Sang's head and body were raised at 90 degrees, "I didn't expect you to be so big."

"This is the first commander of the Star Guardian Alliance, Star Shield Fleet, Main Fleet 02, Krona."

The giant police officer bent over with a smile, but his eyes were full of scrutiny, "Obviously, you are also an alien race. I need to understand the situation with you to completely solve the doom of this planet."

But it was Spann who slowly stepped forward and glanced at the adjutant who had just reprimanded him.

Then he raised his head, looked at Commander Krone and said: "Commander, you don't actually need to blame your subordinates. The situation on this planet is very complicated. It is true that this place has been invaded, but according to your observation method, the invader's fleet will definitely not be found. , so it’s hard to know what’s going on here.”

Spann looked back at the residents of Kepler huddled in the distance, and said softly: "The ghost tribe is truly 'invisible' in name."

But when he saw the graceful back of Commander Krone Spann, his eyes suddenly turned violent.

Although its body is huge, its movements are as fast as lightning. It instantly takes out a beam pistol from its waist. It is said to be a pistol. The size is relative to their huge body. For ordinary humans, it is simply a laser rocket launcher.



A red beam of light shot straight towards Spann!

But the laser accurately passed over Spann's shoulder and hit the wall of a building. The building exploded and shattered!

Reveal one of the giant figures!

That's a huge black beetle!

At this time, a big hole was blown out of the beetle's head, and its body was swaying.

But Commander Krone put away his weapon, "I hope I didn't scare you. I just discovered this threat."

Kun Sang was stunned, "This guy was lying on the top of the insect nest just now. When did he hide here?!"

Say it.

Kun Sang narrowed his eyes, "Wait a minute...why does it have a face on its chest? I'm going to lick the dog Simlun!!!"

"Don't be afraid, daddy is coming!"

But Kun Sang jumped forward, grabbed Simulun's ears and hair with both hands, and kicked the beetle's hard chest with both hands.

"Come out!"

Kun Sang's S-class transformer's strength explodes!

Simulun cried for his father and mother!

A disgusting scene appeared. Simlun was like a cub born from that huge insect, with all kinds of stringy mucus on his body, and was forcefully pulled out by Kun Sang!

The moment Simlun completely escaped from the insect.

The giant beetle fell to the ground with a crash, completely lifeless.

Simlun, on the other hand, felt dizzy and confused. He hammered his head and glanced at the large area of ​​mucus on himself.


He retched, and then he looked at everyone as if he had woken up from a dream: "I was... my mind was confused before, as if someone had taken over my body... I was parasitized by insects?!"

But he saw the huge Commander Krone nodding his head and saying: "Some Zergs do have such an ability. Before they want to plunder a certain planet, they usually throw out some insect eggs, and these eggs will parasitize on those planets." In terms of native organisms, it is like some kind of spy, constantly collecting information..."

Speaking of this, Commander Krone glanced at the 10-meter-sized beetle corpse and said: "When you first come into contact with insect eggs, the eggs may be as tiny as sesame seeds, eat a bite of green vegetables, or even smell the fragrance of flowers. , are all likely to be tricked.”

Simulan's face turned pale.

Commander Krone ordered his men to use special instruments to scan Simlun's body.

Then he smiled and said: "You are safe now."

"Ha ha."

Kun Sang smiled and said: "Sim Lun, you are really good at backing up! There are so many people in Void City, but you can get hit!"

Say it.

Kun Sang jumped on the body of the giant beetle and studied it for a long time. Finally, with a click, he broke off one of the black tentacles of the insect. Then he took off his shoelaces and pulled off the tentacles, which were as thick as a baby's arm. It was hung under the baseball bat and swaggeringly carried on the shoulder.

Kun Sang said: "I have to commemorate this. I want to keep this tentacle forever. It will always remind Simulun that he was once an undercover agent and a bug!"

Simulan's mouth twitched.

He glanced at his goddess Spann from a distance, then lowered his head, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and crawl into it!

Right now.

The entire Kepler-16b roared one after another.

Just a moment.

The two suns completely alternated.

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Countless ferocious and strong ghosts rushed out from all directions and from various bunkers!

Start wreaking havoc!

Commander Krone’s followers felt tense in their hearts!

I saw a Guardian Alliance officer who moved quickly, and instantly took out a beam weapon from his waist, raised his hand and fired a shot. A ghost tribe member in the distance suddenly burst out with a ball of blood on his shoulder and fell to the ground!

Spann shouted anxiously, "Don't shoot, don't shoot, there's something hidden in it!"

Commander Krone also noticed something was wrong and then gave him a look.

All kinds of soldiers immediately gave instructions.

Put away your guns and fight shirtless instead!

Boom boom!

The violent personality of the ghost tribe awakens and has huge power.

But this group of interstellar policemen belong to the giant race. Not only are their bodies larger than the ghost race, but they are also born with supernatural powers!

Interstellar police kept rushing out of the warships, and the two sides fought each other with fists and flesh!

15 minutes later.

"So that's it!"

Commander Kron, who was still standing upright, looked at the endless ghosts around him with sudden enlightenment after listening to Spahn's story.

Spahn Kunsang and others were standing on the back of the straight hand of the adjutant Bo Mingshen, flush with Kron's head.

"They are actually dual personalities?!"

Commander Kron was still a little bit unbelievable at this time, and looked around.

Countless giant warriors of the Guardian Alliance had already received the order not to shoot, and were surrounding everyone in a 100-meter vacuum circle, resisting the crazy ghosts like zombies.

Many of these giant warriors had their uniforms torn and their bodies scratched with blood marks, but they could only punch and blow the opponent away.

Commander Kron felt a little distressed and said silently: "But I can't just sit there and watch this happen."

Span frowned, "This conflict is not easy to resolve at the moment."

But Kron suddenly smiled with relief, "Fortunately, we have encountered such an enemy before, and we have mature experience in dealing with it!"

"We once fought against a kind of alien beast civilization. They interfered with others through brain waves and used others as puppets for combat."

"At that time, we completely wiped out those evil alien beast civilizations."

"We found that their puppets could not recover, so we gathered scientists from the entire alliance. After a long period of research and experiments, we finally found that those puppets seemed to have another personality in their brains, which was very similar to the situation of Kepler residents!"

"But we finally found a solution."

"It is to perform a minimally invasive radio wave surgery on their frontal lobes."

"After they recovered, not only did their personalities return to normal, but the probability of mental schizophrenia again dropped to less than 0.03%!"

At this moment, Kron looked at Span and his group, "Fortunately, these scientists are now on my main starship!"


But Commander Kron waved his hand and said, "Start the electromagnetic matrix!"

As soon as the words fell.

The 20,000 triangular frigates that had been hovering in outer space suddenly flew into the atmosphere of Kepler 16b.

And spread out instantly, with one ship hovering every 20 kilometers.

Under these ships, discs with dense electric currents turned out.


Huge energy poured into these discs, causing the electric currents on the surface to shoot out. In an instant, a huge electric grid covering the sky and the sun was formed in the entire sky!



One after another, electric currents shot down and accurately hit the irritable ghosts.

But a cloud of black smoke came out of the ghosts' bodies, and then they twitched all over, plopped, and fell straight down.

Kunsang and Liu were shocked, "What are you doing?!"

But the adjutant behind them said loudly: "Don't worry, everyone, this is just a way to make the creatures faint temporarily. Only in this way can we transport them back to the starship for treatment."

Kunsang and Liu paused slightly.

This is exactly the same as the police stun gun on Earth!

But Commander Kron also slowly turned his head, his face a little heartbroken, "This method is indeed a bit rough, but they are now completely irrational, and I am also a little heartbroken."

"But please rest assured."

"We are the Interstellar Guardian Alliance."

"It is justice."

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