My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1423 Ghost Tribe (1/2)

Everyone gathered in Taozi's transparent bubble.

Slowly walked out of the underground fortress.

But outside, there were flying sand and rocks, leaves shaking rapidly, two suns, one rapidly falling below the horizon, and the other seemed to jump in the air, and after several flashes, it came to the noon position.

And the "ghost tribe" all over the ground were flying through the city at a fast speed!

Their fists were like the speed of light, and they knocked down the buildings with one punch, and the building fragments also splashed out like bullets.

The development of everything was 100 times faster.

In the eyes of those ghost tribes, their actions were completely normal.

On the contrary, Taozi's bubble was like a phantom + illusion, flashing very quickly, making it impossible to detect.

Black-haired Taozi turned her head slightly and looked at a "ghost tribe" standing in front of the building in the distance.

As her eyes reached, the flow of time in that direction slowed down in an instant.

But the two-meter-tall ghost laughed softly, "Haha, the technology of this planet is obviously level four, but it still uses such backward door locks? I wonder if there are any female creatures here for me to play with?"

With a click.

It crushed the door handle and rushed into the house.

Taozi tilted her head slightly again.

But the woman who had forgotten her child on the ground in the bunker before had now become a 1.8-meter tall body.

She tilted her head slightly, "Why do I hear crying in this room?"

Kicked the door open!

But a little girl with a ponytail and a flowery skirt was standing in the room.


This little girl, who seemed to be at most five or six years old, was now nearly 1.5 meters tall, with muscles clapping out and her skirt torn.

The little girl growled and said in a low voice, "Mom, I just searched here, there are no alien cubs here, let's go to the next one!"

Kun Sang stared at everything in a daze, gasping, "I'm torn."

"Yes, this is split personality."

"Half civilian, half ghost."

Taozi turned her head again, and the scene 20 meters away slowed down.

The ghost in the pavilion was the crazy old man Xiong Shansheng, who was nearly 3 meters tall and extremely strong.

He sprayed a white gas from his nose and scanned the house he had just broken into.

There was a dirty bed and a wardrobe here.

His huge palm grabbed the photo frame on the wardrobe, and on it was an old man with sparse hair and huge eye bags.

This was none other than Xiong Shansheng himself before the transformation.

Ka Ba.

The giant ghost crushed the photo frame and growled, "The monsters on this planet are so ugly."

"And they are also very poor!"

The giant ghost smashed the wall, and soon the building was broken into holes everywhere. It also threw the single bed 100 meters away in anger.

Kun Sang's face twitched, "You... You are so willful, do your family know?"

Taozi retracted her gaze.

She lowered her head slightly, and the time around her accelerated again, the speed increased to 200 times.

Countless ghosts rushed around, like the Flash, and then sent the looted materials back to the northern castle.

After 10 minutes of speed increase.

The whole sky dimmed slightly for a moment, but it was only a few seconds, and then another sun rose from the north, and the whole Kepler-16b became bright again, just like noon.

The alternation of two days is the night of Kepler-16b.

However, the ‘ghost tribe’ in the city fell into a daze again, and they were drowsy, their bodies shrank and withered, and finally fell asleep.

But the sleep lasted only 1 second.

He seemed to have woken up from a nightmare!

They looked at the devastated city in horror, shivering and sobbing softly.

The middle-aged woman who lost her child rolled back to her house and saw her little daughter lying on the ground, her skirt was torn.

The middle-aged woman cried loudly, "My child, what have you been through?!"

Xiong Shansheng, who turned back into a crazy old man, returned to his bedroom with a lonely look. Looking at his crushed photo frame, he sighed, "This is the 20th house I have destroyed. Ghost tribe, I hate you!"

The crazy old man shed tears, closed his eyes and looked up and said, "Everyone, cheer up, we are safe during the day, everyone should speed up production and stockpile supplies."

Countless Kepler-16b stood up, wiped their tears, and went to work.


The crazy old man slowly came to Liu Di and his group, sighing, "Fortunately, there were no casualties this time, and you are safe."

"But I'm afraid this kind of life won't last long."

He looked into the distance sadly, "I just heard that nearly 1,000 underground bases have been discovered in the north, and the residents inside have been tortured beyond recognition."

"Those ghost tribes are too cruel. They don't kill us, but they keep torturing us."

Kun Sang was already numb at this time.

More than 1,000 bases have been discovered?

I'm afraid those people have split personalities on the spot before they rush out of the bunker? !

What a weird old man.

How can I comfort you? !

No wonder the three emperors were indifferent before, he must have known it in advance!

It turns out that the invaders of this planet are the locals themselves!

No wonder it's called the 'ghost tribe'!

This matter is really a bit unsolvable!

Younger Liu shook his head silently. "The magnetic fields of the two magnetars have caused all the monitoring room equipment to malfunction. They will never see the truth, and their technology has completely regressed in this cycle."

Taozi accelerated the flow of time again.

Everyone witnessed three reincarnations in a short period of time.

Refugees during the day, robbers at night.

This is the life of the residents of Kepler-16b.

Liu Di pondered, "Don't disrupt their living conditions for the time being, I will try my best to find the answer."

After that.

Liu Di walked towards the north of the entire planet, and soon after, he jumped over the huge gap!

The gloomy castle that Kepler-16b used as the base camp of the ghost tribe was right in front of him!

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