My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1417 One Night (1/2)

" of my own personalities."

Liu Di pondered for a moment.

Taozi has two personalities.

Cold and domineering sister.

Cute lolita.

Taozi's life form is very similar to that of humans.

Then it can be understood according to the human brain.

Split personality.

Scientific name dissociative disorder.

It is usually caused by a major stressful event. The person concerned cannot accept the facts, or the mental tolerance for a certain thing reaches the limit. The brain will selectively forget some memories for its own protection.

When some whole pieces of memory are forgotten, he will act in another identity.

From the outside world, it is two souls living in one body.

In human history, there have been up to 32 souls living in one body.

They switch randomly and have no memory of what other souls have done.

These souls cover personality, identity, occupation, and even changes in gender.

What's more, corresponding abilities will evolve due to the identity of the soul.

For example, a patient's hidden personality is a butcher.

So before switching his personality, he might still be a well-behaved 15-year-old student, but after switching, he can completely cut a bull in 14 cuts.

Sometimes, split personality is equivalent to the conversion of "ability".

Of course.

There are also many patients who know that they have multiple split personalities.

Even these personalities will hold meetings in the patient's mind regularly.

If the main personality of this patient is kind, he will look at his evil personality as if he were a villain.

The evil personality will be denounced.

He may be killed by the furious personality at the meeting.

He may also be imprisoned by everyone, so that he can no longer control his body.

From an external perspective, this evil personality is equivalent to being "killed".

The scene is the heart of the person involved.

There is no murder weapon, blood, or corpse.

But someone really died.

Of course.

It often happens that the evil personality dominates the body and the kind personality is killed.

Liu Di looked at the white-haired peach.

It was once believed that this girl gave birth to two personalities because of the binary star system in her hometown.

Moreover, the personality traits are particularly obvious and conflicting, which completely exceeds the scope of mental illness of earthlings.

Now it seems.

There is a third one.

"This should be the smallest murder case in the universe... I killed another self in my heart."

Liu Di recalled Taozi's words just now.

His tone was full of sadness, helplessness and helplessness.

For some reason, her loli and queen personality conspired to kill Eliza.


All this is Taozi's inner world, even the seven-dimensional cause and effect cannot be explored.

The little ghost before should have imitated Eliza's voice in her ear.

It made Taozi evoke the memories she was most reluctant to mention.

Her panic and fear came from her self-blame for Eliza's incident.

Taozi killed people out of some helplessness,


She likes to eat peach blossom cakes.

So Taozi likes to eat peaches.

This is not a commemoration, but a memorial.

And this journey, in addition to an unspeakable story, there is another key point.

- The peach blossom cake of the woman in white.

Brother Liu pushed the plate in front of him towards White-haired Peach.

White-haired Peach had tears in her eyes, but she couldn't help but be greedy, so she grabbed a piece and put it in her mouth.

Brother Liu asked, "Is it this taste?"

White-haired Peach tasted it for a long time, and finally nodded slowly, "Yes, this is the taste that Eliza had eaten."

Peach and Eliza, in essence, are one body. If she had eaten it, it means that 'she' had eaten it.

Brother Liu slowly stood up.

A faint clue light lit up in his heart, very weak and difficult to trace, but finally there was a trace.

Brother Liu looked out the window, "So, if I want to know where Eliza had seen Sister White, and what Sister White said to Eliza, I can only ask Eliza?"

White-haired Peach nodded, "But Eliza is dead."

At this moment.

Brother Liu looked out the window.

The designer of the void city of Mayan civilization seemed to be very attached to the earth.

Using technology, the four seasons of the year, as well as night and day, were simulated.

It was late at night.

The fireworks of celebration gradually faded, and the city returned to peace.

Liu Di saw that the female warrior Span was wearing a white veil, and her graceful and plump outline was looming. She walked from the street, her face slightly red, and she seemed to have drunk a lot of wine.

And the handsome man Simlun who said he wanted to pursue Span, carefully supported Span.


The two came to a house. Although all this was in Liu Di's sight, the whole street was quiet and empty.

This house was Span's resting place.

At this time, the silver-haired woman, with narrow and beautiful eyes, had a flowing light and a smooth chin, like a statue of a Greek goddess.

Because of years of combat training, Span's body was strong and full of strength, but with the unique curves of women.

The two stood at the door of the house.

Simlun held Span's waist, his face slightly red, "Can I take you into the house?"

But Span showed an elusive smile on his face, full of temptation.

Simlun's face became even redder.


Simlun took out a large bouquet of flowers from the backpack behind him, and the red roses were so beautiful.

Span gently leaned against the door.

Simlun knelt on one knee and raised a large bouquet of red roses above his head, "If you are willing to entrust yourself to me, I will definitely spend my whole life to protect you, and my love for you will never diminish in the slightest!"

But Span slowly stretched out her white palm.

She seemed to take the rose.

And taking the rose means accepting Simlun's courtship.

Then this beautiful night will no longer be quiet.

Simlun lowered his head and could only see Span's beautiful legs, and secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

But the drunken Spahn just reached out and picked one of the roses, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it, then smiled: "I can accept 1% ​​of your courtship now, and the remaining 99% requires you to use your strength to convince me, not for me, but for the entire Mayan civilization."

"Good night."

Spahn turned around, and the electronic door behind him opened automatically. The beautiful back slowly walked into it and disappeared, and the electronic door closed automatically.

Simlun, who was kneeling on one knee at the door, froze for a moment.

Then he laughed and scratched his head and said: "Haha, goddess, if you are so easily moved, then you are not the most beautiful and purest existence in my heart. Simlun, you still have to work hard. The road, goals, and dreams are all ahead. You are many times luckier than those confused people. Come on!"


Simlun stood up, regained a confident smile on his face, held his head high, and walked to the corner.

In Liu Di's perspective, only its gradually lengthening shadow remained.

But the next moment.

Simlun suddenly stopped, and his shadow twisted and grew larger, turning into a 2-meter-tall monster covered with strange thorns, and then opened a mouth with extremely exaggerated fangs.

One bite!

The bunch of bright roses was completely swallowed by the monster.

It chewed for a moment, and was swallowed into its stomach again.


The shadow returned to Simlun's original appearance, and continued to walk away as if nothing had happened, and whistled happily.

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