My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1391 Millennium Cause and Effect (1/2)




"Any civilization, any race, anyone, as long as you feel they are a threat to you."

"Whether they act or not, or whether they will act."

"You will kill them all, and kill the entire race."

"Bi Lin B is like this, Tianlao San is like this."

Liu Di's face was calm, but his calmness was a bit scary. "You still want the earth to end up like this. This is what you did after gaining powerful seven-dimensional abilities."

The air was quiet for a moment.

The prisoner's huge body was trembling all the time.

This is not because of fear of Brother Liu.

Deep down in its heart, it also knew that it had committed a heinous crime.

It may be fearing the souls of its followers, including all of its own clan members.

Or maybe he is afraid that the cause and effect he has known since birth will come unstoppably.

You can even see a hint of nameless fear in Qiu Yin's huge pupils.

But at this moment, Qiu Yin's pupils turned red again, and there seemed to be fierce fire burning in them.

The extremely crazy and twisted prisoner instantly abandoned all worries.

It looked at Brother Liu and said in a low voice: "So what!"

"Since you entered the universe."

"From the time you wanted to collect the equations of the universe."

"I knew you would face me eventually."

"So, I will kill your entire clan and let the entire universe know that I am a prophet and inviolable!"

Liu Di's eyes were fierce, "Be it Earthlings or Proxima B, they are all three-dimensional creatures and they do not pose any threat to you."

Qiu Yin laughed wildly, "You don't understand what cause and effect is! Why are prophetic civilizations respected? Because they were bloodthirsty before! 1,500 disrespectful civilizations will all be destroyed! I must use means that no one can stop to establish my irresistible posture !”

Brother Liu, who was extremely angry, forcibly changed his mood to calm down, "The reason why there are still people in Proximity B who survive, it means that you can't shake my chain of cause and effect! Likewise, as long as I am here, you can't touch the earth!"




Qiu Yin's eyes burst out with a joking light, "Have you ever heard of the Pleiades?"


Seven massive stars form an open cluster located about 1,040 light-years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Taurus.

These seven bright stars can also be seen in the dark night sky in summer.

People on earth also call the Pleiades the seven fairies of the universe, the seven lost daughters of the God King.

Qiu Yin looked at Brother Liu.

With a sneer on his lips, he slowly fell into memories.

Eighty million years ago.

The Taurus region in the deep universe.

There is still nothingness here, without any celestial bodies, just large dust clouds floating in the darkness.

Qiao Yin traveled through time and came here, watching everything quietly.

Its gaze was fixed on the seven pieces of solid hydrogen in the area of ​​90 million kilometers ahead. These seven pieces of matter were no more than the size of an apple at this time.

Qiu Yin mobilized a blue virtual screen in front of him.

Release technological detectors to scan every detail in the area in front of you to form accurate data.

Although the prisoner is a civilization of alien beasts that look like the opposite sex.

But it's not just physical brute strength and seven-dimensional abilities.

In its hands, it also has technologies plundered from countless advanced civilizations.

For example, the horizontal orbit calculation system developed by the ancestors of Proxima B was developed in order to survive in the triple star system.

As time went by, Proximity B's orbital system finally calculated the results that Qiu Yin wanted.

It sneered and shuttled through the deep universe.

He stretched out his huge claws and used only the slender claw tips to gently push a piece of solid hydrogen, moving it 17 centimeters from its original orbit.

Then it traveled 1.3 million kilometers away.

Move the next piece of solid hydrogen 180 meters.

Then there was the next one, which was moved for a total of 1,400 kilometers.

After operating the seven pieces of liquid hydrogen, Qiu Yin watched quietly.

I only saw these 7 pieces of liquid hydrogen.

The heat in this dust cloud causes other surrounding materials to continue to heat up and begin to glow.

These substances slowly condensed into a huge 'stone' with solid hydrogen as the core.

Humanity has once proven a theory that is accurate even if it is placed in the entire universe.

That is, the greater the mass, the greater the gravity.

I saw that the gravitational pull of the seven 'stones' in the deep sky was getting stronger and stronger, and the temperature was getting higher and higher.

And in the next 1000 years.

The dust and gas around the 'stone' gathered together under the influence of gravity, and it continued to grow and become a sphere, comparable to mountains and the moon.

Another 800 years later, it finally formed a huge whirlpool.

It is dazzling red, rotating slightly, covering 800,000 kilometers of space.

Later, this huge dust vortex began to be continuously compressed due to the huge gravity at the center, and the temperature of the compressed gas continued to rise.

In its center, a core with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers is formed.

And around this core, the gas and dust finally undergo nuclear fusion reactions under high temperature and pressure. It becomes brighter and hotter, more dazzling and grander.


Seven stars were born.

Over the next tens of millions of years, they continued to absorb surrounding companion stars.

Their status is even more important.

Then, in the direction of Taurus, 1040 light years away from the earth, a magnificent scene of 7 stars in a row was formed.

They are the seven fairies of the universe that humans have derived countless myths from.


Because the prisoner was at the place where they were formed, just a claw changed their original orbit.

So, 6000 years after the formation of the 7 stars, 1036 years ago in the current time, the orbits of the seven massive stars overlapped subtly.

In an instant.

Gravitational chaos, orbital collapse.

A catastrophe occurred.

The total mass of the 7 stars exceeded 160 million times that of the sun.

They began to collide and devour.

Nuclear fusion became more violent, and they exploded one after another, with destructive energy bursts.

After a reaction process of 1000 years.

At this time, here, a shell-like structure composed of expanding gas and dust was temporarily left, which is called a supernova remnant by humans.

Of course, this is not the final fate of the "seven fairies".

The swallowing of seven stars is unprecedented, and they may eventually form a subversive black hole.

People on Earth cannot see all this yet, because this is 1040 light years away, and all the magnificent, terrifying scenes that hide death and rebirth are still on the way.

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