My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1389 Cracking Method (1/2)

Liu Di at this moment.

His heart was pounding.

He instantly understood the whole story.

3500 years ago.

The second dynasty of China had just been born, and the ancestors of the Liu family were probably not surnamed Liu yet!

But Qiu Yin had obtained the seven-dimensional inheritance, which was a basic ability looking at the timeline.

Did Qiu Yin predict that he would die in Liu Di's hands?

Liu Di felt that he was once again trapped in the fog of cause and effect. If you hadn't wanted to destroy all mankind, if you hadn't destroyed Proxima B, how could I have made an enemy of you?

At this moment.

Only the throat of the alien beast Aviva could hear an angry roar. The look it gave Liu Di was like a beast that could protect its cubs with its own life.

Liu Di put his hands behind his back and clenched his fists slightly.

"My child is a prophet."

"Its affairs, ordinary creatures like me, have no right to interfere."

But the alien beast Aviva slowly calmed down the anger in his heart, and looked up at the sky in the direction of Qiu Yin again.

But Liu Di already knew at this time.

The alien beast Aviva is just an ordinary alien beast civilization. Its eyes can't even penetrate the silane atmosphere.

Not to mention seeing the child thousands of kilometers away.

"Since then."

"Qiu Yin killed 200 tribesmen who tried to approach it."

The red eyes of the alien beast Aviva were covered with a trace of gray, "Our family has been dubbed the name of 'prophet of doom' since then."

Alien beasts can cry.

Aviva's red eyes were covered with a trace of mist, "My child Qiu Yin, it's just afraid of being hurt."

Liu Di's expression paused.

The love of all mothers in the world is great, and sometimes it is so great that it is blindly pampered and blindly cared for, regardless of right or wrong.

"1,000 years ago, the tribesmen on the entire planet united."

"Expel Qiuyin."

"We lost our only prophet because of this, but the truth is hard to tell, so from that time on, we, the prophet Wen, would not speak again."

The tears of the alien beast Aviva finally flowed down, "But I can feel that Qiuyin has not gone far. It must have been watching me and missing me in some direction, and it has grown into the most powerful existence."

Liu Di's heart was a little complicated.

I didn't expect that the event itself actually contained so many emotions.

Qiuyin, it was just born, and it gained the ability to see through cause and effect. Perhaps it was because of its immature state of mind that it could not control this ability at all, resulting in a distorted mentality.

That's right.

An ordinary creature suddenly saw all the results, which was comparable to a landslide. It would be very difficult to stay calm.

As a mother, the alien beast Aviva did not do anything wrong, but just spoiled too much.


The alien beast Aviva turned his head to look at Liu Di, "Did Qiuyin hurt you? The new prophet has not been born, which means Qiuyin is safe and sound. I think... it will be very difficult for you to kill it."

"You can kill me."

"The sins of the child, the mother will pay."

Liu Di was silent for a long time.

Suddenly he said: "Qiuyin has slaughtered many races and is about to slaughter my planet."

At this moment.

Liu Di looked at Liu Shang, who was trapped in the ice under the north pole of the earth from his perspective.

Liu Di knew about this scene as soon as possible, but Liu Di did not act rashly. Liu Shang's physique was so strong that being frozen might be his safest state at present.

But Liu Shang would not be able to hold on forever.

At this moment.

Liu Di gritted his teeth and said: "I can't let Qiuyin go."

The alien beast Aviva stopped talking, tears flowing.

It stretched out its claws and wiped its cheeks, like a heartbroken but helpless mother.

Liu Di's heart was faintly shaken.

His heart is not made of iron.

At this moment.

Brother Liu fell into endless confusion.

He looked around and saw hundreds of alien civilizations in the distance looking at him eagerly, with envy and shock. They were frantically speculating, what kind of guidance did that low-level civilization get? !

Brother Liu shook his head secretly.

The planet of the prophet civilization is like this.

In addition to giving Brother Liu a gloomy story, there is no other purpose.

Killing Qiu Yin will break a mother's heart.

But there is no way!


There is no answer here about how to defeat Qiu Yin!

What is the root of the little ghost? !

I can't find it.


Little ghost.

On the blue planet where this magical creature is.

At the top of the stone pillar, the steel emperor seven that was listening quietly was one in ten million.

The little ghost floated beside it, and its tentacles-like legs swayed slightly.

But around them, the wind and clouds surged, and the sky and the earth changed color.

The sound of trillions of bits of information floated in the layers, and the space was used to the extreme, even producing a huge aftermath.

In order to occasionally perform the method of "stealing and replacing pillars", Liu Di made artificial skin and artificial hair for many Iron Emperor Seven.

At this time, the hair of this Iron Emperor Seven was slightly floating because of the sound waves that spread all over the world.

It quietly absorbed trillions of bits of information every millisecond.

At this moment, it had reached the critical value of its mechanical organs.

The next moment, this Iron Emperor Seven would be scrapped.

The little ghost was very excited, leading thousands of tribesmen, constantly speaking out the words in his heart. It never realized that this kind of confession was a disaster for ordinary creatures.

"The Iron Emperor VII is going to be damaged."

Even Liu Di, who was on the Prophet Civilization Planet at this time, received the reminder from the demon child.

As soon as the puppet finished speaking, all the data of the Iron Emperor VII was terminated.

"I lost contact with it!"

Liu Di frowned slightly when he heard this, "Another unpleasant news, I broke my promise to the little ghost!"


On the little ghost planet, the body of the Iron Emperor VII burst out a spark of electricity, and it was about to crash.

It was also at this time.

Three circular channels suddenly lit up around the Iron Emperor VII. On the rock wall of the channel, there were extremely fine engraved circuits, like a combination of miracles and technology.

And then.

Dozens of precise mechanical arms stretched out from the channel to dismantle the Iron Emperor VII in front of them.

And then reconstructed the mechanism inside its body.

Hundreds of millions of neurons, hundreds of millions of nerve choroids, hundreds of millions of capillaries, including the brain, internal organs, and all human biological structures, are slowly born in a form similar to a microscopic seal carving.

It is extremely real, but its essence is a mechanical nature.

The little ghost suddenly stopped talking and watched quietly.



"In the future, the story you heard from me will no longer be three-dimensional, or perhaps promoted to nine-dimensional."

"And in the high-dimensional world, linear time is no longer unbreakable and no longer a constraint."

"So you came back and transformed yourself now."


The little ghost shook his tentacles, "This is also a secret. In the high-dimensional world, there is actually no long evolution, but instantaneous godhood."

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