My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1387 Prophet Civilization (1/2)

Liu Di continued walking.

Finally saw the native creatures of K0828.

He was confused.

They were covered with silver cloaks that covered their whole bodies, and the silver cloaks were very long, dragging a full 4 meters on the ground.

They were either alone or in a line, in a hurry, ignoring everything.

From the shape.

These creatures were not what Liu Di thought, the silicon-based life that could subvert cognition.

This was completely the form of carbon-based life, with a body and legs for walking.

Nanoworms have long been all over this planet.

But the past and present of this planet cannot be seen.

Liu Di wanted to mobilize some nanoworms and drill into the cloaks of the local residents to find out.

But he stopped himself from thinking this way.

Liu Di sighed and should still maintain awe in his heart.

But he saw one side.

An alien life covered with a mechanical space suit blocked a local creature of K0828.

It forced out a stiff smile, "Prophet, please wait a moment and look at me. I have brought advanced energy furnaces and a large number of mechanical buildings. I am willing to give them to you. As long as you use them, the living environment of you and your people will be greatly improved."

But the local creature of K0828 did not even raise its head, but walked away.

The alien life in a mechanical space suit sighed on the spot, feeling helpless.

Immediately, it shouted again: "You must think that we have not done enough. Don't worry, give me 2 years, and I will definitely kill the creature that threatens your civilization!"

The creature it was referring to was the prisoner squatting "not far away"!

"What are you looking at?"

The creature in the mechanical space suit found Liu Di and his party, and said unkindly: "Are you happy to see me being rejected? If you have the ability, let the prophets speak!"

"Look at you, your equipment is so simple."

"And you have nothing in your hands."

"You don't have any worship attitude at all. It's a miracle that a shabby and low-level civilization like you can get information!"

Liu Di smiled, stepped forward and crushed the micro energy furnace on the other's chest.

Then he said calmly: "Your emergency life system can still sustain you for 70 seconds, so hurry up and give me information about this planet."

But the other party looked terrified, and his eyes subconsciously glanced to the lower right.

This tiny movement was captured by Liu Di.

The nanoworm instantly penetrated into the storage system of its right arm.

The information stored in it was read by Liu Di.

The key point was actually a promotional video!

The video was about K0828, and I don't know which group of lick dogs produced it.

In the dark background, a "figure" standing on a high platform stood quietly.

It can be seen that it is wearing a long cloak like the native creatures of K0828.

Then there is grand music and passionate commentary.

"Prophet civilization."

"The origin cannot be traced."

"A supreme prophet is born every four thousand years."

But the figure in the painting saw a ball of blazing light bursting out from his chest.

"In the past time."

"More than 400 forces in the universe received guidance from the prophet civilization, and technology leapt forward, and the race prospered."

"In the past time."

"More than 1,500 forces in the universe disrespected it, and eventually technology declined, the race died, and the planet was barren."

"But in the past 3,000 years, the prophet civilization has refused to speak for unknown reasons."

"It is not ruled out that some civilizations can get its guidance, and the opportunity is still there."

"I advise all cosmic civilizations to log on to the prophet planet and remain in awe."

So far.

The short film ends.

Liu Di frowned slightly. There was little information, but Liu Di still grasped two key points.

In the past time.

There were 400 civilizations that received help.

The number of civilizations punished was 1,500.

The disparity was huge.

So they were notorious.

Brother Liu couldn't help but sigh that the suspected nine-dimensional little ghosts in the Milky Way seemed to be more worthy of the title of prophets, and they were even omniscient.

But because the life that went to the little ghost planet was instantly destroyed.

No information was transmitted, so no one was afraid.

The attitude of the entire universe towards the little ghosts can be called merciless, even cruel and ruthless.

And these prophet planets are obviously three-dimensional creatures, but they are so respected.

It's unfair for the little ghosts.

This information gap makes people feel ridiculous.

Brother Liu threw the alien creature in his hand aside.

Continue walking.

His eyes swept over the K0828 native life that passed by, "Which one is the supreme prophet who appears once every four thousand years?"

But there was a high platform in front.

A K0828 native life wearing a silver cloak stood high above, quietly.

Under the platform, countless alien creatures knelt down to worship.

One of the alien creatures with a broad chest and wearing fierce combat armor stepped forward and said with his chest puffed out: "Great prophet, we explorers have no other requests, but we hope that you can give us some guidance and tell us how to kill the huge monster squatting on the planet."

"The safety of the prophets is always in our hearts."

"As for ourselves, the prophets rest assured that we will silently overcome all difficulties by ourselves."

This man spoke righteously.

Liu Di, who was passing by, chuckled.

Any attack will result in energy loss and casualties. You are really great. You are willing to help such a distant planet at all costs?

Isn't it obvious that you want to sacrifice yourself for others and move the prophet?

This is really a new level of licking.

Liu Di's chuckle and sigh attracted the attention of the explorer civilization. It looked back from a distance with a bad face.

Liu Di ignored it.

Keep moving forward, because there is a strange phenomenon ahead.

Elsewhere on this planet, stone houses are built next to each other.

Only in the center of the area with a diameter of at least 5 kilometers ahead, there is a lonely stone house.

Liu Di watched for a moment and then strode forward.

Other alien civilizations paused slightly.

"That low-level creature went to visit the prophet of doom? Sure enough, his IQ is low!"

"The prophet of doom is an existence that even the entire prophet planet hates!"

"For hundreds of years, no one dared to step forward!"

"First of all, the prophet of doom has no chance of speaking at all!"

"Assuming that the prophet of doom can speak for the first time, it means that the weak creature has won the first prize!"

"Because the prophet of doom will only do one thing, that is to tell you all the bad luck you will face next, and it cannot be changed!"

"Haha, look at that low-level creature, it is still in deep thought, ridiculous!"

But Liu Di's steps are very firm, "Such a weird native life of K0828, if I don't explore it, do I have to kneel there and be a licking dog like you?"

But I saw in front of the stone house in front.

There stood a figure wearing a silver cloak.

It was very tall, about two meters tall. Looking at the outline under the cloak, it seemed to look up and stare at the sky lonely.

Moreover, it seemed to keep that posture for a long time.

Liu Di and his group came behind the prophet of doom, including Liu Xiaodi, and watched quietly.


A strange voice came from under the silver cloak, low and hoarse, as if it had not spoken for hundreds of years.

It said: "Are you also here to ask how to defeat the prisoner?"

Not only Liu Di and his group were stunned.

Even dozens of alien visitors in the distance were stunned.

I didn't hear it wrong.

The prophet of doom, it spoke? !

This entire prophet planet, an entire prophet civilization, has not spoken for 3,000 years!

The emotions of those alien visitors at this time were extremely complicated, excited, trembling, unbelievable, and terrified.

The scene they had been looking forward to for countless years, but it appeared just like that in the short moment when that low-level civilization arrived?


These alien visitors calmed down and tried to calm their restless hearts.

That existence is the prophet of doom.

This is the advice that has been circulated throughout the prophet civilization planet 3,000 years ago.

Although there is no source of information.


It is the prophet of doom.

When it speaks, it means that doom is coming.

And it is an unimaginable horrible doom.

The mentality of various alien life forms slowly changed from shock to teasing. That low-level creature is going to suffer.


Among the crowd of alien visitors, a creature with tentacles on its chin walked out. It was sturdy and seemed to be quite old.

The old creature pondered: "That one is indeed the prophet of doom, but have you ever thought that it can tell doom. For the listener, isn't it an opportunity to escape doom?"

The old creature looked at everyone, "Why did you come here to pray? The prosperity of civilization? Then have you ever thought that the premise of prosperity is that you can still survive, for example, perfectly avoiding doom."

The scene suddenly became quiet.

Various creatures woke up!

So, that low-level creature encountered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? !

This is not fair!

But Liu Di also calmed down and looked at the Prophet of Doom, "It's true that we are here to kill Qiu Yin, but more accurately, I want to know where Qiu Yin's home is."

The tall creature wearing a silver cloak trembled slightly, but his movements did not change, and he still looked up at the starry sky.

For a long time.

Its arm hidden in the wide cuffs slowly raised, slowly untying the rope that fixed the cloak.

The creature in the distance was startled!

It...The Prophet of Doom is going to take off the cloak!

According to legend, the Prophet civilization must untie the cloak before making a fable!

The whole audience was shocked.

What kind of magic did that low-level creature cast, and why did the Prophet of Doom cooperate so well!

Countless eyes looked at the Prophet of Doom.

At this moment, the silver cloak slipped from its body.

A dark body was revealed!

The head was slender and full of fangs.

Its ribs protruded, exposed outside its body, its hind legs bent, like a hungry wolf about to pounce, a strange and rugged tail hanging behind it, slightly coiled!

At this time, it opened its dark red eyes and stared at the starry sky!


Everyone was stunned.

The body of the prophet civilization... is actually a strange beast? !

Is the prophet a strange beast civilization? !


At this moment, the eyes of all alien creatures widened.

Liu Di was the same!

Because this, or this prophet of doom, looks very much like the... alien in the earth's science fiction movies!


It is exactly the same as the prisoner squatting on the black planet 1,200 kilometers away!

However, the size of Qiuyin is comparable to that of a planet, while this prophet of doom is only two meters long!


Liu Di's pupils trembled, and he suddenly realized that the direction the prophet of doom was looking at was exactly where Qiuyin was.

The prophet of doom spoke, revealing his black fangs, but his tone was still calm: "Qiuyin... It is my child, and here, what you call the prophet civilization, is its hometown."

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