My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1378 Listener (1/2)

"That's the loudest thing I hear."

I heard the little ghost say again: "It's the mother calling her child, and the second is the pain caused by all kind creatures, because they tolerate everything silently, well... and the loudest death knell of all creatures, in fact It’s the endless desire in my heart.”

The little ghost started talking again.

The faint blue light under the abyss revived again and shuttled back and forth between the stone pillars.

at the same time.

The voices of all things resounded in everyone's ears again, all kinds of sounds, all different, the types are probably reaching the level of billions and billions.

Everyone felt that the sound was a bit noisy and harsh.

But Brother Liu actually got addicted to it.

Some of those tones are weird and some are beautiful.

Unconsciously, he heard countless but useless secrets.

Something as small as the cheating of a wife on Earth.

Who are the internal traitors of powerful civilizations in the universe?

Also, the Andromeda Galaxy has always wanted to annex the Milky Way, and has already started an outer collision. Of course, it will take billions of years for the annexation to be completed.

Brother Liu also heard an interesting conversation.

"Being your girlfriend? A dream! Unless the sun comes out from the west!"

"That's what you said!"

The stellar dispatcher of the higher galaxy beamed.


Time passed like this minute by minute.

According to earth time, 7 hours have passed.

The little ghost kept chattering.

Brother Liu is very patient.

There are too many secrets in the universe. Brother Liu knows 30 million of them, but they all have no meaning.


The little ghost looked at Brother Liu, seemingly satisfied with the listener.

It said: "If you want to break the cause of the prison and face the direct result, the only way is death, the cause of the prison, the cause of the prison... If you want to defeat it, you have to start from the root, for example, the planet where it was born."

At this moment.

Brother Liu heard the endless roars of beasts coming from his ears, ferocious and furious.

"Of course."

The little ghost added: "The safest way is for you to stay here forever. I don't want to lose you as a rare listener."

These words sent chills down the spines of several other people.

It...this suspected nine-dimensional creature won't let us go!

This is how to do? !

No matter how strong Brother Liu is, he can't defeat this kind of being!

But Brother Liu smiled faintly and said surprisingly, "Well! It's been a long time, we should go."


The little ghost slowly turned its head, revealing its empty eye sockets and mouth, which looked a little penetrating.



Brother Liu said it very naturally, as if he was saying goodbye to an old friend calmly.

But this time.

An Iron Emperor VII slowly flew out from the Tianjue, and then floated quietly next to Brother Liu.

Liu Di smiled and said: "As long as it is illuminated by a little light, its energy will not be exhausted, and it will not ask questions. Moreover, it looks exactly like me. It will be your most loyal listener in the years to come. By."

"Of course, your high-dimensional ability will definitely hear its inner voice."

"Let it stay with you."

With this sentence, what Brother Liu wanted to say was, 'How about letting him stay with you? ’, but in a millisecond, with a thought, the question was changed to affirmative.

The little ghost's expression was still dull and dull, and it looked blankly at the robot beside it, "It?"

Brother Liu smiled and said, "It's called Emperor Qi."

The little ghost began to feel quietly, and said for a long time: "Yes! It is alive, okay."

"Goodbye then."

Brother Liu led everyone back to the Tianjue.

All the movements seemed random, but in fact, Brother Liu was tense inside, fearing that the nine-dimensional creature would regret it, and a sound wave came!

Fortunately, the return trip was uneventful.

Only Kun Sang woke up from the dream and said in shock: "No! Where is my little Baibai hidden? I have to go back and ask it!"


Liu Xiaodi stretched out a mechanical arm from his shoulder and instantly silenced Kun Sang!

Before that, Taozi also waved away and stuffed half a peach into Kun Sang's mouth in advance!

The small bottle cap summoned vines to wrap around Kun Sang and drag him away.

Kun Sang was still struggling and said indistinctly, "What are you doing? I have questions to ask!"

"Ask your grandma, shut up!"

The Tianjue slowly lifted into the sky and gradually moved away.

Brother Liu stared at the planet and once again marveled at the magic of the universe.

And on this nameless planet.

On the top of one of the hundreds of millions of stone pillars, the Iron Emperor Seven stood quietly, as if Brother Liu was standing there.

And that little ghost, who didn't know whether it was a nine-dimensional creature or what its status was on this planet, was sitting in the void next to it.

"Let me tell you about the first sound I heard..."

The little ghost began to tell, and endless secrets were hidden between its lines.

It was like a sermon that encompassed the entire universe.

Just like the Buddha said to the big tree or the stone, although the tone is calm, it is the most profound truth.

Perhaps one day, big trees and stones will be contaminated with spirituality and ascend to godhood.

Just now.

The current speaker and listener are respectively a high-dimensional creature and a robot.

Vibrant sunset.

A very distant star shed a little light.

According to human understanding, this is a new day.

The little ghost suddenly looked at Emperor Qi and thought: "Emperor Qi... This name is too small. You have been listening to me for 100 million years, or 1 billion years. One day you will know the secrets of the universe like me, for example... You will know the technology of the universe and the secrets of dimensions."

"I am the nine-dimensional in their mouths."

"So, you should use the number nine."

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