My right eye is a god-level computer

13. Strange combination scheme

"Amazing!" Ajia on the side clapped his hands and applauded, "Brother Liu, this is it, this is you! A brilliant man from the Department of Business Administration of Haishi University! Haha!" Brother Liu also smiled slightly when he saw himself in the mirror.

The self that used to be so high-spirited and proud of everything seems to be really back! "The shirt is 368 yuan, the pants are 400 yuan, and the shoes are 330 yuan. Check out at the bar!" Sun Lili's impatient voice came from the side.

Yan Qingwen also came to his senses at this time and frowned. It looked good, but it was too cheap! Not much different from street stall goods! "Hey, Lili, Brother Liu is also an old classmate of ours, why should he get some discount?" Ah Jia said with a smile.

"Okay, it will be deducted from your commission!" "No need.

"Remember in one second http://Di Liu adjusted his sleeves casually and said calmly: "My deal is considered Ah Jia's right, right? Three pieces of clothing, each packed for me 200 pieces! ""What? Brother Liu, did I hear you correctly? "Ajia said in surprise.

Liu Di said with a smile: "Have you forgotten? I have been dressed like this for four years in college. I have never changed. Now I have a few more. It's normal!" "Liu Di, why are you... so rich all of a sudden?" "Ajia's eyes widened, and he accidentally saw Yan Qingwen in the distance, and said suddenly: "Could it be that you are being kept?" Yan Qingwen finally understood, did this boy choose cheap clothes? Wrong, but you want 200 sets at one time? What a poor person! That’s all, it doesn’t cost much anyway! Yan Qingwen waved his hand, and Tiesi behind him was about to step forward to pay.

"Protect your sister!" Brother Liu stretched out his hand and handed over his card, "It's only more than 200,000, check out!" As for the balance in the card, even Brother Liu didn't know what it was.

He only knew that when he checked it an hour ago, the balance had reached 34 million! On the side, Tiesi looked at Yan Qingwen in confusion.

Yan Qingwen shook his head slightly, thinking that this boy had a conscience and knew that his father had given him 5 million before! Next.

The entire gog store staff mobilized to pack for Liu Di, the largest customer in history.

However, Brother Liu took Yan Qingwen to the zippo lighter counter outside the door.

Brother Liu looked around and pointed to a delicate copper lighter on the counter, "That's it.

"Hello sir, this is our zippo's 75th anniversary limited edition, set with a 2-carat matte blood diamond, priced at 1.03 million."

The salesperson was very polite but a little hesitant, "Sir, are you sure you want to see it?" "Pay the bill."

"Brother Liu just took out his bank card calmly.

"Ah, oh, okay!" The beautiful saleswoman was at a loss for a moment! Yan Qingwen was stunned for a moment.

"Brother Liu, are you sick?!" "300-yuan clothes and a 1-million-yuan lighter?" "Do you have taste, or are you a fool?" Brother Liu had already held the zippo in his hand. The luxurious lighter turned dexterously in his hands.

"What do you know? I smoke, so I need a handy lighter.

"Don't you also play with that metal ballpoint pen every day?" "Every man must have something he can use!" "Bang! Brother Liu opened the lid of the lighter with one hand and took advantage of the light to take a closer look, "This is called taking a bus to go to the bar, the province is the province, and the flowers are the flowers! Yan Qingwen was speechless for a moment! "Sir, this is your bank card, and the payment has been successfully made."

"The beautiful saleswoman bent over and handed over the card with a very respectful attitude.


Liu Di took back the card and said quietly: "As soon as I see such a good lighter, I want to smoke. Please wait for me here for a while!" "After that, Brother Liu didn't even look back and went straight to the smoking area! "Crazy! ""abnormal! "Yan Qingwen froze on the spot and stamped his feet angrily! 10 minutes later.

Yan Qingwen looked angrily at Brother Liu's return. He had two cones in his left hand and three burgers in his right hand.

After walking less than 50 meters, Liu Di had already swallowed all three burgers! So edible! We just ate so much at lunch, here are three more burgers! Who is this guy? In fact, Brother Liu himself was a little speechless. It was because the efficiency of the devil boy was too high! In less than two hours, the energy was completely consumed again, and the body function increased by 13% again! "Give.

"A slender white hand suddenly stretched out in front of Yan Qingwen, holding a cream cone.

Brother Liu was looking at him with a smile.

"This is cheap junk food, I won't eat it!" Yan Qingwen turned his head.

"It's very expensive, 3 yuan, be good.

Yan Qingwen felt itchy all over at the cry of "good boy". He took the cone in a daze, frowned and said, "Brother Liu, let me tell you, if I feel unwell for a while, it's your responsibility!" "Gently add a mouthful.

next moment.

Oh my gosh, so sweet! It turns out this thing is so delicious, I love it! Yan Qingwen looked intoxicated! Liu Di smiled softly: "Actually, you don't have to keep a straight face every day. Girls should look like girls. If you think it's delicious, just say so!" "Get out!" Yan Qingwen cursed and turned away. , I don’t want Brother Liu to see the food! At this time, Brother Liu felt a burst of fragrance coming from behind.

Looking back, I saw Sun Lili standing coquettishly behind her, flipping her hair in an extremely charming manner and straightening her towering chest.

"Brother Liu, look at our old classmate who has been with us for many years, he doesn't even have a WeChat account!" Sun Lili put on the most seductive pose and tried hard to seduce Brother Liu.

She could see everything just now clearly in the store.

Brother Liu actually bought the limited edition zippo diamond worth 1 million! One million, a broken lighter! How rich is Brother Liu? Worth tens of millions? Sun Lili couldn't hold it any longer! Brother Liu, this rich and handsome little bitch, must be captured! "How about we add a WeChat account? From now on, when it's quiet at night and you're bored, we can chat.

"Sun Lili took advantage of the situation and gave her a wink.

Brother Liu thought for a while and asked, "Do you have Situ Yan's WeChat account?" Situ Yan? Brother Liu’s girlfriend from college? They broke up for good? Brother Liu wants to get back together? Some risks, but also an opportunity! "Yes! If you join me, I can push her to you!" Sun Lili nodded.

"Scan it!" Liu Di handed over the phone to Sun Lili.

Coincidentally, a text message from Demon Boy operating futures arrived at the same time.

‘Your account has remitted funds of 234,500, and the balance is: 123,005,323 yuan! ’ One, ten, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand... Oh my god, 120 million! He is so rich! Sun Lili suppressed the excitement in her heart, elegantly scanned Liu Di's QR code, and successfully added her as a friend!

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