That's right.

Liu Daode hired a water army.

Those water armies who don't distinguish right from wrong and can destroy any software with bad reviews as long as they are paid! He wants Gemini to be criticized like Penguin Social, creating the illusion of declining reputation! Let people not see the facts clearly, and finally abandon Gemini! Big Dog is still very professional.

Before destroying any product, you always have to spend time studying the product.

After all, being black is also a technical job.

You have to find some flaws, right? Well, opens smoothly... The interface is also very beautiful... The functions are also very simple... The stranger matching is very accurate... The hobby section is also very popular... There is no charge... Improper speech is also well controlled... The algorithm of Gemini Stage is really awesome... Um... Damn? Big Dog groped his chin and widened his eyes.

Can't find any flaws? What the hell? No, I don't believe it! As long as it is made by people, it is impossible to have no flaws! Ding ding ding... A message came from the Penguin group of Big Dog, "Brother Dog, have you made a plan? The brothers are all ready!" Big Dog: "Why are you in such a hurry? I'm thinking!" Group member: "Okay, go ahead, but hurry up, I'm playing Gemini, I'll get attached soon, I don't want to scold anymore!" Big Dog: "Damn!" A few hours later.

Big Dog tore his hair hard! He couldn't find it! Isn't this something made by people? No, there are no slots, but I have to make slots! I got paid! Penguin is the father! Huh? What is this? Suddenly, in the Gemini stage interface, in an inconspicuous position in the lower right corner, an icon emitting a little green light caught his attention.

This icon is very small.

It's really easy to ignore if you don't look carefully! Big Dog scratched his head, "Tree hole? What the hell?" He subconsciously clicked in.

The next moment, his mobile phone screen suddenly dimmed and became pitch black! What's going on? Big Dog stared at the screen intently.

Suddenly, a golden light lit up from the lower right corner of the screen.

It looked like a small star, or a small insect.

The light danced slowly, sometimes far and sometimes near, circling freely.

The big dog finally saw it clearly.

Is it a firefly? Then, the sound of the insect flapping its wings came.

Another firefly flew into the screen.

Then, the sound of cicadas and birds kept coming.

It sounded like a quiet jungle at night.

A breeze was blowing.

The calls of every animal in the jungle were heard clearly, with a unique tranquility belonging to nature.

The firefly hovered for a while, circling its wings, and gently fell in the air.

The light from the insect's abdomen gradually strengthened.

It illuminated this space.

This is a huge tree, with a dark green forest behind it, and green leaves swaying.

In the middle of the tree, there is a tree hole more than one person high, dark and deep.

Under the feet, there are still a few wild flowers and mushrooms.

There is a strong vitality everywhere! Shout? This picture is absolutely good! The big dog was attracted by the picture unconsciously! It seemed that he was still in this quiet forest, close to this mysterious tree hole.

There was no one around.

There were only creatures of nature.

Comfort, relaxation, and comfort! It was fascinating! With the pleasant chirping of cicadas, a more comfortable piano accompaniment sounded.

It was like being in a fairyland.

At the bottom of the screen, a line of beautiful handwritten fonts appeared: 'Hello, this is a tree hole, and this is also a vast forest. I hope you can relax here. I know you must have some words that have been suppressed for a long time in your heart. You can shout here and shout out all the depression in your heart. Don't worry, you can only hear Chan'er and fireflies...' Tree hole.

The hidden function of the twin stage! There are thousands of personalities in the world. Some people love to express and share, and naturally they are willing to send their status.

But at the same time.

Some people disdain to express and are unwilling to use any blog platform.

Their circle of friends is always a straight line.

There are many people like this.

But they are human beings, and they naturally have something to say in their hearts.

So, what does the Twin Stage mean to them? It is to listen silently! Liu Di and the creator team have already considered it carefully! Hiss... A chill rushed out of the big dog's forehead.

This is really a bit too human! In today's society, everyone is under great pressure! There are stagnations in their hearts! There are shameful secrets! But there is nowhere to say it! What is missing is a place to shout and indulge! For example, a vast desert, an isolated island in the sea... or... this tree hole in front of you! The big dog blinked his eyes fiercely.

I just felt the blood rushing up! I can't control myself! He looked at the closed doors and windows around him.

He took a deep breath! "I'm a big dog!" "I dare not tell others that my name is Zhao Dafu!" "Because I am a water army that everyone hates!" "I make money every day without conscience!" "I have cheated countless conscientious companies!" "Wuwuwu..." "I don't have a girlfriend!" "Because I know I'm a rubbish, I'm too ashamed to see anyone!" "Wuwuwu..." "I don't want to hurt others..." "But I can't... I can't make money!" "A CEO committed suicide because of my abuse!" "I have nightmares every day!" "Wuwuwu... I also want to do good things!" The big dog shouted hysterically! But it inexplicably touched the conscience in his heart! He actually felt guilty.

Very self-blaming.

Everyone's heart is made of flesh and blood.

When they are born, they are willing to do good.

It's just that there are many paths in life, and sometimes, they go astray.

Regret it.

"Woo woo woo... My fucking name is Zhao Dafu..." "I also want to be a decent person..." Dagou shouted until his voice was hoarse.

Tears streamed down his face.

He didn't know why.

Gemini's little tree hole function.

It actually made him completely let down his guard.

Shouted out everything in his heart.

Emotions burst out instantly.

It was like throwing himself into his mother's arms and crying... Of course, Dagou's mother was no longer there.

Just when he organized the navy to attack others, she suddenly passed away.

Dagou cried even more sadly.

But at the bottom of the screen, a handwritten font appeared again: ‘On the road of life, we must learn to treat others well, and also know how to treat ourselves well. Others are also ourselves. People should live freely and unrestrainedly, watch the flowers bloom and fall, watch the clouds roll and unfold, and have a heart as clear as water. Life is so simple. When you are in harmony, show others peace; when you are successful, show others humility; when you are happy, show others calmness.

Good morning, a beautiful day begins! ——From the robot Xiaoshuang who will not reveal secrets.

’Big Dog stared blankly.

Full of tears! He suddenly stopped being sad, and a faint warmth came from his heart.

Gemini is so excellent that he is moved.

Moved to the point of rejuvenating conscience! Then, Big Dog turned his head and looked out the window. After a whole night of research, a hint of fish belly white had appeared in the east.

The sunrise of a new day is slowly rising.

Big Dog suddenly decided.

To turn over a new leaf! No longer be a water army that hurts the world! Penguins are narrow-minded! Gemini is perfect! I am Dagou... no... I am Zhao Dafu.

It is decided.

I will speak for Gemini!

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