My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1256 Space Images (1/2)

"The powerful civilization in the universe will not cease to exist just because you are covering your ears and stealing the bell."

The meeting room was quiet again.

Everyone fell into a terrifying reverie.

A moment.

Liu Di suddenly said: "Since everyone is here, I will inform you in advance and borrow your space probe."

As soon as this was said.

From all kinds of eyes, it seemed that someone was trying hard to hold back laughter.

Who is this person? He also wants to borrow our probe. How can he borrow it?

I will give it to you with both hands?


Only Lei Pu was stunned.

This voice, this tone, this distorted value, this damn domineering.

I know who you are.

Why are you wearing a cloak, playing Cosplay, or Surprise today?

The next moment.

Various urgent phone rings rang in the video surveillance of various countries.

"General Divila! Our Conqueror 4 probe is out of control. It seems to have been invaded, and it happened in an instant!"

"General, in the few seconds I'm talking to you, Conqueror 5-9 probes are all out of control!"

"They are all turning their sensors around. They seem to be detecting Titan!"

"Their thrusters are on!"

"After a long voyage, they have less than 5% of their fuel remaining. They were originally expected to float in space for 7 years. Now they are flying. It is estimated that they will not last for 12 hours before they run out of energy!"

"General Nevro! Our space station has also been hacked. We are adjusting the orbit. The redshift probe has turned on the maximum power and is detecting Saturn!"

"General Sakata! Our space telescope has also lost contact. It is capturing images of Saturn!"

"Baga, our three probes are also out of control!"

"Our unmanned space shuttle has also been launched from the moon!"

Mr. Song also received a notice - "The probe on the surface of Venus is also out of control!"

The scene was in a panic.

Under the hood, Liu Di's right eye flickered slightly.

In the blink of an eye of this man, not only the space equipment of various countries, but also hundreds of Gemini God's Scepter satellites, all changed their detection targets, and all means were concentrated on the rings of Saturn in an instant!

Each country fought on its own, and the information in everyone's hands was incomplete, which was like a scattered puzzle, and the true face of the enemy could never be seen clearly.

Five minutes later, various information came together, bypassing the servers of all countries and directly fed back to Brother Liu!

The top computing speed of the magic boy continued to splice and integrate this information.

At this moment.

Brother Liu suddenly raised his head and gained control of the large screen in the conference room.

A deep space pattern with a dark main body appeared quietly.

The leaders of various countries and the senior officials of the National Space Agency were all stunned!

They didn't bother to reply to those panic messages, and looked at the large screen in astonishment.

In the picture, the perspective was zoomed in.

The huge earth-yellow planet was 95 times the size of the earth. It had half of its body reflecting the light of the sun, like a giant yellow gem.

As the only planet in the solar system with clear rings, Saturn's rings are like a golden porcelain plate under the sunlight, extremely dazzling.

There are countless dust particles floating in Saturn's rings, ranging in size from microns to meters, scattered evenly.

Before the invention of modern astronomical telescopes, Saturn was considered to be the outermost known planet, that is, the boundary of the universe.

In front of the huge screen in the conference room, people can still feel a sense of impact when they see the full view of Saturn, which makes people awe and look up.

The picture is focused again.

But there are three jumping black spots in the beautiful Saturn rings. Their flying speed is very fast, which makes people have the illusion of "jumping".

Everyone is dignified in an instant.

These three black spots are the core goal of this meeting, the unknown threat.

The reason why they are black spots.

Because they are not real images, but "objects" deduced by space telescopes, earth detectors and other equipment through radio wave disturbance phenomena, redshift phenomena, and light refraction phenomena.

The reason why we can see such detailed and "clear" patterns is because of the results obtained by Liu Di after integrating the data from various countries.

At this moment.

People subconsciously glanced at the figure wearing a cloak and a hood.

Who is this guy?

He said, "Let me know, I will borrow the detectors of various countries..."

Then, he did it.

And within 5 seconds.

This means that in his hands, the core secrets of various countries, the top network defenses, and even the keys to control space equipment... are all useless! ! !

Everyone suddenly realized, and a name emerged in their minds.

But no one dared to say it out loud.

Lei Pu was a little proud, looking at everyone's face, with an expression of "you have no eyes". He even forgot that his country's space equipment is now "letting go".

But at this moment.

Something strange happened on the screen.

I saw that a few black rays suddenly appeared in the misty rings of Saturn.

The next moment.

Those black rays jumped out!

And merged with the previous three black spots, and then spread out!

Everyone at the scene was shocked!

There were more than three "black spots"!

Liu Di's eyebrows also slightly gathered.

But the next scene was even more terrifying.

Countless black spots appeared again on the huge back of Saturn, Titan, Dione, and Saturn's rings!

Even in Saturn's atmosphere composed of hydrogen and helium molecules, countless black spots jumped out!

More and more!

Before, they were hidden!

These black spots flew around the Saturn system, constantly jumping, like electrons around the nucleus!

As for the number, there are at least hundreds of thousands!

This time.

Everyone felt cold all over.

What the hell is this!

Or alien life, or alien spaceship? !

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