My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1252 The truth about my life (1/2)

"I was taken away by myself...?!!"

A thunderclap sounded in Liu Di's mind.

How is this possible?

I have never done such a thing!

Could it be my future self?

But the question is, at what moment in the 'future' will this happen?

At this time, Mo Yu narrowed his eyes, "You still look like you know nothing?"

"It seems that you will not cry until you see the coffin."

After that, Mo Yu reached into his chest and took out a red cloth bag from the layers of underwear. He opened it layer by layer like an old lady, and found an old USB flash drive inside.

As a giant of the Mohist school, he was proud of the world in technology.

He actually used this physical USB flash drive. There is only one possibility, that is, he wanted to keep it forever and didn't want others to look at it.

Mo Yu trembled and pretended to be sad: "I didn't want to watch this video again, but in order to prevent you from cheating, I played it today with great pain. In it, my lost child is."

Mo Yu handed the USB flash drive to Mo Jiuli.

A moment.

In the conference room, a projection appeared.

Among them, it was the surveillance footage of the Moyu No. 2 cloning warehouse. The white and chubby baby was sleeping in the incubator. Suddenly, time and space twisted, and Liu Di in a white shirt appeared!

‘Liu Di’ glanced at the camera, then opened the incubator, picked up the sleeping baby, time and space twisted again, and he disappeared!

Liu Di’s eyes twitched at the scene.

This feeling was like seeing a ghost. He had never done such a thing, but he saw the real video image.

Only Mo Yu said: "Don't pretend. Through the Qin Changhe incident, I know that you have mastered the wormhole. Tell me, where did you hide the child?"

Liu Di did not answer.

Quick thinking - in this case, it must be the future self who took back the time halberd, and then traveled through time and took the baby away.

Why did ‘I’ take the baby away?

Liu Di raised his head, and the demon boy had mastered the system of the Mo family base, and the picture in the projector was constantly reversed.

Mo Yu had a black line on his face.


Liu Di saw an ink word printed on the baby's arm: No. 2.

This should be Mo Yu's experimental mark.

Liu Di kept magnifying the ink mark on the baby's arm.

His brows were furrowed.

This thing seemed familiar.

He subconsciously rolled up his shirt sleeves and found the same position on his arm as the baby. Looking carefully, there were densely packed Hell Leather Armor 3.0 on it, but through the gaps in the circuit, he could still see that the skin inside was white and tender without any pattern.

Liu Di breathed a sigh of relief, but felt a little confused.

But Mo Yu said: "The ink mark is made by special biological means and buried in the child's genetic memory. Even if his arm is broken and reborn, the mark will still be there, just like my face, no matter how it is cloned, it is still so handsome."

Liu Di ignored this fool at all.

But Mo Yu continued to chatter: "And the ink itself has also been fused with a jellyfish gene. Under the irradiation of the designated fluorescent light, it will reappear. This is likely to help me find the lost child in the vast sea of ​​people."

Liu Di was stunned, "Designated fluorescent light? Take it out!"

Mo Yu was also stunned, and instantly understood Liu Di's guess, and smiled awkwardly: "Brother, are you okay? Do you suspect that you are that child?"

"Don't talk nonsense."

Liu Di seemed a little anxious.

Mo Yu couldn't resist, so he had to order Mo Jiuli.

After a while, a very ordinary tellurium fluorescent lamp like a light stick was delivered to Liu Di.

Liu Di swallowed slightly.

Grabbed the fluorescent lamp and pressed the switch.

Then slowly shone it on his wrist.

Under the light of light blue.

On Liu Di's arm, an ink mark appeared-No. 2.

Liu Di's eyes widened, "Fuck..."

Mo Yu was stunned!

Mo Jiuli was stunned!

Mr. Song, who had been listening to the entire conversation, was also dumbfounded!

Even the Mayan female warrior showed an extremely surprised expression.

And Po Lin seemed to have not reacted yet, "What's going on?"


The demon boy hesitated and said, "Brother are the clone No. 2...This is a cause and effect cycle, no wonder I can't find your biological parents."

Brother Liu was stunned on the spot, his pupils trembling.

In other words.

It was the future self who activated the time halberd and sent the clone No. 2 of Mo Yu to the hospital 26 years ago, and then this "suddenly appearing baby" was adopted by Liu Zhengqing, taken to the laboratory, transformed, and then taken home by his mother.

Grow into... today's self!

At this time.

In Brother Liu's mind, it was like a force 12 gale, and it was a tornado, blowing everything that was assumed to be broken apart and fragmented.

Don't I have biological parents?


Brother Liu's hands were shaking slightly.

According to this inference.

At this time, there should be a 'self with a time halberd' who can send the 'baby self' back to the hospital!

But this did not happen!

Causing me to dissipate?

But my time halberd has not returned yet!

Has it been delayed?

Time is disordered, and the tolerance of history is trying to preserve myself. Has I entered the 'dissipation countdown'?

At this moment.

Liu Di's arm began to flicker again, and the world flickered again.



"Damn it!"

The one who yelled was not Brother Liu, but Mo Yu. He jumped 2 meters high and landed on the table, pointing at the mark on Brother Liu's arm excitedly!

"Brother Liu!!!"

"You are clone number 2!"

"I made you!"

"I trained you!"



At this moment, Mo Yu seemed to have washed away the shame of his life. He was so happy that he even rolled on the conference table!

He kicked his feet wildly, "Hahaha! So, you are my...what! Hahaha!"

Mo Yu covered his stomach, his face cramped with laughter, his stomach hurt, and he was in pain and happy!

He pointed at Brother Liu, tears streaming down his face: "You are mine...hahaha!"

At this moment

Bo Lin was angry and a brick condensed in his hand, "This idiot deserves a beating."

Mo Yu also saw the girl in the red skirt, "Haha, this girl is so funny, she wants to hit me with a brick, you can throw it at will, haha, it can't change the fact!"


"Am I too excited and dizzy? A female warrior split out of your shadow, brother Liu, and she wants to chop me with a knife, haha!"

"Brother Liu, I have to declare that you are mine..."

But at this time, brother Liu's face was gloomy. He looked at the almost crazy Mo family leader and called out, "Mo Yu!"

Mo Yu was still rolling around, laughing and replied, "What's wrong, I'm here! No matter what, you can't change this fact, you are mine..."

Brother Liu slowly breathed a sigh of relief and calmly said four words: "Border Station."


Mo Yu suddenly stopped.

Then he flipped and knelt on the ground, his eyes were blank.

Then, a crisp sound came from the conference room.


"You are my...Dad."

I am most afraid of the sudden silence in the air.

Everyone at the scene, including Mr. Song, was almost insane due to the shock of this scene!

But Liu Di tutted his lips and squeezed out two words from his teeth: "So good."

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