My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1245 Renewable Plan (1/2)

"How can we get all the peaches here?"

"First use the beam cannon to bombard this place and scare away all the residents of the earth?"

The white-haired girl was pacing back and forth, her chest trembling.

Brother Liu thought for a moment. The aliens were a bit cute. Maybe fighting them was not necessary to get rid of them.

Immediately, Brother Liu cleared his throat, stepped forward and said, "I have a clever plan."


"Brother, what did you say?"

The white-haired girl said seriously: "Do you need me to act evil, tell them that I am an alien, and hand over the peaches in your hands! Hahaha!"

Liu Di pursed his lips, "Your mothership can temporarily park in outer space, and then make the landing craft invisible. People on earth have a habit of going back to sleep when it gets dark. At this time, there is no one to guard the Taoyuan, so you can send these The green men sneaked in and picked all the peaches without anyone noticing."

The white-haired girl hesitated for a moment, "This is so complicated."

Brother Liu held out a finger and said: "This is a perfect plan. Not only did you get the peaches, but you also didn't hurt anyone. Next year, the farmers will cultivate a new batch of peaches for you, and you will have Inexhaustible peaches.”


The white-haired girl's eyes widened, "This method is great! Brother, your undetectable method is wonderful. You Earthlings, what do you call this?"

But the green-skinned commander was stunned, smiled sarcastically, and was about to say the word 'steal'.

Liu Di calmly kicked him 2 meters away.


Brother Liu said solemnly: "Remember, we Earthlings call this 'borrowing'."

The white-haired girl cheered, "Listen up, everyone, wait until nightfall, and collectively borrow peaches!"


Various green men with cat ears on their heads began to group into groups to prepare the landing craft.

Liu Di, on the other hand, marked the coordinates of several large peach planting bases on a map.

The white-haired girl was very happy.

Rubbing Liu Di's arm with her breast, she not only put on a cat ear hairpin herself, but also put on a similar style hairpin for Liu Di, "Brother, this is for you."

Brother Liu scratched his head and said, "Thank you."

This is the time.

There was a flash of light in Liu Di's chest, and Porphyrin, who had been sleeping in Jiang Lao's laboratory, appeared.

She rubbed her bleary eyes and saw the scene in front of her clearly, as if she had been struck by lightning.

"Where did you come from, little devil, let go of my idol!"

The tile appears directly in your hand!

The little lolita in the red dress is so aggressive that she faces the little lolita in the tights!

Not to be outdone, the white-haired girl Taozi narrowed her eyes and said, "Are you an artificial intelligence? Why are you meddling in other people's business? I'm grateful to my brother!"

Porlin also narrowed his eyes, "A little goblin from an alien planet? Why do you want to seduce my idol? Are big breasts a big deal?"

Taozi said: "This has nothing to do with big breasts! By the way, shouldn't you, an artificial intelligence, create evil robots and then rule the world?"


Porlin gritted his silver teeth and said, "I can't make robots at all!"


Brother Liu stepped forward, pressing down the brick in Porlin's hand with one hand, and stopping Taozi with the other.

He smiled and said: "She just came to pick some peaches. She is a guest and will leave soon. Porphyrin, you guys live in harmony, otherwise I will...well, I won't like you anymore."


Porlin covered his little heart and thought for a long time, then Nuonuo said: "Okay."

At night.

The green men's landing craft turned on stealth mode and flew away.

Arrive at the peach plantation and pick peaches like crazy under the cover of night.

Then the first batch of peaches was transported to the experimental cemetery. The white-haired girl held the fresh peaches and was moved to tears.


She took a bite of the big peach, her huge eyes slowly closed, her expression was one of intoxication.

Porphyrin was on the side, gnawing on a red apple, "Huh, I don't know how to be so moved by a peach? Look at me, have you ever eaten an apple?"

Brother Liu, on the other hand, looked at all this with some speechlessness and some relief.

He returned to the experimental cemetery and paused briefly in front of a mirror, in which the weird body of the theatergoer floated slowly.

Brother Liu chuckled.

A surveillance picture was projected in front of him. In multiple locations around the world, those short green men were picking peaches like thieves. Their movements were cautious, not daring to alarm the owner of the peach garden for fear of ruining the owner's peach regeneration plan. '. Brother Liu flipped the cat ears on his head and said: "Is this the cause and effect of your earth's destruction? Cat-eared lolita, plus monkeys stealing peaches?"


The monster in the mirror let out a deep roar.

The human face that evolved from the end of the filament was extremely angry.

Immediately, the monster's expression turned 180 degrees and became vicious. He smiled evilly and said: "Do you think you have resolved the crisis? Hahaha, this is not the real cause and effect! Destruction is still on the way. You think you have such an expression and emotions. The ups and downs are really exciting! ”

Say it.

The figure of the theatergoer disappeared, and its sharp laughter echoed for a moment before gradually disappearing.


The door to the experimental cemetery was pushed open.

The girl in silver tights slowly walked into the house.

But her breath was obviously different. She threw the cat ear hairpin in her hand on the ground and crushed it with a click.

At this time, her white hair had turned dark.

Brother Liu was instantly alert.

Subconsciously looking at the time, it was already midnight.

Taozi's other personality appeared.

At this time, she was cold and noble, with her big eyes narrowed and a slight cold light.

She approached Liu Di step by step, with an inexplicable oppression.

She came to Liu Di and stopped.

Liu Di also narrowed his eyes, "How is it?"

But he saw the black-haired Taozi slowly raised her hand, holding a big peach in her hand, took a bite, chewed and said: "It's not a big deal, as long as I have peaches, you low-level creatures can survive."

Liu Di was stunned.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that no matter black-haired or white-haired, they were all beings that could be bought with a peach... This is easy to deal with.

"However, I can't enjoy the peaches here for long."

"Such a low-level planet will be destroyed soon."

"I'm tired and need to rest."

After that, the black-haired Taozi walked straight to Liu Di's bed, and swallowed a big peach in a few bites while walking.

She turned sideways and lay on the bed.

With her back to Liu Di, her curves were very obvious.

A cold voice came, "If you look at me again, I will put you into a 100-fold time lock!"

Liu Di retracted his gaze.

Speaking of which.

How did this child grow up, and why did she look like this?


How old is she?

None of this matters.

It's better for you to leave early than anything else.

Liu Di shook his head, walked out of the experimental cemetery, and closed the door.

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