My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1240: Even though the ant is small (1/2)

Brother Liu's expression at this time already had a hint of coldness.

"Ignorant ant, let me feel what power is."

The monster spoke in a complicated tone, and the mirror behind him suddenly turned dark.

Then thousands of stars lit up, forming a picture of the universe.

Zooming out, two colorful spiral nebulae rotate slightly, extremely dazzling, with billions of planets hidden within them.

Brother Liu was also attracted by this magnificent picture.

But the next moment.

Liu Di seemed to have entered the mirror. He just stood in the universe, looking up at the sky.

But he saw that the monster in the mirror was like a real thing, extremely huge. Compared with it, Brother Liu was really like an ant under his feet.

One of the monster's silk tentacles swung towards one of the nebulae.

The entire nebula was struck!

Nebula suddenly moved forward, collided with another, and terrifying energy burst out!

Electron flow, radiation flow, and thermal energy rush towards us.

Such a viewing distance could have wiped out all life.

But Liu Di only felt the strong wind howling, as if watching a play through the screen, and was left with only the thought of 'irresistible' and 'immediate death'.

The crimson nebula among them was obviously more powerful, violently blasting the star core of the other green nebula into pieces.

The red nebula penetrated through, completely destroying all gravitational balance in the green galaxy.

Countless celestial fragments and gaseous materials were washed away, like smoke rings, and slowly condensed into a ring shape.

Brother Liu was a little shocked.

Witnessing a violent evolution that was interfered with by the outside world, and the birth of a ring nebula that violated the laws of the universe.

The person controlling all of this is the strange creature in front of him that is incomprehensible in size and shape.

The collision of nebulae is magnificent and brilliant.

Against this background, Liu Di stood in the void, extremely small, humble and pitiful.

The next moment.

The surrounding scenery was restored, and Liu Di was still standing in the dilapidated cinema.

Since coming into contact with high-dimensional life, Liu Di's world view has been refreshed countless times. He did not ask whether it was true or false. The scene just now most likely happened in a certain corner of the universe.

The combined voice of the monster in the mirror came, "Beyond the tenth dimension is life at the cosmic level. You set the eleventh dimension as your own goal. Do you think you are worthy?"

Liu Di calmly said: "You have such ability and can destroy the earth at any time. Why do you come to me and talk nonsense?"

After pausing for a moment, Liu Di thought again: "Is it possible that there are also high-dimensional beings that are guarding the earth and ensuring my safety, but you can only stay in the mirror and do some things like spiritual attacks. "

The monster in the mirror chuckled, "You are self-righteous! Look at yourself, you are just a carbon-based creature. Not only is it tiny, but it can only survive on the earth. You are really too humble."

"Of course, one thing is fair among thousands of creatures, that is, they will all fall into cause and effect."

"Causation, cause, effect, what a great power."

"I have seen that your final result is destruction, the destruction of everything."

"But you don't know it, and you still struggle."

"So, in this process, any position on your causal scale may be the end point that you arrive in advance."

“I find it very interesting and I’m looking forward to it.”

"Your dying struggle excites me."

"I won't kill you because I like to watch the show!"


“What’s more interesting than that is being a part of it.”

"So I show up to talk to you, to wake you up to some truths, to make you feel even more humble, more desperate, struggling in the mud!"

at this time.

A large amount of information poured into Liu Di's mind, and various thoughts came together.

Brother Liu stood under a huge planet. No matter how high he raised his head, he could not see the entire planet.

Bigger planets appeared one after another. Not only Brother Liu, but even the previous planet seemed insignificant.

A big hand suddenly stretched out, grabbed these planets in his hand, put them in his mouth and chewed them.

Brother Liu was also taken in, and the world collapsed.

But the sad thing is that Brother Liu is too small, so small that he falls into the gap between the teeth in the huge mouth. Even the teeth cannot squeeze him. He can only fall infinitely in the material gap, unable to do anything.

If ten dimensions are the universe.

That human individual... is so humble.

Thinking of the vast scale of the universe, just walking to the edge of the Milky Way, even at the speed of light, would take 960 years. In terms of time alone, ordinary people have died ten times, but they have not finished a single 'cell' of the universe.

All that was left in my mind was a feeling of emptiness and powerlessness.

Brother Liu saw it.

The monster in the mirror began to twist its body, and various faces continued to appear at the end of its silk-like tentacles. There were many people on earth and many unheard of strange faces. These faces were twisted, and they looked at Brother Liu one by one, revealing their various faces. All kinds of ridicule.

The monster in the mirror spoke again.

The language this time is no longer the language of the earth, but contains various interstellar languages, with different tones, like tweets and growls.

It was as if thousands of races in the universe were talking to Brother Liu, with endless coldness and ridicule.



"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Wave after wave of desperate thoughts.

"Does it make sense for you to set such a goal?

"There are endless creatures in the universe, and some of them can easily crush you with just their primitive physique!"

"You are too weak."

"How is it possible to surpass them?"

"The real high-dimensional life has abilities that you can't understand. They just stay quietly in the depths of the universe. You may not be able to see them for the rest of your life!"

"Why are you so pretentious?"




"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

Various voices echoed.

The monster in the mirror condensed Liu Di's face at the end of its tentacles. It faced Liu Di and smiled ferociously. Finally, its face melted like burning wax.

Brother Liu said nothing, his face reflected in the mirror flickering brightly and darkly.

Then he let out a weird laugh with thousands of tones, "Look at your angry and incompetent look. Are you going to use the weak physical power of your three-dimensional creatures to break this mirror? I tell you, this is useless. !”

"I am something you cannot touch."

"You still pray that I am attracted by your tragic drama and will not return to the master's body for the time being."

"Otherwise, if it arouses the master's interest, its gaze will cause your galaxy to collapse."

But Brother Liu turned around and walked away, completely ignoring these words.

The monster was left floating silently, but it seemed that it could only be parasitic on the mirror as Brother Liu said.


Brother Liu returned, holding the white and yellow chrysanthemums he had just purchased.

Liu Di arranged the chrysanthemums evenly around the mirror and said calmly: "Smashing the mirror is too low-level. The happiest thing is when I face you and defeat you, including crushing your so-called master."


Brother Liu looked at the monster in the mirror surrounded by yellow and white chrysanthemums, and nodded slightly, "Now, I wish you a good journey in advance!"

Although the ants are weak, they can still destroy cause and effect. Even though the dust particles are small, they can still move towards the light.

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