My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1238 Leisure Time (1/2)

Liu Di returned to the experimental graveyard and plunged into research.

Moreover, he operated on multiple lines and promoted multiple events at the same time.

Time passed bit by bit.

Liu Di was preparing everything, working day and night, constantly breaking through one technical problem after another, as if he was addicted to the ocean of science and technology.

He almost never came out of the sea to "breathe".

His greatest happiness was to devote himself wholeheartedly.

At the same time.

Various technologies continued to take shape and succeed, which brought him a strong sense of satisfaction and made him more and more confident about the future.

Morning rises and evening falls.

Unknowingly, 40 days have passed.

Liu Di raised his head from the workbench. His hair had grown nearly 5 cm, his face was full of stubble, and his eyes were a little straight.

Demon Child: "You haven't eaten for about 40 days, and the new human body can't stand such torment."

Liu Di hesitated, "Eating...what?"

Demon Child: "???"


Liu Di abandoned the complicated thoughts in his mind and regained a bit of realistic reason, "Yes, I haven't eaten for a long time."

Liu Di suddenly thought of a question.

Where did the little boy go for so many days? ?

Only then did he remember that he had a son.

Liu Di adjusted the surveillance and found that the boy lived in Ghost Island. He spent 20.3% of his time improving his Gundam mecha, and 45.6% of his time going to Nan Ruoyi's factory to observe the construction of space battleships.

4.33% of his time was spent on punching in at school.

Liu Di exhaled slightly, "With this kid's personality, he will definitely be obsessed with space battleships, but I'm ashamed to say that my clone was there supervising the construction of battleships and didn't even notice his existence."

Mo Tong: "You need to change your mind. If you continue like this, you will become stupid."


"Go for a walk."

Liu Di looked at a scene in his perspective, which was a remote town in the Indo-African Empire.

Two months ago, a witch was born here. She was the messenger of the gods and could summon the gods to answer all the questions for the civilians.

It only costs 300 rubles each time.

It is about 25 Chinese yuan.

The 'gods' would vomit blood if they knew about it. This is not as valuable as a durian.

Liu Di discovered through a precious surveillance picture that the witch's magic weapon was an ancient mirror. After some operation, the figure of the gods could actually emerge in the mirror. It was a change in some purely physical structure without any mechanism.

Liu Di concluded.

The witch should be a rare element controller.

Moreover, as far as we can see now, she is the last one on earth.

Liu Di stretched his muscles, ate a meal, boarded the silver shuttle, and began his journey to relax.


Indo-African Empire, Bangyak Town.

The place where the witch performed the ritual was located in the town's cinema.

This cinema has been deserted because people think that the movie is too bizarre and is all nonsense.

But the arrival of the witch caused a long queue in this cinema. Everyone was very serious. The gods were still reliable.

A man in a white shirt stood in the queue and looked out of place.

The residents of the town secretly complained that the gods had boundless power and all the Chinese people were here.

Looking at the exit on the other side of the cinema, many residents who were instructed by the gods left one after another. Some were full of joy, some were greatly comforted, and some had a little worry on their faces, which should be a bad prediction of the future.

Looking at the team behind him again, many people were dressed in simple clothes, even naked. These were farmers from nearby villages. 300 rubles was probably a month's ration for their family.

The man in the white shirt shook his head secretly.

Faith is indeed a powerful force.

But if it becomes the only thing in people's hearts, whether it is right or wrong is another matter.

The sun was setting slightly in the west.

Liu Di enjoyed the time in line for a while, slowing down the pace for a rare time, and only solved 240 technical problems in his mind. If it were in the experimental cemetery, at least 1,500 would have to be solved.

"What a comfortable vacation."

Liu Di took a step forward and it was the entrance to the cinema. It was finally his turn to meet the "god".

After a dusty corridor, the hall came into view.

However, the lights in the hall were dim, and under the movie screen with holes, there was a figure sitting.

Behind her was a mirror more than one person tall, with ancient patterns carved on the wooden frame.

At first glance, the mirror must have a history of at least 20-30 years.

And the witch, she was wearing a thick woolen cloak, like a monk who slept in the wind and rain.

She slowly turned her head. She was about 50 years old, with wrinkles all over her face and cracked skin.

She stretched out her skinny fingers, with black mud in her nails, and said, "Young man who has come from afar, do you have any questions?"

Liu Di nodded.

He has come from afar.

—— This can be easily judged from his skin color and clothes.

As for the gods she can summon...

The elements in the mirror are nothing more than those.

No matter how much they are used, they have nothing to do with "gods".

Mostly it is a kind of operation of observing people and cold reading.

But the witch pointed to the cloth bag on the edge of the stand.

Liu Di understood and put 1,000 rubles in it, which is the largest denomination of banknotes.

The witch's eyes lit up, and then she smiled so hard that all the wrinkles on her face piled up together.

"Young man with a lot of money, what do you want to ask?"

"The code of wealth?"

"Marriage and love?"

"Or physical condition?"

"Don't worry, with the gods here, everything will be like flowers blooming, and the answer will come naturally."

Liu Di sighed slightly.

This is like those fortune tellers, who only need a set of watertight words to perfectly answer all questions.

If you have expectations in your heart, he will encourage you. If you have worries in your heart, he will lead to the next ritual and conduct secondary sales.

Such as.

'Your destiny is in your own hands. If you abandon the past, you can welcome a new future...'

'Making money is about three tolerances and four concessions. Be ruthless when you should be ruthless, and give up when you should give up...'

'As for love, don't be anxious. On the road, practice enough, and it will come naturally. '

In short.

You can get psychological comfort.

Afterwards, if you think about it carefully, the other party seems to have said nothing.

Liu Di nodded seriously and raised his head and said, "I want to ask, how can I upgrade all the way to the eleventh dimension."


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