Penguin Group Headquarters.

Li Daode looked at the data on the screen and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.


Our ‘Soul Mate’ feature has only been live for a few hours.

The data is so amazing! It won't be long before you two are going to be emptied out! What kind of bullshit algorithm can I copy easily? Creator, cut! Vulnerable! Later, Li Daode picked up the phone and called Teng Hualong excitedly.

"Hey, Mr. Teng, our new function is a great success!" m Well, I saw it, we did a good job! "Haha, Mr. Teng, you were still prepared before. I think you think too highly of the founders and the gang of boys. They are just mediocre!" No one can compete with us penguins! Teng Hualong's voice was slightly angry: "Vice President Li, let me give you a piece of advice. Don't get too carried away and don't underestimate the founder!" It's just the beginning! "Li Daode frowned, thinking that Mr. Daoteng is still too cautious! It is because of your caution that we Penguins are restricted to China! Moreover, we have recently revised our strategy and advocated the concept of integrated network service providers. No, Groups are encouraged to plagiarize.

Alas...he is still too rigid! If I were in charge, we Penguins would have dominated the world long ago! Li Daode said this in his heart, but he responded with his mouth, "Don't worry, Mr. Teng, I will treat it carefully and give you a satisfactory answer!" At this time, 3 hours had passed since Penguin released "Soul Mate".

A large number of comments also emerged on the Internet! 'Penguin quickly overcomes the difficulties and obtains the core functions of Gemini. Gemini is in danger! ’ ‘Di San’s so-called programming genius is still no match for Penguin’s talent! ’ ‘The founder was too young and ultimately lost to the penguin with profound knowledge! '' Internet emerging companies failed to break through, and the Penguin blockade was as strong as steel! ’...The Founder Company.

It’s a busy time! The programmers' fingers flew into the air and the keyboards crackled! The designers clicked with their mouse and stared intently! Even the back-office and administrative staff are typing as fast as they can within the company! A quick trot! Delivering documents and coffee, extremely busy! Ah Jia is in the office, not daring to stare at the work progress for a moment! In his mind, Brother Liu's 12-hour countdown is comparable to the speed of life and death! "Boss Di San! I have encountered a problem here, please come and help me!" A programmer suddenly raised his hand, sweating profusely! Brother Liu came closer.

"Boss, there is something wrong with the code here. My logic is wrong no matter how I calculate it! Report an error!" Liu Di patted his shoulder lightly and said with a smile: "Relax a little.

"Then the programmer gave up his seat.

Brother Liu slowly sat down, crossed his fingers and stretched his muscles.

Hearing the sound, the surrounding workstations all poked their heads out.

A beautiful female colleague secretly covered her mouth and whispered, "Boss's fingers are so beautiful, slender and snow-white. She must be so beautiful when playing the piano!" Another woman said at the same time: "What are you looking at? Boss only has beautiful fingers." "Isn't your face beautiful?" "Oh, yes!" Suddenly, the sound of keyboard tapping was so dense that it almost formed a branch line! I saw Brother Liu's fingers flying on the keyboard, so fast that afterimages almost appeared! There is no pause in the code on the screen.

Line by line unfolds quickly and smoothly! The programmers became more and more shocked as they watched! This speed is almost as fast as copying and pasting! And everything in this code points directly to the point! Not a trace of encumbrance.

It’s both concise and logically clear! Long before entering the company.

Motong helped Liu Di integrate top programming technology and the top coding ideas on the Internet! Coupled with Liu Di's new human system, the reaction speed from finger to brain is at least 20 times that of ordinary people! The processing speed of the computer in front of me can no longer keep up with Brother Liu's input.

A lag occurred.

But Brother Liu is still typing blindly! After 2 seconds, dozens of lines of code appeared on the stuck screen! The programmers' lips trembled slightly.

This is the great god... No.

This is simply awesome! He is too strong! I really want to know if there is anyone in this world who is better than the third boss in programming? AmiTofu! Great God, please accept my worship! More and more people came after hearing the sound, forming a small stage with Liu Di as the center.

5 minutes later.

There is only one thought in everyone's mind - they want to kneel down.

despair! Brother Liu gently tapped the Enter key for the last time.

"Phew...done!" He looked back and saw faces that were dull and numb.

Brother Liu was slightly startled, "Why, have you finished the work at hand?" "Uh... I'm sorry, boss!" Boom... everyone dispersed! They all returned to their work stations, excited! I have to work hard! I also want the hand speed and thinking of Di San Da Da! Click, click, click... Keyboard tapping sounds everywhere! The creator is busy again! Work hard towards your dreams and idols! ...11 hours later.

Penguin Vice President's Office.

Li Daode stared at the data screen in front of him.

His face turned green! It has been 11 hours since the launch of the ‘Soul Mate’ function.

There are a lot of bad reviews! "What a nonsense!" "I thought that being like a Gemini could help me find a soulmate! But I got a lot of offers for sex!" I chatted there for a long time, thinking that a girl with good looks and good intentions would be recommended to me. , it turned out that she just revealed her secret, she is a big man who picks his feet! "It's true that I love off-roading, but what the hell do you mean by trying to sell me a bunch of cars?" "What do you mean, mine is even more outrageous!" "I've been feeling a little unwell with my heart recently, and I went to the hospital for a diagnosis. After a few calls, he actually recommended a one-stop funeral service to me! "Fuck you!" "If all my customers weren't here, I would have deleted this software right away." I feel sick to my stomach!" "Don't worry, Mr. Penguin, there are still countless bad reviews on the way..."...see here.

Li Daode's face looked like it was painted green.

Indeed, as the reviews say, there are still countless negative reviews on the way.

How active it was before, how many bad reviews it will get later! He looked at the shivering technical director.

Liu Daode frowned and said, "Tell me what's going on.

"The technical director wiped his sweat.

"Mr. Li, let me tell the truth now!" "Gemini's technology cannot be copied at all!" "I, a small technical director who has been engaged in network development for 20 years...his code, I I can’t understand it at all!” “The soulmate function we launched is just superficial!” “It looks like a strange match, but it’s actually a parallel import!” “I was forced to make such a thing!” "I can't achieve a true soul match!" "Kill or behead as you wish!" the technical director said, turning his head with despair on his face! Li Daode's body was shaking! It was pitch black before my eyes, and the world was spinning! "Get out... get out of here!" Ding ding ding... Li Daode's cell phone rang.

Caller: Teng Hualong!

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