My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1130 is just around the corner (1/2)

"Brother Liu, pay attention."

But it was the voice of the devil boy.

The 3D graphics in Liu Di's perspective changed and incorporated new data.

But he saw that the essence of the wormhole was like a vortex rotating at high speed. Its rotation distorted the surrounding space and time.

There are countless wormholes on site, and they work together, causing the entire space to be twisted, like countless stirrers, stirring a drink called 'space-time'.

Brother Liu narrowed his eyes, "It seems like the time and space here are out of sync with the outside world."

The devil boy said: "I guess the time must be out of sync! The speed here is N times greater than the outside world!"

Liu Di nodded suddenly, "So that means I can go back to the outside world, wait for a moment, and then go back to see if time here has been accelerated."

Just do it!

Brother Liu looked back and saw that behind him, the background was dark and scattered like a knitted sweater, filled with various colorful wormholes.

There was no way to find the exit.

Brother Liu paused slightly, "This is the fatal part of the road back home. Those who come can't find their way back!"

"Jie Jie."

The eight-armed mole held its claws with broken nails and laughed strangely.

Brother Liu looked sideways, "Are you laughing so hard?"


Mole, who had a "strange smile like a mastermind behind the scenes", suppressed his smile and said, "I just got too involved in the drama."

It immediately said harmlessly: "It is very likely that you came in through a certain wormhole, and there are countless wormholes here, and you can't find which one it is, so you may have to stay and accompany you forever." You're following me, Jie... Jie..."

Brother Liu sighed helplessly.

He raised his hand and looked at the time halberd in the sky.

He sensed that the Time Halberd had a feeling of completely dominating this place, just like a spider hunting, the target would first be caught in the net, and then slowly digested.

But I saw the time halberd in the air, as if it had its own wisdom, flew out with a bang, and directly hit a thick wormhole. The wormhole was instantly filled with cracks, and a gap was opened for people to walk in.

Then the Time Halberd turned around magnificently and continued to absorb the entire space.

It seems to be able to speak - in order to prevent you from taking me away forcibly and affecting absorption, I will send you away first.

Brother Liu nodded silently.

A word came to mind: a loving father and a filial son.

Eight-armed Mole: "..."

Brother Liu didn't stop and went straight to the wormhole.


Outside the road home.

Gu Gu Gu almost poured out the entire bottle of wine, leaving only the last cup.

He sighed: "Brother Liu has the ability to divide himself and explore countless results. This is exactly the 'trap' on the way back home. There are countless spaces. Lu Yao not only knows the power of horses, but also makes horses exhausted. , fell down suddenly!"

Gu Beijiang's face turned a little pale, "Perhaps, Brother Liu will encounter the call of Gao Dimension again..."

Gugugu chuckled foolishly, "The top life follows cause and effect. If you don't succeed once, there will be no next time. Do you think it is a charity?"

"The entrance looks like a door, but actually... Brother Liu entered rashly this time, and the probability of coming out is less than one in a million. After all, this is the maze left by our ancestors. How lucky I was back then. ? It’s nonsense to say that there is no end to the sea of ​​suffering, but it is a sea of ​​suffering. Who can just turn back? "

The father and son fell silent one after another.

Because of their temporary prejudice, the young man went to a dead end. They were not evil people, and they felt extremely guilty.

But this time.

The black vortex was steaming and surging.

The man in the white shirt stepped forward.


Gu Gu Gu's body trembled, his eyes widened, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed!

"Good boy!"

"It's really extraordinary!"

"Under such odds, you actually came out!"

"What a blessing!"

Gu Gugu stood up and said excitedly: "Brother Liu, you don't have to worry about Gu Fan. No, I called his father here. Let's show you in public that we trust you! Yours future..."

But Brother Liu stretched out his hand slightly, "Senior, we will talk about it later."

However, Brother Liu turned around and started on his way home again!


Gu Gugu and Gu Beijiang were stunned on the spot, unable to react for a moment.

And after Brother Liu entered the road to return home.

The analysis data of the demon boy also unfolded.

"Judging from the absorption level of the Time Halberd, nearly 120 years have passed here!"

Brother Liu was also quite shocked.

In just one moment, 120 years?

The demon boy added: "And as the ability of the Time Halberd increases, its absorption speed is gradually accelerating, so the total absorption time is also decreasing step by step. We need to calculate the results several times more!"

Brother Liu also feels that there is much to do.

Turn around and start your journey home again.

Gugugu, who was in a dazed state, suddenly saw the figure in white and walked out calmly.

Brother Liu stood at the exit and didn't go far. He nodded towards the two of them and smiled politely.


He turned around and went in again!

"Ah this!"

Gugugu is like being struck by lightning!

The devil boy's voice sounded in Liu Di's mind again, "This time, 127.2 years have passed! The devouring rate should be N+1.06."

Brother Liu nodded.

On the road home again.

But when he saw two wooden sculptures standing outside the door, he was dumbfounded.

Liu Di also nodded slowly and saluted, turned around, and entered the Homeward Path again.

Gugugugu rubbed his eyes, "Did he treat our ancestors' Homeward Path as a toilet and go in and out?"

Gu Beijiang was also stunned, "Father, if we compare it with the toilet, it is not enough to describe his speed."

Just at this moment.

A little loli in a red skirt walked in, holding a teddy bear, looking at everything curiously, and asked: "Is Aidou here? I have been waiting for a long time in the silver shuttle, and he didn't come back."

Gugugu and his son were stunned.

But the Homeward Path flashed, and Liu Di walked out again, "Don't worry, Bo Lin, I am calculating something."

"Then Bo Lin also wants to go with you."


Liu Di nodded, took Bo Lin's little hand, and strolled into the Homeward Path.

Gugugu was even more shocked, "Not only does he come in and out casually, but he also brings a child."

About a minute later.

Liu Di and the little loli in the red skirt walked out.

The little girl was very excited, "It's fun here, it's colorful, and there's a big rat!"

"Brother Liu, Brother Liu, let's go in again!"


Watching the two disappear.

Gugugu and Gu Beijiang were completely shut up.

"Brother Liu, according to the growth rate, in reality, the Time Halberd will absorb all the wormholes in about two months!"

"Of course, the upgrade prospects of the Time Halberd are somewhat uncertain, and the overall time may be advanced again!"

Brother Liu slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

The happiest time in life is not the moment of gain, but the days that are just around the corner.

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