My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1126: Confrontation between the front and the back (1/2)

"The murderer in that place seems to be able to release a kind of poisonous gas that corrodes people. I admit that with our current capabilities, we can't fight him!"

But Duan Hua said seriously: "I can only ask you, a level \u0026 # 38; player, to take action! But you have to be careful, maybe you can't beat him? After all, his method is pervasive poisonous gas. If you can't beat him, run away. Duan Chang asked me to keep it secret for you!"

"Captain Duan, save your provocation."

"I must go to Jianshui Village!"

Liu Di made a prompt decision and turned the direction of the silver shuttle directly!

He also narrowed his eyes and stared at the picture in front of him.

This is a scene in the forest. In the dim sky, a tall and terrifying monster, wearing a curtain from a villager's house, with scarlet eyes, shuttled through the woods!

This is the only picture captured by the Sky Eye!

Although it tried its best to cover its body, Liu Di recognized it at a glance. This is Mo Yu's No. 1 experimental subject!

"It caused the death of more than a dozen villagers and members of Longwei."

Liu Di's eyes flashed with purple light, and he slowly clenched his fists, "Poison?"



In Jianshui Village, this monster whose heart was trampled, after killing three deformed bodies, roared to the sky and rushed into the forest!

It wanted to find the pale young man!

I saw Du's body rushing through the jungle, destroying everything in its path, shuttling back and forth at a speed close to teleportation!

Its body suddenly stopped.

That sick guy couldn't run so far!

Suddenly came back to his senses!

Du violently turned back and rushed back to Jianshui Village!

But suddenly found that the pale young man had secretly returned to Jianshui Village a long time ago. He had discovered before that Du had been furious and killed his three men!

And in this process, the terrifying power that Du erupted made him almost urinate incontinence!

But this man was extremely insidious.

He knew that Du was angry because of the villagers of Jianshui Village, at least because of one of them!


He had kidnapped all the villagers in the village, including men, women, young and old, including the extremely weak Xirou!

The pale young man at this time stood in front of all the villagers, holding a child of about ten years old in his hand, and looked at Du.

"Don't act rashly!"

The pale young man shouted from a distance, his body trembling, "Otherwise I will poison everyone!"

Du stood still and exhaled a heavy breath, "Humble and despicable human beings!"

The pale young man was hysterical, "We are all mutant creatures, why should we kill each other! Not to mention because of these slaves!"

Du didn't answer at all, and took a step forward with his devilish feet.

The pale young man trembled more and more violently, "Let me go! I promise, I will never come back again!"


The pale young man raised the child in his hand and shouted: "Otherwise, we will die together!"

Du's eyes, through the pale young man's body, looked at the trembling Xirou behind him.


Du snorted coldly and continued to walk!

"Don't come over here!"

The pale young man almost collapsed, and silver mist emanated from his arms, instantly covering the child in his hand, and the child's body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye!

It was also at this moment.

Du kicked the ground with his feet, and his body shot out like a bullet!

It arrived in an instant!

He wanted to catch the pale young man and force him to come up with a detoxification method to save Xi Rou!

But he saw that the young man was already scared and began to emit silver poison mist all over his body!

These poisons hit Du's body, but he ignored them and could not break his defense!

At the critical moment.

Du swung out a claw!

The sharp claws cut through the neck of the pale young man like tofu!

At this moment, his eyes bulged, his pupils dilated instantly, and his vitality disappeared!



Two bodies fell, one was the dried corpse of the child in the pale young man's hand, and the other was the pale young man himself!

But the pale young man's head was caught in Du's hand!

The scene at this time.

Blood splattered nearly ten meters, two corpses lay horizontally, and Du, like a devil from hell, stood on the ground holding a human head!

The remaining villagers could not accept the situation in front of them at all!

Seeing Du slowly walking, they were terrified, unable to distinguish between friend and foe, and crawled backwards, "Don't come over! Don't come over! Devil!"

At this moment.

A silver light flashed across the sky.

Without waiting for the silver shuttle to land.

A man in a white shirt and slightly long hair jumped down from the sky!

He landed on the ground with a bang, just between Du and the people of Jianshui Village!

At this time, his right eye flashed purple strangely, and his face was gloomy!

Although he looked like a human, he had a terrifying aura, which was on par with Du!

The villagers were also silent, and they always felt that this scene was a confrontation between a god and a devil.

The man who came was Liu Di.

He glanced around, his eyes flashing with coldness, "Stop right there!"

Du was still holding the pale young man's head in his hand, and at this moment he clenched the hair on the head.

Du knew who the person was, and could even feel a blood connection and blood suppression!

He also felt that the other party was powerful and invincible.

Du glanced at Xirou behind him. At this moment, most of her cheek had been corroded by the poison, and she was in danger.


Du clenched his sharp teeth in his mouth, making a sound like steel bars, and said in a low voice: "No, stop, me."

Brother Liu frowned, "I was letting you go before."

"No nonsense!"

Du was so angry that he rushed out and punched Liu Di in the face!

There was a loud bang, the air flow rippled, and grass and rocks splashed!

But he saw Brother Liu raising his right arm to block that terrifying punch, motionless as a mountain!


Du's fists fell like raindrops, and his sharp claws cut out like black light!

Boom boom boom!


Brother Liu kept using his arms and liquid metal to block him!

But Brother Liu deliberately lured it away from the villagers. The two bodies continuously smashed through the bamboo pavilion, punching to the flesh, a truly devastating physical attack!

Mighty air currents can be seen everywhere in the air, as well as substantial sound waves!

far away.

Cao Chenghe came with dozens of Longwei members and happened to see this scene!

The aftermath of those two figures' punches could shatter the ground.

"This strike force is similar to that of an intercontinental missile!"

Some Longwei members were shocked, "Is this the legendary Emperor Wu? And where did that monster come from? It's so powerful!"

Boom boom boom!

His single pair of eyes were scarlet, and he was striking wildly!

But it always held the head in its hand, and he briefly believed that the detoxification method would be hidden in this head!

But Brother Liu was taking his time.

"Give me peace."

Liu Di, who had been on defense, suddenly stretched out a straight punch and hit Du's chest. With a loud bang, Du flew back. His body seemed to have smashed through layers of sound barriers and smashed into the soil, plowing a huge ravine. !

The next moment.

Du stood up boldly, "Humble..."

It stopped muttering to itself, and then roared angrily: "If I evolve to my final state, you won't be able to defeat me! But this battle is ahead of schedule! However, you can't even think of stopping me!"

Du Du rushed out like a cannonball again!

But when he saw the gloomy Liu Di, a red light suddenly flashed in his right eye, but then it flashed away. He took half a step back and punched straight again. There was another loud bang, and Du flew back again. !

When Du got up again, blood was already bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

But it was at this moment.

Du suddenly caught a glimpse of a little girl in a red dress squatting next to Xirou. The little girl said to herself, "Oh, it's chloride. Calcium hydroxide can neutralize it!"

But I saw the little girl stretched out her hands and shook them like magic.


Xirou's pained expression quickly subsided, her face also glowed, and the poisons that were eroding her body seemed to have stopped!

Du's body paused slightly.

Xirou's poison...has been released?

But he saw Brother Liu slowly walking over, looking down and saying, "If I want to kill you, there are at least 10 ways."

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