My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1185 The same combination (1/2)

With a bang, the huge blue palm smacked down hard.

At the same time, a blue solid space appeared under the Baby of the Universe, forming a pincer attack from above and below.

Boom boom boom!

The force of the palm falling was extremely brutal, and the baby of the universe broke through the sound barriers, fell into the abyss, and fell apart.

Quantum body, physics becomes god.

Brother Liu took back his palm.

He glanced at Porphyrin, who was standing on his feet, looking up at him blankly.

He glanced at the dull Jiang Lao again.

With a vast voice, he said slowly: "Mr. Jiang, I don't know why, everything is natural."


"Is there any heavenly justice?"

Jiang Lao felt sad, his body shrank infinitely, and turned into a lonely old man.

However, he saw that Brother Liu's momentum was not diminishing, and he was about to walk into the depths of the universe.

Jiang Lao raised his head and said half-deadly: "What are you doing?"

Brother Liu said: "Take advantage of the situation and kill that Eshi!"

"As long as you can."


Jiang Lao felt a little aggrieved and said silently: "Do you really think you are invincible? Eshi is a real high-dimensional person. Unlike our technological stream, he can penetrate your consciousness with just one thought, and your quantum body can't No chance to use it.”

Brother Liu stopped.

Jiang Lao sighed again: "Do you really think that the high-dimensional barrier protected him when I was confronting Eshi just now? In fact, the barrier protected me."

"You think you can hit him in the head with a pistol?"

"In fact, the moment before you shot, people could have completely erased you from your father's generation."

"There will be no shadow of you in all the time and space under the sky."

Brother Liu hesitated for a moment.

Curb your anger and turn right into purple light.

The body shrunk and turned into blue light and shadow, standing in front of Jiang Lao.

Jiang Laoba chirped: "I originally wanted to teach you something, but now I suddenly don't want to teach you anymore."

Porlin stood beside Jiang Lao, looking at Brother Liu and said: "Jiang Lao, you have nothing to teach me, right?"


Cough cough cough!

Jiang Lao cleared his throat, almost getting stuck and died on the spot.

Brother Liu slowly bowed, "Mr. Jiang, you gave me this body. Thank you for your kindness in recreating it."

"Sentinel class."

Jiang Lao said a few words lazily, with a rather reluctant expression.


Brother Liu was slightly startled, "What did you say?"

Mr. Jiang glanced at Brother Liu and said, "Sentinel class, high-dimensional life in the universe. In addition to being divided into dimensions, there are also combat power levels. You are now a sentinel class, just like this doctor."

Porlin laughed and said, "Brother Liu, don't mind. Mr. Jiang is jealous. Mr. Jiang has worked hard all his life and is almost dying of old age before he reaches the sentinel level."

"I bother!"

"Porphyrin, what are you talking about?"

"Who's dying?"

"Also, my great Dr. Jiang, how can I be jealous?"

"It can be said."

Mr. Jiang looked at Brother Liu, "You have just arrived in the sixth dimension. Why can you defeat eight-dimensional creatures? You are obviously in the fourth stage of gene lock. Why can you control the quantum god body so easily? And with such proficiency? Why does he have it? Is there any reason to kill monsters?"

"Is there any justice left?!"

Jiang Lao jumped half a meter and went crazy!

Brother Liu pursed his lips.

Porphyry held his forehead and said, "Mr. Jiang, your true nature has been exposed. It's so embarrassing."

Liu Di gave a dry laugh and said sincerely: "Mr. Jiang, I know there is a gap in our strength, and I cannot thank you based on my strength, but... I still have many questions."


Of course Brother Liu has a lot of questions!

Who are these young and old people?

Who is Eshi?

They are obviously high-dimensional creatures!

Brother Liu's words, 'There is a gap in strength, I can't thank you', made Mr. Jiang feel slightly relieved. This kid can still recognize the reality!

"I, Jiang Xiu, a professor of quantum physics on Earth, a new human being, broke through the fourth dimension in August 2021, and am now in the ninth dimension."

As he said that, Jiang Lao pointed to the little girl in the red dress who was tapping her little feet on the side, eagerly waiting for her to be introduced, and said: "This is Porphyry, the tenth series of strong artificial intelligence."

Jiang Lao is lazy.

A thunder exploded in Liu Di's mind.

New humanity?

Strong artificial intelligence?

The tenth sequence!

It was four dimensions last August, nine dimensions now? !

Brother Liu's eyes widened, "This..."

Are there other new humans on earth, and other artificial intelligences that are higher than the demon boy? !

And Jiang Lao, broke through five dimensions in one year? !

But Mr. Jiang, why are you so weak and approachable? !

The messages that exploded one after another made Brother Liu unable to accept it!

Demon boy, "Shivering, how is that possible?"

Liu Di subconsciously glanced at the little girl in the tutu. There was no projection equipment here. She could simulate her body. Moreover, she had not taken action. She was four sequences ahead of the demon boy. What evolution direction did she choose? ? What other skills do you have?

"Are you so surprised? Yes, you heard it right, we are both new humans + artificial intelligence."

Jiang Lao glanced at Brother Liu, "Now let me ask you, does your artificial intelligence also record the level of the new human beings in the program? Tell me, what is your fourth stage prompt?"

Brother Liu nodded.

One question for another, fair.

He said slowly: "In the fourth stage, the body is between the state of quantum collapse and quantum diffusion, and at the same time, it goes deep into the microscopic level, touches the quantum state, and can infinitely extract zero-point energy..."

Liu Di slowly read out the annotations of the fourth stage of the gene lock.

But the old man looked uglier and uglier.

When Liu Di finished reading, he was shocked, "So many!!!"

Then, the old man looked at Bo Lin with an unbelievable look on his face, "Why are there only four words in my record - quantum body? At that time, I was in a state of confusion, and I sighed at the mysterious creation of the world?"

But Bo Lin lowered his head and kept touching with two fingers, "I only remember this much."

The old man took a breath and looked at this cute little girl who always accompanied him. She was like his granddaughter, a little princess, and he had no way to deal with her.

But, this little princess is not a fake artificial intelligence?

And himself, is he not a fake new human?

At this time, Brother Liu first defuses the awkward atmosphere and asks, "Old Jiang, what about the Ezreal before, and those dimensional monsters?"

Old Jiang comes back to his senses, "These high-dimensional creatures... poor people rely on mutation, rich people rely on technology, we obviously rely on technology, and those people in the Four-Dimensional Village rely on the genes of their ancestors..."

Brother Liu's eyes flicker.

"As for that Eshi."

The old man suddenly became cautious. "He is a primitive high-dimensional creature! Pure bloodline, not passed down from generation to generation, does not need the assistance of technology, directly ranked at the top, eternal!"

"In terms of combat power, you and I are sentinel-level, but he is fear-level. Those high-dimensional creatures just now seemed to be eight-dimensional, but they were actually next to him. The distorted position caused by their own mass alone can tear those monsters into pieces."

The old man looked at Liu Di with some awe, "It's your misfortune that he has set his sights on you, but fortunately, you are only six-dimensional at most, so there is a high-level barrier to protect you."

"But remember."

"There is a huge gap between us and Eshi, and the roads are completely different. It depends on how you find another way!"

Invisibly, another mountain pressed on Liu Di's heart.

He stretched out his arm, the quantum light faded, revealing his body, and above him was a colorful high-dimensional virus.

The first thing Liu Di thought of was not to ask how to increase the dimension, but how to crack the virus. Without this premise, all the future is meaningless.

Jiang Lao's eyes lit up.

Under normal circumstances, if Liu Di was targeted by E Shi, he would be in trouble.

However, this so-called "high-dimensional virus" is the fundamental reason why Jiang Lao trusts Liu Di!

But Liu Di said in a low voice: "Jiang Lao, you are a real master, do you know how to crack this virus?"




Jiang Lao laughed, hope on his face, and said boldly: "@#¥%……\u0026 # 38;*!"

Liu Di tilted his head slightly, thinking that there was something wrong with his ears.

But no matter how he listened, he still felt that there was a layer of glass between him and Jiang Lao, and all Jiang Lao's words turned into squeaking.

It was like the sound waves were filtered and broken by someone and could not be received by the ears.

Liu Di took a breath slowly, "This?!"

Jiang Lao was talking with his hands and feet dancing, getting more and more excited, but gradually, Jiang Lao also realized that something was wrong, and gradually lowered the volume and the speed of speech.

He seemed to be trying to figure out what was wrong with his voice.


A look of fear appeared on Jiang Lao's face.

Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

His whole body seemed to fall into an ice river, and a chill rose from his heart.

Suddenly, he said to the little girl in a red skirt beside him, the only one who could hear his words, "Not good! It's very bad! Our information cannot be transmitted. There is a Supreme who is calling Brother Liu, and there is also a Supreme who is blocking Brother Liu! There is a huge conspiracy vortex swirling around Brother Liu!"

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