My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1179: Rules of Higher Dimensions (1/2)

In a space bubble.

Jiang Lao gasped, "Oh my god, the earth is about to collapse."

Porlin stared, "Lao Jiang, you crow's mouth!"

Jiang Lao clicked his tongue and said: "Anyway, at least he can't continue to destroy the high-dimensional summons."

The little bear doll held in Porlin's hand instantly turned into a brick and flew to the back of Jiang Lao's head with a thud.

"Lao Jiang! He can't continue to destroy, but he is dead! Summon a ghost!"

Jiang Laosheng turned a blind eye and said, "Don't panic, don't panic, I'm here, wait until I have a look at that kid's future!"

"Look at your size!"

"Hurry and save people!"

Bricks appeared in Porin's hands again.

Jiang Lao grinned, stretched out a finger and said: "People must be saved, but the premise is that from now on, Porlin, you are not allowed to call me Jiang Lao, you must call me Dr. Jiang."

"Stop talking nonsense, Mr. Jiang!"

Although Jiang Lao said this, the bubbles the two of them stepped on were already flying rapidly towards the earth.


In the long river of time.

The figure against the universe was hidden in the light, quietly looking at the cut Liu Di.

He knew that this kid's consciousness was shattered and he was dead.

But this figure is neither sad nor happy, and has no emotions. Like humans, how can there be any emotional fluctuations when throwing an empty drink bottle into the trash can?

When you see all of time and space, thousands of lives are all in the blink of an eye.

Who will cry for a broken dust?

Not to mention Brother Liu, even if the earth is broken, it will still be dust.

He turned around slowly, preparing to leave the universe.

"Eshi, stop here."

Colorful bubbles slowly descended, and Jiang Lao's gown slowly fluttered.

The figure paused for a moment, then slowly turned around. His head, hidden in the light, suddenly lit up with a pair of dark eyes.

"Jiang Xiu."

The figure's voice sounded out of thin air, coming from all directions, low and hoarse.

The old man gritted his teeth and said, "Call me Dr. Jiang!"

The figure behind the universe was still neither sad nor happy, and said slowly: "I killed one person, do I still need to explain to you? Have you degenerated?"

But he saw Porlin behind Jiang Lao, constantly turning the bear in his hand into bricks, and then smashing them at the figure called Eshi.

However, Porlin's method seemed to be some kind of procedural simulation and could not cause any real harm.

Eshi glanced at Porphyrin with his dark eyes, then turned to Jiang Lao, "You have also killed low-dimensional creatures, and you also know the load of the universe."

"You and I are both Nine Dimensions, what do you want?"

Eshi slowly raised his head, neither sad nor happy.

Jiang Lao looked like an old scholar. He slowly took out a metal ballpoint pen from his breast pocket and clicked it.

He said: "The nine dimensions also have high and low levels. The reason why the universe is overburdened is because of the lack of top-level life to maintain order. Also, I have never killed low-dimensional creatures."

Urshi's dark eyes narrowed slightly, "Do you think this ant can be promoted to a top life form? It's funny, he still has a virus on his body."

Jiang Lao obviously had a strong sense of humanity and chuckled at this moment, "I said there is a gap between us, but you still don't believe it, virus? Eshi, what the hell do you know?!"

Urshi's voice suddenly dropped, "His promotion path is also technology, and he has the same origin as you. You want to protect him? I can't understand. You are already in the ninth dimension, and you are still controlled by emotions?"

Jiang Lao stopped talking.

He stretched out his ballpoint pen and drew lines around Ursa. Every time he drew a line, a piece of the universe behind Ursa was cut off.

Finally, the pen in Jiang Laojiang's hand moved horizontally and cut towards E Shi's neck.

A thin line less than ten centimeters, extremely dark, with cracks in space and time around it, arrived silently.

But it's a pity.

Before this thin line touched Eshi's neck, it hit an invisible barrier and then disappeared.

"The tenth dimension has set the rules. We cannot hurt each other."

Eshi didn't move the whole time, still neither sad nor happy.

Jiang Lao put away his pen, "I know, I just feel disgusted with you."

When the angle of view was zoomed out, a huge tortoise was drawn on the back of Eshi, covering the entire starry sky.

Ershi's eyes instantly narrowed into slits.

Porphyrin on the side was still throwing bricks.

Jiang Lao stretched out his thumb and pointed at Brother Liu behind him, "One day in the future, Brother Liu will come down from the eleventh dimension and crush you with his own hands."

Eshi, who was neither sad nor happy, finally smiled and sneered.

"Jiang Xiu, you protect him, and I'll kill him. That's it, there is no future."

Jiang Lao pouted, "He will return to the three-dimensional world. As long as his consciousness is not split, you cannot interfere. This is a limitation of high dimensions."


Ershi closed his eyes and his body completely turned into light and shadow, "He is invincible in three dimensions, four dimensions, and even five dimensions, but he ignores important things, which is enough to kill him."

Say it.

Eshi stepped on the tortoise-shaped universe and slowly disappeared.

But in the next moment.

There was a violent explosion in the direction where he disappeared, green mushroom clouds rose, and Eshi's staggering figure could still be vaguely seen.

Jiang Lao looked stunned.

But it was Porin who stuck out his tongue and said: "Those bricks I just threw turned into neutron bombs. I know they can't hurt him, but I just want to disgust him."

Jiang Lao nodded speechlessly.

But in the next moment, Porlin ran back in tears, holding Liu Di's head, staring at his extinguished right eye, " boyfriend...wuwu!"

Jiang Lao also turned around slowly.

Liu Di's body had been cut into more than a dozen small pieces by the centaur pattern, and these small pieces had already fallen apart and were floating in the air.

Jiang Lao stepped forward and saw that the cut surface of Liu Di's body was also covered with high-dimensional viruses.

He nodded with relief, "Now the virus has entered your body, I want to see how you can break it up and cut it off, haha, why do I feel so evil."

At this time.

Bo Lin was already holding half of Liu Di's head, staring with his big watery eyes, as if the universe was weightless, rolling and floating farther and farther.

Jiang Lao sighed softly, stretched out his hand and grabbed Bo Lin and the head back.

Then, like a puzzle, he pieced Liu Di's body together.

But at this time, Liu Di still maintained the posture of stepping forward, his body was full of cracks, and his eyes were full of dead gray.

Jiang Lao touched his chin, "It seems that something is missing?"


Jiang Lao clapped his hands, "Yes, Liao! He is still missing a spiritual consciousness. I will inject one of my spiritual consciousness into him, and he will be able to open up the Ren and Du meridians and be reborn in Nirvana!"

Bo Lin tilted his head, looking shocked, "Jiang Lao, what nonsense are you talking about? Do you have spiritual consciousness?"

Jiang Lao suddenly realized, "Oh, we are a technology stream, I don't have that thing! But, Dr. Jiang, I have a quantum body!"

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