My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1177 The End of the Long River (1/2)

Liu Di saw hope.

He broke off a corner of the ‘orange glass piece’ on the back of his hand, which represented the fourth dimension, squinted his eyes, and pinched off the thin threads on the back of it one by one.

Every time he pinched off a thread, his world seemed to tremble slightly.

After a while, this small piece of glass was isolated and turned into starlight, which disappeared out of thin air.

Looking at the back of his hand again, the colorful virus dimmed a lot, and the area was reduced by nearly one centimeter.

Although it was only a small piece on the back of his hand, it represented the correctness of the method.

Liu Di was more and more happy, and continued to extend his claws to the light green virus layer representing the fifth dimension.

Continue to break off a piece, continue to pinch off the thin thread, and continue to test.

Then came the virus layer like a green gem representing the sixth dimension.

During this process, Liu Di kept his head down and walked forward.

The arc of the corner of his mouth became bigger and bigger, and he became more and more obsessed.


He locked his eyes on the seventh dimension, which was a light gray layer.

At this time, the virus on the back of his hand, which he had repeatedly drained away, had shrunk to half of its original size, and its luster had sharply decreased.

Liu Di reached out to grab the gray layer. It was very thin and felt like an ice crystal that would break at the touch.

But when Liu Di pinched it, his brows slightly knitted. He felt like he was trying to break off a corner of the world. What he felt on his fingertips was an indestructible hardness.

Liu Di's brows furrowed a little more.

Released more power.

He felt that his whole world was trembling, and there was a creaking sound in the air, which was like an illusion, but also like a real sound.

"The virus must be cracked!"

Liu Di gritted his teeth, and heard a crisp shattering sound from his fingertips, and a corner of the gray glass fell off.

He exhaled slowly and continued to pinch the filaments behind the virus, but the silver thread that was almost like a hair felt indestructible!

Before, every thread of the glass pieces of three, four, five, and six dimensions could be easily broken, which was very comfortable.

But in this ‘seventh dimension’, every step is difficult!

For a long time, Brother Liu only struggled with that thread, and it took a lot of effort to break it with a snap!

Mo Tong said: "Brother Liu, I found a pattern! The farther we go in the long river of future time, the stronger the interference with the ‘seventh dimension’ virus!"


Brother Liu continued to struggle with the next thread, and he said with his eyes fixed: "I guess, we have already controlled the power of three, four, five, and six dimensions, so it is also very simple to treat the corresponding virus, and the seventh dimension is our unknown area, which requires step-by-step improvement."


"Higher dimensions look down on lower dimensions, and the six dimensions you said can look down on yourself, but when I bypass ‘myself’ and look down, I have another feeling, that is, between the fingers, everything is included, and there is no size difference in space, which contains each other and circulates back and forth."

"It's not impossible to pinch a world with your fingertips."

"The viruses in my body are worlds, and I live in this world with the viruses."

"Although, I don't know why I feel this way."

The demon boy was also puzzled, and murmured: "This should be a feeling that only high-dimensional creatures can understand, but I am not a creature."

Liu Di was still concentrating on pinching the thin wire, "Now we have reached the seventh-dimensional virus, which is the limit of my understanding. I can't look down from the eighth dimension, so it's very difficult for me to break them."


"Fortunately, the road of the long river of time is right."

"As long as I keep going, I will slowly improve!"


A crisp sound came, and Liu Di finally broke another silk thread.

The expression of joy only appeared on Liu Di's face for a moment, and then froze.

But Liu Di had unknowingly walked to the end of the long river of time, with one foot hanging in the air!

Under him, there was endless nothingness!

The long river of time deduced from the molecular future has now run out!

Although the road surface under his feet is still growing, the speed is very slow.

Liu Di's body is somewhat petrified.

Thoughts are surging in his mind.

I still need more time.

But it's okay.

If the three to six-dimensional virus layers on the body can be cut off, the virus will be suppressed. This is the case for me and Gu Fan!

This will buy time!

Liu Di's face is shining. Careful cultivation, God rewards hard work, at least a breakthrough has been found!

But the luster on Liu Di's face is getting brighter.

Because at the end of this long river of time, a light spot suddenly lit up in the darkness in front of him.

It gradually became brighter and emitted a mist, and every particle in the mist was getting bigger and brighter.


Patterns began to appear in the mist, which were galaxies, star belts, nebulae, shining stars, countless orbiting planets, and humble dust.

Just a sudden realization.

A miniature universe appeared in front of Brother Liu!

And it continued to expand in the chaos, stretching endlessly, with countless stars.

"What is this?"

Brother Liu was stunned.

The next moment.

In front of Brother Liu, in the center of the miniature universe, a meteor streaked straight across, dragging a long river of colors behind it.

Another figure, without moving, stepped on the long river of colors as if jumping through space, and appeared in front of Brother Liu!

The scene at this time.

It was the somewhat wooden brother Liu, with one foot at the end of the long river of time and the other foot suspended in the air.

And the figure, standing silently across the void from brother Liu, with the universe behind him.

A concept suddenly flashed in brother Liu's mind.

——High dimension, he is a higher dimension!

He can examine his own high dimension like examining an ant!

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