My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1166 Who is the enemy attacking (1/2)

On the rooftop of the Twin Towers.

The three minutes before the encounter were peaceful.

The black technology tree suddenly disappeared, and ‘Brother Liu’ still stood there with his eyes closed.

Mr. Song’s eyes moved slightly, and he looked at Brother Liu with some uncertainty, “My friend, regarding your Twins’ international expansion, you may encounter some troubles. For some reason, the European country’s Leipu has suddenly become particularly hostile to our China. Many of China’s projects in cooperation with Europe have been blocked or even stopped directly.”

Brother Liu did not answer.

Mr. Song tilted his head slightly, “Don’t blame me for being a hindsighter. I think this matter will be solved well if you come forward in person.”

Brother Liu still did not answer.

Just when Mr. Song was puzzled.

There was a sudden vibration in the air in the distance. At this time, the sky was clear and almost cloudless, but there seemed to be invisible thunder, coming from far away.


The air transmitted the vibration, and it seemed that even the floor under his feet was shaking faintly.

Mr. Song frowned.

Then, around the twin buildings, blue lights rose from the ground. They were the Mohist disciples who were protecting Mr. Song. They unfolded the technological shields in their hands in the air and dropped them around Mr. Song to protect him.

"Mr. Song, there is an unidentified flying object approaching!"

"We need to hide as soon as possible!"

A Mohist disciple shouted.

But Mr. Song looked into the distance, fearless in the face of danger, "It's okay, this is my Chinese territory, I want to see who is so rampant!"

The next moment.

A small spaceship suddenly appeared in the air!

It was only the size of a car, roughly a sharp triangle, with green skin adsorbed on the entire surface of the spaceship, with wrinkles and black spots, still wriggling slightly.

There was no flame thruster on the hull, as if it was frozen in mid-air.

Mr. Song's heart was filled with a chill!

The top of a nearby building suddenly reflected the light of a sniper scope.

A Chinese special forces soldier, lying prone, holding a domestically produced "Dragon Spine" heavy sniper rifle, aimed directly at the spaceship.


A large-caliber sniper bullet was ejected!

It reached the front of the spaceship in an instant, but a strange scene occurred. The alien spaceship drew a strange lightning and moved sideways for several meters, directly avoiding the sniper bullet.

The sniper took a breath.

But the next moment, a Chinese armed helicopter flew out rapidly from between the high-rise buildings, and an air-to-air missile, spewing a long white smoke, flew towards the spaceship!

All this was the armed force following Mr. Song.

As the leader of China, how could he be like a retired uncle, leisurely traveling around the sea city?

The missile cut through the sky, but the result was the same, and was strangely dodged by the spaceship!


Another sniper rifle sounded, and the sniper who was lying on the roof fired another shot!

This shot seemed to take advantage of the spaceship's unpreparedness and sneak attack, and it actually hit!

But this time, the bullet used by the sniper was completely different from before.

After the bullet hit the target, it did not cause penetrating damage, but instead stuck to the surface of the spacecraft like a grappling hook.

A red light was flashing on the warhead.

It was the locator of the guided missile!

Four guided missiles were fired from the armed helicopter, and the spacecraft could no longer dodge and was hit directly!

A loud rumble.

The flames shot up to the sky!

The smoke covered a large area of ​​the sky!

Mr. Song's expression relaxed!

But at this moment, a strong wind blew in the sky, dispersing the smoke and flames. The spacecraft was intact and quietly suspended. Even the guidance signal device on the surface was swallowed by the creature's skin.

It was like a condescending mockery.

The sense of oppression was suffocating.

Mr. Song was a little panicked, and immediately glanced at Brother Liu, "Brother Liu! You...why don't you hide?"

Things have come to this point.

I'm afraid that only Brother Liu can take action!

But Mr. Song was embarrassed to give a direct order, so he changed the word to "hide"!

But Brother Liu remained indifferent.

Mr. Song was anxious, "Brother Liu?!"

But at this moment.

A figure slowly walked out of the stairs on the side, with steady steps, wearing a white shirt, slightly long hair, and a purple light flashing in his right eye.

But at this moment, his right palm and the exposed right neck flashed with colorful light, slowly fluctuating, and even illuminated the exit of the stairs.

Mr. Song looked around blankly, glanced at the previous "Brother Liu" on the roof, and the figure who just walked out.

"Brother Liu, you..."

Only half of his body was flashing with colorful light, and Brother Liu said in a low voice: "I didn't want to show up in person."

After that.

The air around him was shaking, the floor cracked, and his body shot into the sky like a cannonball!

Under the dust, Mr. Song and his party retreated in shock!

I don't know why.

The spaceship seemed to be afraid!

A beam of light shot out from the tip of the ship, directly hitting Brother Liu!

But the liquid metal had already been like a circular shield, protecting Brother Liu!

The light emitted by the spaceship hit the liquid metal and scattered directly, like a dazzling lotus blooming in the air!

The attack was ineffective, and Brother Liu went upstream.

The spaceship drew a lightning trajectory, flipping and flashing in the air.

But Brother Liu stepped on the liquid metal condensed in the void, using the force to jump, also like lightning, almost on the same track and speed as the spaceship!

The two shadows in the sky refracted like lightning, dazzling everyone!

Such a battle, how can it still be within the scope of human beings? !


The two shadows in the sky froze for a moment, and Liu Di was already standing at the front of the spaceship!

"Stupid earthlings, don't try to compete with us!"

"I warn you, if you touch our biological skin, you will be absorbed and assimilated!"

Surprisingly, the language coming out of this spaceship is authentic English!

Liu Di frowned, and countless inferences flashed in his mind, but he snorted coldly, and his hands did not stop!

He stretched out his right hand, which was already covered by the high-dimensional virus, and grabbed the sharp tip of the spaceship directly!

At this moment.

The green skin on the spaceship, which seemed to have life, retreated directly with a bang, as if frightened, and shrank to the tail of the spaceship in an instant, condensing into a small green ball!

"Afraid of high-dimensional viruses?"

"It looks like an intelligent life!"

But Brother Liu ignored the green ball for the time being, grabbed the tip of the spaceship with one hand, and held the spaceship upright in front of him like holding a racket!

At this time, the main body of the spaceship has been completely exposed. It is made of a silver-gray metal, and it is obviously a small attack ship, with a dark green glass cover on the back.

Brother Liu's eyes widened, and the Pharaoh's light-controlling DNA merged, and his left eye suddenly emitted a straight strong light, penetrating the dark green glass cover!

"Let me see, what exactly are you!"

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