My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1163 World Structure (1/2)

Rooftop of the Twin Towers.

The two were back to back.

Brother Liu is looking down at the entire sea city.

Mr. Song was looking up at the huge black metal box in front of him.

Everyone has his own thoughts and ideas.

This is the final step in unlocking the ‘molecular future’ within the sea city.

But the Gemini Dream Team and Mr. Nan Tianhai stayed in the office building and did not go to the rooftop.

Because once the red button is pressed.

This means that the molecular future projects will break out of Shanghai, covering China and the world.

So everyone is on standby!

Nan Tianhai in the office was shocked to find out.

In the past two months, the entire creator has done more than just spread smart devices all over the market.

During this period, the founder team integrated the entire industry chain at an astonishing speed and integrated countless factories. All of these factories were replaced by intelligent assembly lines, and production efficiency increased by 50-100 times.

Moreover, these factories have already started operations.

Now, a large number of manufactured Gemini smart devices have been stored in warehouses around the world, including watches, computers, smart appliances, virtual reality devices, etc.!

As long as Brother Liu gives the order, these devices will be sold and quickly sweep the world.

Moreover, on Gemini’s official website, a countdown to ‘entering the world’ has been announced.


The sample of Huaxia Haishi has been a great success.

Through it, people have seen the city of the future they dreamed of, and their imagination has been subverted.

In the long history of mankind, scientific and technological innovation has been subtle, but this time, it was like a big knife cutting off the path of time, and then suddenly raising the road to the future to an unreachable height.

The whole world did not expect that such a move would come from a Chinese company.

On the Internet and in reality, people of different races and skin colors are all highly anticipated!

The unprecedented prosperity is right before our eyes.

Nan Tianhai looked at various data and said solemnly: "Have you arranged this chess game to this extent?"

Ah Jia smiled and said, "This is all in Brother Liu's plan."

Gemini did not hide the work progress, and Nan Tianhai could see it clearly.

At this time, this senior Chinese financial official had two emotions in his heart at the same time.

First, it is gratifying.

Gemini's supply chain structure is very clear, very efficient, very simple, and very domineering.

In China, all manufacturers are local enterprises, using cooperative production methods and equipped with a complete profit distribution mechanism.

As for overseas manufacturers, all manufacturers have signed OEM contracts with local Chinese companies. Although their interests are guaranteed, they are at best considered low-level 'wage earners'.

Even so, overseas companies are still rushing to be the first. No one wants to miss this train of technological innovation, because if they fall behind, they will be eliminated by the world.

"There is one level of control and one level of control, with clear divisions of hierarchy and status."

“But the sales rights and core technology belong only to the creator.”

"In this way, the entire world's funds will flow to China, and talents will also be attracted."

Nan Tianhai was shocked, "Taxation is no longer a minor issue. China must become the world's economic and technological center!"

Nan Tianhai glanced at Ajia, and then at his daughter Nan Ruoyi, who was staring at the computer screen.

Throat moves slightly.

If others don’t have this kind of technology, the creator will reach monopoly sooner or later, and then... none of this can be measured by wealth!

This is a tremendous power.

Nan Tianhai's body was a little stiff.

In his opinion, how could a private enterprise achieve this?

This is a bit scary.

Ah Jia seemed to see what he was thinking and said with a smile: "Before us, Weiruan had already ruled the world. At that time, as long as all smart devices were turned on, they would display Windows 98. Everyone was using this one. system and no choice.”

"They also develop wafers such as CPUs, as well as computer terminals, software and hardware. They can also obtain all information."

"Mr. Nan, do you know what they did behind the scenes?

"You don't really think that they just created the world's richest man who has been the richest man in the world for more than ten years?"

“People’s current concepts on the Internet, even their subconscious minds, are the product of their influence!”


When Ajia said this, he looked at Mr. Nan with a smile, "Today's founders have stronger technology, a wider scope, and a more solid network. The so-called wind and water are changing, and the underground emperor of this world is now It’s time for someone else to do it!”

Nan Tianhai's heart trembled.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Ah Jia, his voice filled with horror and pressure, "Did you just say that the underground emperor of the world?"

Ah Jia was also stunned, raised his head and said, "I didn't say anything?"


Nan Tianhai was stunned, "Do you think I have Alzheimer's disease? You clearly said that! Just ten seconds ago!"

Ah Jia puffed up his chest and said seriously: "I didn't say anything."

"I'm really speechless!"

Nan Tianhai pointed at Ah Jia's nose and growled: "Xiao He has just revealed his sharp horns, your ambition and domineering attitude have already been revealed!"

Ah Jia shook his head and said: "I'm just a small professional manager. If I can't do my job well, Brother Liu will deduct my salary. Alas... I won't say it anymore. I beat workers and treat others, and I will shed tears!" "

After a while.

Mr. Nan was still angry.

Ajia sighed, "Old Nan, you don't have to worry. There will always be someone to be the underground emperor of the world. Now it's your turn to be the same clan and origin. Isn't that good? You should be relieved."

Nan Tianhai narrowed his eyes, "You kid said the words 'underground emperor of the world' again."

Ajia: "I didn't say that."

Old Nan: "..."

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