My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1160: Mirage (1/2)

"Of course Haishi is still the same Haishi."

"It's just that technology has given it a new lease of life."

Liu Di's voice rang out in the maglev car, and the car drew a white line from far to near.

Mr. Song looked through the car window and saw a plain car repair shop in the suburbs of Haishi under his feet. There was a long queue in front of the door. There were more than 20 customers waiting for repairs, including many luxury cars.

In front of the car repair shop, someone built an exquisite platform with wooden frames, on which a white car was parked. The flawless body reflected the sunlight and was particularly dazzling.

The plaque below reads-the first Gemini S01 concept car.

It was this car that attracted guests from all directions.

The car repair guy in the store was busy sweating at this time, but he couldn't suppress the smile on his face.

Liu Di said slowly: "Of course, what changed Haishi was people's yearning for technology."

Mr. Song was stunned and thoughtful.

The vehicle continued to move.

"Welcome to Huaxia Haishi."

A female voice synthesized by a machine sounded in the sky. On the roof of the 10-story building on the side of the entrance to the city highway, a twin virtual sky screen lit up, in which was a virtual beauty in a short skirt.

She seemed to be able to see the convoy approaching from far away, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked from afar, "Haishi, in the tenth year of Tianbao in the Tang Dynasty, the prefect of Wujun established Huating County, which was the predecessor of Haishi. After development, Haishi has become China's leading economic city and a world trade port. Henghe runs through it, and the scenery here is beautiful..."

As the beauty said, a miniature model appeared in her palm, which was the past and present life of Haishi.

Mr. Song stared at the huge projection in a daze, and felt that the car under his feet suddenly rose and flew over the shoulders of the virtual beauty.

Mr. Song could also see that the beauty was wearing light makeup, and each eyelash was distinct.

"With such a city image, those international envoys will probably kneel on the highway before entering the city!"

Mr. Song suddenly came to his senses and found that the maglev car he was riding in was not in the air, but was suspended by four large drones and hovered in the air.

I only heard Liu Di say: "The official urban aviation control system has not yet taken shape, so we will play the role of a 'cable car' for a while."

Mr. Song was stunned again, "Don't insinuate me, with your efficiency, which official can keep up with your speed?"

Mr. Song seemed to see the scene of officials of all sizes in the official building of Hai City, who were busy and exhausted.

At this time.

Mr. Song looked at Hai City under his feet again.

Countless virtual images were projected on the top and sides of the building, including not only advertisements for Gemini products, but also many promotional videos of other industries, the latest news, and public service advertisements for donating to poor children.

The images were all presented in 3D.

The big eyes of the mountain child, full of mist and hope, were shocking.

Mr. Song lowered his eyes slightly, and saw countless twin S07 cars that seemed to come from the future, speeding on the road in Haishi. The passengers did not touch the steering wheel at all, but were eating breakfast, drinking coffee, and watching the news.

The road was also inexplicably smooth.

One reason was that the entire road traffic was intelligent, and the changes in traffic lights were in line with the most accurate big data. The traffic flow on each road was planned with the most accurate judgment and zero-delay feedback.

Moreover, the unmanned S07 car strictly abided by every traffic law, so that traffic diversion was not compromised.

Two words popped up in Mr. Song's mind - order.

He raised his head again, and saw that above the road, there were waist-thick rails built, and the city subway was changed to magnetic levitation, passing silently.

Such public transportation has greatly reduced the number of vehicles on the road!

This is the second reason why the vehicles are in order!

The cable car was floating and flying slowly.

Mr. Song saw that in the roadside cafe and on the bench in the park, young people just took out a black box the size of an envelope from their bags.

Then the box automatically unfolded to form a slim keyboard, and then a blue virtual screen was conveniently projected on the keyboard.

People began to work and entertain.

Mr. Song took a breath.

The "cable car" slowly fell to the ground.

Mr. Song and Liu Di walked out of the car in a daze.

But a young man passed by. A black watch on his wrist projected an inverted cone 3D pattern, in which was a middle-aged woman, who was wearing a new cheongsam and slowly turned around.

The woman said: "Son, how about the new cheongsam that mom bought?"

The young man stared at the screen and laughed: "In one word, beautiful! When you go to the square to dance in the future, those old men will definitely be fascinated!"

Mr. Song paused, raised his wrist, and took a look at the Lotus brand mechanical watch that he had worn for 15 years.

Brother Liu laughed, "Mr. Song, do you like this sky-curtain watch? When Gemini enters the national market, I will give you one. It's not available now because of regional purchase restrictions. Oh, I can also help you check which square the cheongsam aunt is dancing in."


Mr. Song looked at Brother Liu, then coughed lightly and said seriously: "No one is restricting your Gemini's development."

Liu Di smiled, "It's not easy to develop, but time is tight and the task is heavy. What I want is the national green light and strong support. You have seen that without official support, this city cannot change. Even a small skylight requires fifty approval procedures."

Mr. Song was silent.

The next moment, Mr. Song couldn't take his eyes off a video advertisement.

One of them was an apartment equipped with a full set of twin home appliances. From the moment the owner woke up, the intelligence, convenience and humanization of all home appliances were simply outrageous.

Mr. Song sighed, "I originally put the Internet of Things technology in the next fifteen-year plan, but I didn't expect you to do it to this extent."

A moment.

Mr. Song looked at the barber shop next to him in a daze. There were no customers in the shop now. The boss sat comfortably on the recliner and then put on a white helmet. The helmet was very technological, and a sapphire-like eye mask covered his face.

Then, the boss's face had extremely rich expressions-excited, excited, nervous, silly, and exciting.

Mr. Song narrowed his eyes, his face showing great interest, "What is that?"

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