In reality, the conference room on the top floor of the Twin Towers.

Brother Liu slowly opened his eyes.

Stretch out your hands and make slight fists.

Then, he quietly stared at the night view of Haishi through the glass window. On one side, there was an open window. The cool night breeze blew slowly, and Liu Di's hair also fluttered slightly.


Brother Liu said: "You are quite capable."

The air was silent.

Brother Liu seemed to be talking to himself.

At this moment, a person slowly walked out of the shadows in the room, with a bald head, 16 brain-computer interfaces, and hazy eyes.

Liu Di didn't turn around and said calmly: "Can you carry me on your back to simulate the world? Yes! Even at this moment, I haven't left the Yuan Universe yet."

Kual's voice was low, "How did you find out?"

Brother Liu chuckled, "Even I don't know what that high-dimensional virus is, and you can't even imagine it, and you certainly can't simulate it."

at this time.

The skin color of Brother Liu's arms is as usual.

Kuang Er was startled.

But Brother Liu slowly turned around, his right eye flashing purple, "You're dead."

Say it.

Brother Liu disappeared out of thin air again.

The first time he woke up again, his face was gloomy. He turned around and came to the top of the building. His body jumped and disappeared into the night sky.

5 kilometers away.

This satellite launch base, disguised as a residential building, exploded on one side of the wall.


Standing in the middle of a pile of equipment, with his head connected to a brain-computer interface circuit, Kual suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with horror.

I saw the man in the white shirt, his right eye flashing with purple light, and in an instant, he hit his head with a straight punch!


Kuang'er's body flew upside down, collapsing the floors!

In place, only the brain interface lines were left, swaying slightly, and the blood remaining on them slowly dripped to the ground.

far away.

Kuang Er suddenly stood up from the ruins, his body covered in blood and his scalp cracked. He looked at Brother Liu as if he wanted to eat him alive.


A large area of ​​floor collapsed and slid down, smashing Kuang'er into a pulp!

Brother Liu slowly shook his head and his body disappeared again.

The next moment.

Brother Liu ran in the dark night and headed straight to a castle on the outskirts of Haishi!

He rushed into the basement and kicked open the metal door!

I saw Kual hiding in the dark space, with the brain-computer interface above his head connected to a bunch of outdated Pentium processor computers.

At this time, Kuang Er was really panicking!

He kept backing up, "You... how did you discover my true identity?"

"It's very simple."

When Liu Di looked up again, his right eye was already flashing red, "In the real world, no one can block my punch!"

He slowly approached, "You can't guess my abilities!"

But I saw Brother Liu coming to Kuang'er.

He stretched out his hand a little and his forehead shattered.

"Sir, great, this devil is finally dead!"

But in the basement, a girl wearing a maid's costume struggled to get up from the operating table and fell down at Brother Liu's feet with a thud.

Liu Di squinted and saw that there was a circle of fine suture marks on the girl's forehead. Her entire head had been cut open!

"I, Li Si, am the maid of this castle..."

"This young master Kuo'er has a human face and an animal heart. He stunned me, imprisoned me here, and used my brain to do interface experiments!"

"You rescued me!"

The girl's body was severely injured, her face was pale and her body was weak.

With the help of a faint light, Liu Di suddenly saw that this girl's appearance, her eyebrows, long hair, white fingers, everything, were at least 80% similar to Gu Fan!

In his mind, the beautiful woman in white appeared, and Liu Di's heart softened in an instant.

Gu Fan's smiles and frowns had incomparable magical power that could make him feel at ease.

The red light in Liu Di's right eye gradually dimmed and turned into a flashing purple.

Liu Di first glanced at the beating colorful light spot on his arm. The high-dimensional virus had appeared.

He glanced at the maid Li Si again, and pity suddenly rose in his heart, "You are saved. If you can trust me, I will cure your body."

Li Si cried, "I'll go with you."


In the real world, the 16 brain-computer interfaces on the head work efficiently.

Was he killed by Brother Liu?

No, because the previous scene was still in the metaverse.

The corner of his mouth curled up, looking at the scene in his mind of Brother Liu supporting Li Si and slowly leaving, "It turns out that he is also a person with a story. You are trapped by love, and you are also trapped by my maze."

"It's you who wants to regard Li Si as the woman you once were, and it's you who confuses yourself. You can't blame me."

The brain interfaces on his head were disconnected one by one.

He opened his eyes, took a step forward, and said with a smile: "Next, wait quietly for the Gemini Masters to fall into a permanent coma and move towards decline step by step!"

A few days later.

A big piece of news came out. The founder of Twin Towers, Di San, was found unconscious on the top floor of the Twin Towers due to improper use of his own equipment.

Months later, he still didn't wake up and eventually passed away due to exhaustion of his body's functions.

The Metaverse project was declared a complete failure because it was proven to be harmful to the human body.

The Gemini Army was in disarray and began to decline. In just 2 years, its market value shrank by hundreds of times.

In the end, Kual came forward and led his capital to acquire all the creators and terminated all "Internet of Things" plans.

This new star, Kual, advocates a different kind of technology.

Through the brain-computer interface, operating instructions are transmitted to the computer, maximizing human consciousness while preventing the computer from generating any consciousness.

One of his remarks was successfully delivered to every corner, "Humanity will eventually be destroyed by artificial intelligence, and all electronic consciousness should be killed early."

Five years later, all artificial intelligence teams in the world began to doubt themselves.

Because Kual succeeded.

The brain directly commands electronic products, and the results are remarkable. Compared with creating a thinking artificial intelligence, the threshold is much lower.

Brain-computer interfaces are becoming more popular.

Human life began to revolutionize, and medical care, transportation, and education began to develop rapidly.

Life has become more convenient, human life span has begun to extend, and the average knowledge level has increased by more than ten times.

the most important is.

All this is in the hands of humans themselves.

Ten years later.

The imagination of the human brain has reached its limit, and it is difficult to create new creations.

Resources began to be scarce, and the population of humans increased rapidly from secret fighting to open competition.

Exploring the universe has become out of reach for humans who have lost artificial intelligence.

During this period, no one thought about how humans should continue this problem.

Because human instinct is to ask for something.

Just like when you are born, you open your mouth to get the mother's milk, and there is no way to stop it.

Fifty years later.

Not only has human development not progressed, but it has continued to regress.

Conquests continued, famine spread across the land, and cities fell into ruins.

Everything became disorderly.

Seemingly humanity self-destructs.

But somewhere, there seems to be a lack of a fair sentinel who can stay out of the situation, abandon human emotions and desires, customize rules, provide timely warnings, timely expansion, and allow human beings to continue.

At this time, Kual stood on a wasteland, extremely old, with a rusty brain-computer interface hidden in the sparse silver hair on his head.

His eyes were cloudy and he murmured: "Am I wrong?"


A plain voice seemed to penetrate through the vicissitudes of life and reach Kuang'er's ears.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Suddenly, he found himself standing in the center of the base, with more than a dozen computers connected to his head, as well as the Gemini AR helmet that had been dismantled and changed beyond recognition.

He was still young, but he was sweating profusely.

Kual looked up.

But he saw a figure in a white shirt sitting in front of him. To his left, stood the maid Li Si. Of course, Li Si at this time had his own appearance, which was completely different from Gu Fan.

On the right side of the man in white, stood a smiling Moore.

Moore smiled and said: "Cousin, the apocalyptic scene you saw before was designed by me myself. Did it look fake and real?"

Sweat broke out on Mao'er's forehead, "Am I always trapped in the Twin Universe?"

Liu Di stood up and glanced at the maid Li Si beside him, "Miss Li Si has a brain tumor. You performed the surgery on her to save her. It was also because of the brain surgery that Li Si was brought into the Yuan Universe by you. I will follow your arrangements." , for the sake of your kindness, I gave you a dream life, are you satisfied?"

Al's throat rolled.

He suddenly felt like a dream, dripping with sweat. It was just a short moment, but a life was wasted.

But he didn't dare not believe it about the dark consequences in the metaverse.

He has spent 70 years in it, and the ugly human nature is the most real thing he has ever seen.

Without the management of intelligent systems, human beings will only become chaotic!

Liu Di clearly saw the change in Kuang'er's expression and said slowly: "You have extraordinary talent. I can give you a new opportunity and let you create another result with your own hands. Are you willing?"

Moore said: "Cousin, master can let you join the Twins regardless of past grudges."

Kuang Er knelt down, his body trembling, his head buried deeply. What he misunderstood was not only the future of mankind, but also Liu Di's mind.


"I was wrong."

"Did you just say opportunity?"

"I'm going to do my best!"

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