My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1154 No Regrets in This Life (1/2)

Liu Di and Moore walked on the empty streets of Haishi.

While walking side by side.

Liu Di looked carefully at this genius young master from a foreign country.

He was only eighteen or nineteen years old, wearing a white suit, with exquisite blond hair combed into a side part, and his face was still a little immature.

The recent high-intensity work made him a little tired, but this young man always had a strong desire for the future and a firm belief in the yearning for beauty on his face.

He used to be arrogant.

At this moment, he was extremely humble.

Liu Di tilted his head and asked calmly: "Do you regret calling me Master?"

Moore's mouth curled up, "Being with you is the thing I regret least in my life."

Liu Di was slightly moved, "What virtue and ability do I have to make you trust me so much."

Moore looked at the city with tall buildings in front of him. At this time, it was like early morning here, covered with mist, and the traffic lights on the road were normal, but there was no one in sight.

He said: "Master, look, the city in front of us is so real, even intoxicating. In the eyes of countless people, it is an unreachable existence, but now, it is right under our feet."

"Master, do you remember why I had to worship you as my master that day?"

Liu Di nodded, his eyes flashing.

That was when TO Lingxi was just established. Liu Di mobilized all investment managers in the witness conference room to go out to shops in the same industry.

At that time, Liu Di used a small tool, which was to use the "city sandbox" to deduce the future of those companies, so that investment managers could grasp important information about the acquisition of the other party.

Moore eavesdropped on everything at the door of the conference room.

Liu Di still remembers.

How excited Moore was at that time, his face was shaking with excitement.

He stopped Liu Di at the door and shouted with joy.

"I tell you, I can understand these!"

"Your sandbox can deduce business, and it can deduce daily life!"

"If it can deduce daily life, it can deduce cities and even countries!"


"Deduce this world!"

"Deduce this universe!"

"As long as it collects enough data, it can deduce everything, it can even become a god!"

"It can predict everything and even change everything!"

Then, Moore said at the time that this was his lifelong dream, the ultimate state of technology!

Liu Di clearly remembers that Moore's hair was shorter than it is now, and his sharpness was not concealed.

But Moore beside him smiled and said, "Master, I originally thought that I needed to follow you for 30 years, and then I would be no longer young and become a vicissitudes uncle before I could see today's grand occasion. Who would have thought that it would only take one year! My dream has come true!"

Liu Di smiled.

"Of course."

Moore smiled again and said, "You rescued me from the virtual world created by the future waiter, which is equivalent to giving me a new life, like recreating my parents. Even if you don't come up with such scientific and technological achievements, I will follow you for the rest of my life!"

Liu Di continued to smile and said nothing, but a subtle sadness flashed in his eyes.

The two continued to walk.

The street was still empty.


Moore asked curiously, "Master... I don't quite understand why you named the company's products Gemini?"

Liu Di paused. He was originally looking at the ground, but now he looked up and looked at his apprentice quietly, "Do you believe that there is another self in this world?"

Moore was a little puzzled.

Liu Di said slowly again: "Finding another self was the slogan when I founded Gemini, and it was also my original intention."

Moore stroked his chin and pondered, "This question is thought-provoking."

The two came to the foot of the Twin Towers unknowingly.

A noise suddenly came from the cold street.

But a group of people emerged from the Twin Towers.

The leader was a blond boy of about eighteen or nineteen years old, wearing a white suit and a delicate side-parted hair.

After the figure stood still, a smile lit up his face and he called out from afar, "Master! I'm here!"

Moore, who was beside Liu Di, was startled, "He... looks exactly like me? Is he a virtual character in the metaverse? Interesting!"

Liu Di glanced sideways, his eyes were slightly moist, and then he turned back and put on a smile again.

He smiled at Moore beside him and said, "The metaverse is no different from the real world. Of course, a twin company is needed here to maintain order. So, of course, I have to simulate one... my best disciple, Brother Liu!"

Moor beside him smiled from ear to ear and gave a thumbs up, saying, "Master, wise!"

Brother Liu smiled meaningfully, "I don't know if this Moore I simulated with data is as tenacious and firm in belief as my disciple himself. After all, you never gave up hope in your heart no matter how you were abused by the waiter."


Moor beside him smiled, "That's not necessarily true. After all, my Moore is unique!"

Brother Liu's throat moved slightly, but he still couldn't bear to tell the truth. He sighed slowly, "Why don't you go and talk to that Moore and see what kind of person he is."

Moor laughed, "It's very interesting to talk to yourself. Others thought I was mentally ill."


Two Moores sat cross-legged on the side of the road.

They both held a glass of juice in their hands and drank it together.

"You know what? In your metaverse, even the taste of drinks is simulated to be exactly the same as in reality?"

"You? You are the virtual character, okay?"

"Nonsense, I am a real person."

"Nonsense, I am a real person!"

"This is illogical!"

The two of them realized something and suddenly fell silent.

For a long time.

One of the Moores asked: "Who do you think is the real person?"

For a long time again.

"We are all in the real world, contributing to the twins, and realizing our dreams. This question... is not important."

At this time.

Liu Di walked slowly, stretched out an arm, and slowly fell down.

One of the Moores felt Liu Di's hand fall on his shoulder.

And the other Moore also felt Liu Di's hand fall on his shoulder.

I only heard Liu Di say lightly: "Whoever the master accompanies is the Moore."

The two Moores laughed at the same time.

Liu Di looked into the distance, and there was a hint of chaos in his clear eyes.

He exhaled slowly.

Human beings are creatures determined by consciousness. As long as they have self-awareness, they are the most real existence.

Who is the Moore?

It doesn't matter.

You are all.

I will accompany you all.

After a long while, Brother Liu said, "Don't leave yourself with regrets. Let go and run. Moore is like this, and so am I, Brother Liu."

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