My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1152: Getting into character (1/2)

In autumn, Haishi is still a bit hot.

This old migrant worker father watched the sun rise from the east, draw an arc, and turn into the scorching sun in the sky now.

He was sweating profusely and wrinkled.

He cursed, "What kind of era is this? Gemini still has queues like this in physical stores. I deeply despise it!"

The secretary said: "According to the investigation by the group's marketing department, the store in front of us has only been leased for three months. Teng...Dad, do you think they are not confident in their products?"

But the sweat on the forehead of the 'old father' increased.

How could he not be confident in himself?

He just picks!

Even an A4 piece of paper has to be taken back, so why would he waste an extra penny?

I'm afraid that after three months, the Twin Universe will be formed and they will no longer need any physical stores!

Totally Virtual Sales!

The Yuan Universe is his world, and how many stores he wants to build is all a matter of a string of codes!

At that time, he could expand his business to the whole world with just a snap of his fingers!

At this moment, the waiter's voice came from the store, "Customer No. 1031, welcome."

The ‘old father’ was shocked.

It’s finally my turn!

I want to carefully and clearly reveal the veil of your twin universe!

The migrant worker father and son came to the door.

The avatar of the waiter bowed slightly, "Dear Mr. Teng Hualong of Penguin Group, and Mr. Zhang, Secretary of the President's Office, welcome you. In fact, you two can go to separate aisles."

The 'old father''s body froze.

Do you recognize this?

He looked at the secretary again, his expression reading - Why is there a separate channel here?

The secretary scratched his head, "Dad, Gemini does not exclude Chinese colleagues, but you want to hide your identity first..."

Teng Hualong's mouth twitched slightly and he looked at the waiter, "As customer No. 1031, I ask you to keep my real name confidential!"

The waiter nodded humbly, "I will hide all your identity information. You can enter the store to find our salesperson for business consultation."

The 'old father' entered the store with a livid face, and immediately a beautiful receptionist in a short skirt stepped forward with a smile.

The father and son were sitting on the soft white sofa in the hall.

The old father also whispered: "The sofa is too hard, bad review."

The young man shook his head helplessly.

"Two customers, coffee, tea, juice, what would you like..."

When the beautiful Gemini receptionist said this, she glanced at the tea vat soaking leaves and nodded slightly, "Sorry, you brought your own drink. I was rude."

After queuing all morning, Teng Hualong, who was already thirsty, twitched the corners of his mouth again, had to smile awkwardly, picked up the tea vat to soak the leaves, and took a big gulp.


Secretary Zhang next to him opened a bottle of Coke and took a long sip.

Legend has it that a bottle of Coke costs 2.5 yuan, and the first sip is worth 2.4 yuan. There is nothing more exciting than this.

Teng Hualong looked with death eyes.

Secretary Zhang smiled awkwardly, "Dad, carbonated drinks belong to our young people's personality. I think it's perfect."

The old father let out a shaky breath.

He looked at the beautiful saleswoman with a smile, "I want your product right away, and I want to experience it on the spot."


The beautiful receptionist didn't say much. She turned around and took out a silver metal square box from the safe at the back of the store.

She gently placed it on the table in front of Teng Hualong.

Then he reached out and brushed the sensor on the top of the box. There was an electric mechanism hidden inside the box. After the sound, it slowly opened, and a small platform rose up, with a white VR glasses placed above it!


The old father narrowed his eyes, but was immediately attracted by the shape of the glasses.

The whole body is pure white, much wider and heavier than the ordinary VR glasses on the market. The appearance has no seams and no flaws. It is simply a perfect work of industrial design.

The old father reached out to grab the glasses, but found that they were so light that he couldn't even tell what material the device was made of!

"If you wear this, there should be no weight-bearing feeling."

The 'old father' looked at it carefully and asked: "Where's the antenna, the network, how are they connected to the brain? Such a thin lens, don't tell me it can only project 3D images."

The beautiful salesperson smiled and said: "This is our V01 with a built-in antenna and a public signal used by the Internet. However, we have unique technology that can greatly increase the efficiency of network transmission. In terms of brain connection, it will not harm your skin. Connected to you through nerves outside the brain.”

"As for what kind of scene it is, you will know if you experience it for yourself."

Teng Hualong nodded slowly and looked at the device in his hand in surprise.

Just when he was about to put on the V01 in his hand, he suddenly paused and pointed to another customer in the distance. The guy was wearing a white helmet and was lying on a comfortable lounge chair. He seemed to have been immersed in the Gemini Yuan. In the universe.

The 'old father' asked: "What is that device? Why does it look more advanced than mine?"

The beautiful saleswoman looked back and said, "Oh, that's right. The ones over there are AR helmets, and yours are VR glasses. VR is virtual reality, and AR is augmented reality. There are essential differences between these two technologies. According to your Judging by your age, VR is enough to meet your needs, so..."

The ‘old father’ was immediately unwilling, “What AR, VR?! I often see those things, don’t think I don’t understand them just because they have an R! I want to experience the best!”

The beautiful saleswoman also paused, “But the price…”

“I have money!”

The old father took out a plastic bag from his arms, and after opening it layer by layer, there was a stack of banknotes inside.

Secretary Zhang nodded secretly.

President Teng is worthy of being President Teng, in such a short time, he has completely immersed himself in the role!

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