Kual had a cold look in his eyes.

But Moore was very happy and had no defense!

At the moment when Al took out the poison.

He suddenly felt a chill on his back and the hair on his neck stood up!

He was knowledgeable and knew that this was a sixth sense of crisis!

Kual slowly turned his head and saw a man in a white shirt with a faint smile on his face walking in from the door.

And as the man approached.

Er felt as if countless fine needles were piercing his entire back, like a thorn in his back!

The eyes of the man in the white shirt seemed to be able to see through all his motives and his past and present lives!


猡er put the neurotoxin back into his pocket!

Remember the website m.luoqiuxzw. com

Liu Di brushed past Huo Er and came to Moore's desk, pointing to the VR glasses on the side, "Although you are very busy, take care of your health and take time to promote our VR game business."

Liu Di paused and said, "Speaking of promotion, the most important thing is that you should experience our VR world first."

Moore nodded, "Yes, Master."


Liu Di turned around and looked at Huo Er with a smile, "Who is this?"

Moore immediately said, "This is my cousin in the family, a first-class technology genius!"

Liu Di nodded slowly.

Seeing this look, Huo Er suddenly felt like he had fallen into an ice cave!

He moved his throat, as if he was stuck, and did not speak.

Liu Di stepped forward, looked at him, and smiled, "Since you are a family member, you are welcome to visit often."

Hu Er's lips moved slightly. He knew that this young man in a white shirt was the boss behind the Gemini!

But I don't know why I didn't dare to say a word of violence in my heart.

But it was Moore who smiled and said, "Thank you, Master. I will try to get my cousin to join us!"

Liu Di moved closer, glanced at the brain-computer interface hidden in his hat, and whispered in Huo Er's ear, "First, it's because of the relationship with Moore. Second, if you put the security guard, you will save yourself. Otherwise, you would have died long ago."

After that.

Liu Di turned his back to Moore and waved his hand, pushed the door and left!

Hu Er's face turned a little paler, and he was shocked and didn't speak for a long time.

For a long time.

Hu Er looked at Moore, "Do you know what you are doing?"

Moore was also solemn in an instant, "Creating everything, molecular future."

Anger gradually spread across Huo Er's entire face, "Since childhood, you have lived under my aura. As long as I appear, you are an existence that no one pays attention to."

Moore also gradually showed an unhappy look.

Huoer said again: "You will never be able to defeat me, and neither will your so-called master! If I can suppress you once, I can suppress you countless times! Today, I, Seven Huoer, declare war on you, Seven Moore!"

Moore then understood the purpose of the other party's visit!

He pondered for a moment, "Our project can improve the technological level of the entire human race and benefit human life. You are stopping it for no reason?"

"This is illogical."

"I don\u0026 # 3."

Huer stretched out his hand and pointed at his cousin Moore with trembling hands, "The twins must not continue!"

After that.

He turned around, but his body stopped at the door, and suddenly said: "I will take back all the patents given to your family. Please notify your father immediately to stop all business, stop all manufacturing, and recall all products on the market!"

Huer turned around, showing an expressionless side face, "If you can't recall, please be prepared to pay for it at the cost of your family's wealth!"

Then, Huoer left!

Moore was stunned, with sweat on his forehead.

The intelligent robot manufacturing factory in his home has been standing in the international market for nearly ten years. There are countless products entering the market, and almost every robot has at least one patented technology of his cousin!

There is no possibility of a full recall!

He is threatening me.

But I must not break my promise to my master!

He was confused!

At this moment.

A projection suddenly lit up in the office, and it was Liu Di on the top floor.

He said slowly: "Those technologies are useless under the innovation, and money is just a meaningless number. Don't worry, no one can interfere with you anymore. Do your job well."

At the same time.

Moore's father, who is located at the headquarters of Europe, suddenly received a notice that his group's account was instantly flooded by a huge torrent of funds.

The source showed that it was a secondary capital injection from a small shareholder, Seven Moore.

In just 1 minute, the group's original working capital accounted for only 1%. In the chart, the other 99% of the funds formed a column chart that seemed to be towering into the sky.

Control: Seven Moore.

Faced with this situation, the board of directors had to make major adjustments.

Moore's father was a little tearful, "Son, what are you going to do? The second-generation rich are trying to cheat their fathers, but you buy me back. I promise you, can't I retire completely?"

At this time, Moore, who was in the Twin Towers, exhaled slightly and his expression became calm.

He turned back slowly and his eyes fell on the VR glasses.


'Gemini's heavyweight technology, the VR game "Metaverse" is open for internal testing, limited to Haishi! '

'Just buy the corresponding VR equipment, you can enter the real universe parallel to reality! '

'A completely real world, top-level immersion, but it can bring out another ups and downs, wonderful life! '

‘Hero dream, business dream, love dream, it’s like a second rebirth, a second chance to rise! ’


Five days later, when this news came out, not only the gaming industry was shocked, but also the capital circle was greatly shaken!

What is the metaverse?

This concept was born a long time ago and became popular in 2021!

Not long ago, Robiox, a European game company, went public, and its market value instantly exceeded 40 billion, but a year ago, the company’s valuation was only 4 billion.

What made this company’s market value increase tenfold in just one year?

It is the metaverse.

Simply put, the metaverse is a virtual mapping version of the human real world, an artificial virtual parallel world.

In this world, it is a one-to-one projection with human reality.

It has eight characteristics: identity, friends, immersion, anytime, anywhere, diversity, no delay, economy, and civilization.

This technology is also called the ultimate state of the Internet.

All our past developments, 5G high-speed network, AI, cloud computing, blockchain, and virtual currency, are contributing to the birth of the metaverse!

The core of the metaverse is to obtain enough real details to reproduce the entire virtual world!

At present, high-freedom online games are low-level versions of the metaverse, and are much weaker in terms of freedom, territory, and realism.

But in the eyes of the capital circle, the metaverse is undoubtedly the most promising technological trend in the future!

Let me ask, if someone can make a virtual game space that is one-to-one with the real world, who can refuse this novel experience?

But this should be a product of 30 or 50 years later!

But I didn't expect it.

It's just now, in September 2021.

In a short period of time, Gemini combined online data acquisition and offline IoT ecology to launch the first metaverse!

And he didn't hide his motives and named it directly with the same words!

Countless experts started to spray!

Gemini's confidence is too much!

How much data have you obtained?

The concept of the metaverse, is it something you can get involved in now?

It must be that after entering the game, a bunch of low-quality 3D pictures are presented!

And at this time, Brother Liu.

Still standing alone in the conference room at the top of the twin towers, the person who went out to visit Moore was not the real person, but an electronic projection.

Liu Di looked at his arm, and the light and shadow of the high-dimensional virus had swallowed his entire palm and half of his arm.

Mo Tong: "The virus in your body does not spread as fast as Gu Fan's. Maybe it's because of your physical fitness, but...combining the current progress, you have at most 2 months left."

Liu Di did not speak.

Staring at the metaverse in the perspective.

This is an existence that is exactly the same as reality, even the wild flowers on the roadside, swaying in the wind, are consistent with reality.

At this time, the VR equipment has not been put into use, and there are no real players in it.

But there are many figures, and they are not NPCs.

Because this is the electronic world developed by the former future waiter.

It was originally used to imprison human consciousness, forcing them to become "their own artificial intelligence" and manage various future SZ equipment.

After the waiter was destroyed, Liu Di, with a status comparable to the creator, simulated a chaos into reality and sealed this place.

Now, it is opened again.

Although only the map of the sea city has been opened at this time, the overall view here has the ecology of the entire earth.

Brother Liu built this place just for his "former" apprentice, Master Moore.

In order to make him think that he is still "alive".

Everything is hard to distinguish between true and false.

Even the "Moore" here has always thought that he lives in reality.

Why did Brother Liu open this place?

Two purposes.

First, he did not build this place based on real data, but on the contrary.

He can obtain massive data through the "Molecular Future" project and the boundless world, but he cannot understand people's thoughts.

It requires people to enter here, live here, and release consciousness.

So as to control more information!

After all, to build the future, any details are indispensable!

Brother Liu, you must know everything!

As for the second purpose.

He wants to complete a redemption of Moore, at least spiritually.

"Time is running out."

Brother Liu's right eye flashed purple, "Must be quick."

At this moment.

Located in a secret base, the head of the dog is full of brain-computer interfaces. In just a few days, he chiseled his skull again and added 4 brain-computer interfaces!

But his face was full of stubble!

Even so, he did not find any way to defeat the twins!

It did not work for Moore's threat!


He saw the latest developments of the twins.


"A parallel world connected by brain nerves?!"

Dog's eyes lit up, "Haha, you only use VR technology, but I have a brain-computer interface? High degree of freedom? One-to-one reality? Isn't that my invincible area?!"

"The way to defeat the twins..."

"Found it!"

"Your name is Emperor San, right?"

"I hope to meet you in the metaverse!"

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