My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1147 Continuous Release (1/2)

Cafes and park benches are also filled with dots of blue light from this void imaging computer.

There are also many geeks who directly use the canopy watch on their hands to open the operating interface and operate their computers from a distance!

Brother Liu stared at the entire sea city and said in a low voice, "It's not enough."

‘Gemini’s complete set of smart home appliances is available! ’

‘Includes all daily appliances, AI interconnection, precise programming, and humanized logs, allowing every family to completely enter the Internet era! ’

The entire sea city, once the sun sets, fills the sky, and the twin sky curtains of nearly fifty yuan light up.

Play a short video together.

At 7:30, the owner gets up, and the smart alarm clock wakes up the new day with the owner’s favorite sound of ocean waves. ’

'7:31, the curtains automatically open, the coffee machine starts preheating, the toaster starts baking, the air conditioner releases the sleep mode, and the automatic toothpaste machine squeezes out 2.8 cm of smoke stain removal toothpaste based on the owner's oral condition. ’

'7:35, Gemini Computer plans today's work diary for you. Today is the International Green Travel Day. You only need to take the No. 3 subway at 8:15, and the probability of being late is less than 0.2%. ’

‘Warm reminder: Today is the birthday of the host’s girlfriend. We have customized 99 roses for you, as well as her long-awaited gift. ’

‘And all these itineraries can be checked at any time in the Tianmo Watch. ’

At the end of the short video, 26 product packages of Gemini Home Appliances began to be displayed. The price is up to 10% higher than that of traditional home appliances, and it also supports the replacement of old items!

In 3 hours, 50,000 sets were sold out!

Purchase limited to Haishi area!

The home appliance industry is experiencing another big shock!

Brother Liu was still standing in the conference room at the top of the Twin Towers, his eyes narrow: "It's not enough."

at the same time.

Also sitting in his office, Moore, as the project leader and in control of all sales channels, lowered his head and glanced at the unreleased Gemini VR glasses beside him.

The master said that he should also be responsible for a VR game.

But I have been too busy these past few days to spare any time.

Ding ding, the phone rings.

Moore glanced at the canopy watch. He was an old-timer and the head of the International Federation of Entrepreneurs.

An old Western man with some white hair on his temples was projected into the void.

"Little Moore, why do you say that I have some friendship with your father? If you continue like this, the entire international business community will be unable to bear it. Tell me honestly, how many more products will you release?"

Moore smiled, and then his eyes became extremely tough, "Master said, it's not enough!"

Just this sentence.

Moore didn't say much and hung up the phone!

On the International Business Federation side, more than a dozen business giants were sweating coldly.

“The market value of the twin brands is beyond calculation!”

"Some say they are the entire future!"

"What are they going to do!"

"Do you want to take over the whole world?"

"But it's strange. Their productivity is already strong, but why are all their products limited to Huaxia Haishi?"

"They should be doing some kind of pilot project. The scary thing is that they will go international at any time!"

at this time.

Liu Di was still at the commanding heights of the sea city. From his perspective, the entire sea city was filled with smoke of various colors.

That's right.

Brother Liu is indeed doing a pilot, but not for anyone.

He did it to see the future, for the continuation of time, and to save Gu Fan.

The earth is too huge. If you want to cover all STAs and turn them all into AI, it will be a time-consuming process.

Brother Liu needs a motivation, a confident mind, and the motivation to move forward bravely.

Therefore, he first needs to see the future of Haishi.

Such a big Chinese city, such a population base, and such a chaotic environment, if the 'Molecular Future' theory is correct, it should be enough to see a corner of the future!

Little did I know.

The current mayor, who has managed Hai City for 8 years, has been sitting in his office smiling from ear to ear for the past 10 days.

Gemini has a conscience and the industries we prioritize cooperation with are all local companies!

The economic curve is simply explosive growth!

Coupled with the purchase restrictions on various products, even the local household registration in Haishi has become a hot spot for tens of thousands of people to compete for, with countless high-end talents rushing in!

They do it for no other reason than to experience Gemini products for the first time.

The next morning.

‘Gemini smart car released! ’

‘Make a reservation now! ’

The news on this side is another earthquake!

It’s a big deal!

It's so fast!

The canopy that stands at the top of the sea city has reached 80 yuan, and they are all replaced with a concept picture.

It was a white car, with no gaps visible, as if it were made of ceramic.

The craftsmanship is comparable to an alien flying saucer.

Performance beyond your imagination.

Low-carbon new energy, equipped with Gemini intelligent interconnection, can be jointly controlled with all its equipment.

The car body hides multi-field detection technologies, including sound waves, infrared, thermal sensing, electromagnetic sensing, and L10 level intelligent assisted driving technology!


Oguotes is just L2!

At this level, where is assisted driving?

It’s completely self-driving!

At this point, the entire Gemini smart home territory has extended to transportation!

'8:10, the owner's car has automatically driven to the door, and the air conditioner has been adjusted to the most suitable temperature, playing your favorite song! ’

at this time.

In the suburbs of Hai City, a mechanic heard the news of the release of the Gemini concept car on the radio.

He crawled out from under the car.

The young man wiped the sweat from his forehead and first glanced at the poster on the wall. It was a Ferrari LaFerrari, his dream car.

He looked at his calloused hands again, "But I'm afraid I can't afford LaFerrari in this life."

On the radio, it seemed that a car reviewer was talking nonstop, "Gemini's new energy vehicle is named S01. It is said that its performance is better than Ferrari, but judging from this posture, mass production is far away..."

The mechanic pondered for a moment.

The price of Gemini's products has always been affordable. Maybe I will have the opportunity to experience this S01 in this life.

As he said, he took out his mobile phone.

He has never been willing to buy a sky screen watch.

But it did not prevent him from logging into the exclusive mall built into Gemini.

When this car with silver light appeared, the young mechanic's eyes were suddenly straightened.

Such curves and shapes are simply dreamlike.

The drag coefficient is very small, and the powertrain... the original value is 700 horsepower?

The mechanic was moved, or to be more precise, he was instantly shocked!

He was extremely excited and slowly pulled down the introduction page.

Number of appointments: 192,698.

Nearly 200,000 people? ! !

Do you have a driver's license?

Are you from Haishi?

Can you afford the balance?

The young mechanic was stunned!

But in this moment of stunned, the number of appointments jumped to 320,000!

The young man was a little stupid.

Immediately, he saw a line of small words: Gemini officials will draw 3 lucky users from the number of appointments and give them the qualification to test the test vehicle!

The young man's eyes moved.

But then dimmed again.

In my life, I have perfectly avoided all opportunities for success!

Don't even think about this kind of thing!

But he still clicked the appointment button without hesitation, filled in the information, and paid a deposit of 500 yuan!

500 yuan.

The deposit for Gemini is very low.

The young man prayed silently: "I just hope that the price of the mass-produced model will not be too high."


'Congratulations, Mr. Zhao Dongfeng, you have obtained the test qualification for the test vehicle! '

'Please wait patiently, the test vehicle is being prepared intensively. '

The young mechanic's mind was blank, staring at the screen in a daze.


Won? !

But this is the Gemini platform, it can't be fake.

He pinched his thigh, "Is the dream coming true? As one of the first three users to experience S01? This... I am so lucky!!!"

For car enthusiasts, this moment is simply the highlight of life!

The young man's chest rose and fell violently, and his eyes kept flickering. "The test vehicle is actually higher than the concept vehicle, and it is one step away from the mass production vehicle. Gemini has just released the concept map, which includes countless manufacturing and debugging steps... It will take a very long time."

"I need to wait for a long time..."

The young man blinked, "But this kind of waiting is happy, whether it is one year or two years, or three or five years, Gemini S01, I will wait for you! Waiting for you!"

Boom boom boom.

At this moment, the sound of air vibration came from outside the window, like the propeller of a helicopter.

The car repairman was stunned and ran out of the door.

But he saw that the neighbors had already stood on the street, looking up.

In the distance, four large drones flew in, with "Creator Group" written on the fuselage.

And under these drones, a huge container was hung by steel ropes.

On the box, it was written: S01_Test Installation.

The repairman leaned back, and felt dizzy!

No! Yes! Right!

So fast? !

Four drones slowly descended, and the container landed with a bang.

A blue projection appeared out of thin air, which was the image of the ubiquitous waiter.

He bowed slightly, "Mr. Zhao Dongfeng, your luck has been delivered. You can enjoy our S01. Of course, I would like to trouble you to give some feedback later."


With a pneumatic sound, the container slowly spread out like a gift box!

The white body and streamlined shape are like a spaceship. The automatic driving system has been turned on, and the matrix headlights have been slowly lit up, approaching silently.


The young man rolled his eyes and fainted directly.

But the next moment, the violent power in his heart supported him to wake up on his own, and he stood up.

His eyes were filled with tears of excitement, and he walked around the vehicle and touched the body of the vehicle with trembling.

But he saw a ball of light on the body of the vehicle.

The AI ​​synthesized voice came: "The preset owner information is detected, the system is activated, please drive legally and compliantly."

The gull-wing door slowly rose.

The young man's body shook, he couldn't bear it anymore, and fainted in the car!

Gemini, I give in!

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