After Situ Zhou and Li Daode left the stage in embarrassment.

Brother Liu and Ajia stood in the distance.

In the gentle breeze, the two of them looked into the distance.

"Ajia, are you afraid?" "Declaring war with Penguin might lead to bankruptcy.

"Brother Liu chuckled.

"Tch..." "What's there to be afraid of? Life is full of ups and downs, and I have nothing. The worst I can do is go back to selling clothes!" Ah Jia grinned, not caring at all! "However, Penguin is scared!" Ajia used his hands to build an awning over his eyes, looked at the helicopter of the enterprise group, and said with a smile, "otherwise, why would Teng Hualong come in person?" mAjia said , the smile couldn’t stop.

"Speaking of it, being able to play against a super boss like Teng Hualong really makes me have no regrets in my life. No matter whether I win or lose, the key is excitement!" "Speaking of it, I can bring glory to my ancestors!" "Haha, my cousin from my hometown must be You think I'm bragging..." Liu Di shook his head helplessly and patted Ah Jia on the shoulder, "What's this? There will be more exciting things in the future. Everything has just begun. You may not be able to surpass Teng in the future. Where's Hualong?" Ajia nodded thoughtfully, glanced at Liu Di and said, "Don't tell me, your kid's tricks are so unpredictable, maybe one day he will!" Liu Di shrugged. .

Ah Jia said again: "By the way, what are we going to do next?" "Rest!" Liu Di thought for a while, "Tell all employees to have a day off tomorrow! We will discuss it later!" "What?" "Rest, sure!" Ah Jia He scratched his head and said, "Does this feel like the last meal before going to the execution ground?" "What a big meal!"... Looking at the two people chatting and laughing in the distance.

A business administration graduate blinked his eyes in disbelief! Somewhat confused! All this just now should not be a dream.

It’s true that Brother Liu is the creator and founder.

That is, the boss behind Zhang Tianjia, the legendary Emperor San! He is worth a lot of money, has mastered many inventions, and is the real boss of the founder's company.

These halos are placed on Brother Liu, making people look up and feel inferior to him.

However, it was not until the scene just now that everyone really woke up from their dreams.

Brother Liu can already play against a super boss like Teng Hualong! That conversation on the rooftop.

No one dares to step forward! I just dare to watch from a distance! This is a class gap! It’s a state where just a single level of momentum can be daunting! An unbridgeable gap! People's hearts were completely covered with a layer of darkness, and everyone felt as small as a grain of dust.

Such strength is simply incomparable! Those who still wanted to make friends with him have completely given up the idea now.

People were devastated.

At that point, it's already a different world.


Of course, when everyone thinks that the creator is about to play chess with the penguin and start a battle for survival.

What they saw in their eyes was just the mess of the creator! Penguins are simply impossible to defeat! but.

This time, no one showed any sarcastic expressions.

Some just looked in awe.

Brother Liu's mind and courage have completely impressed them! Even if Brother Liu fails again, no one will dare to look down upon him! Everyone was tacitly understanding this time.

No one discussed the identity of Liu Di Di San.

No more flattery.

He just stepped forward to say hello to Liu Di and Ajia one by one.

Quietly exit! ...Ajia left in the middle.

Went downstairs to make arrangements for the holiday.

Afterwards, he returned to the rooftop again and sat quietly with Brother Liu.

The sun sets.

The two of them were extremely peaceful here.

But there was indeed a storm on the Internet! In just a few hours, all major headlines were updated.

‘Startup founders declare war on internet giants! ''The heads of two major companies competed on the rooftop, and finally a raging war broke out! ’‘A well-known economist analyzed: The founder has no chance of victory! ’ ‘The business star twins have just risen, but they encounter super strong opponents. Destruction is the only outcome! ’‘Online survey and evaluation: Penguin and Gemini battle, which side do you support? ''After the 3Q war, another Internet war broke out! ’ ‘Can anyone challenge the dominance of penguins? ’ among these news.

Without exception, a photo was posted.

On the top floor of Rongteng Building, three figures looked at each other in the wind, with the twin signboards shining behind them.

However, this photo was taken from a very far distance, and only the silhouettes of people could be seen vaguely, but the specific faces of the three people could not be clearly seen.

The personal lives of Ajia and Teng Hualong have been revealed again! And they also received many fans who expressed their support.

But the two of them together don’t have as many fans as the mysterious Emperor San! Di San's avatar has always been a black figure! Surprisingly, all the classmates who knew Brother Liu's identity also remained silent at the same time! No one broke the news.

Just because of the deep respect for Brother Liu! The comments below the news are also increasing at a rate of tens of thousands per second.

Roughly divided into two camps.

Entrepreneurs with entrepreneurial experience and a deep understanding of Penguin's strength all turned against Penguin, believing that no one could defeat such a behemoth! The other group consists of a large number of scattered netizens.

They support Gemini and this very creative software, hoping to defeat Penguin, break the monopoly of the Internet, and allow more people to create new products! these topics.

It quickly became the hottest spot on the Internet! And the heat remains high.

People were speculating, what tactics would the two sides show next? What kind of exciting game would it be? Looking at the news that was pushed to them crazily on their phones.

Ajia was a little curious, "Who took this photo? I remember there was no camera here just now?" Liu Di laughed, "I.


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