My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1142 Young Master (1/2)

The screen in the secret room seemed a bit old and emitted a green light.

The eerie reflection of the man with his hair covered with wires.

The maid Niya was frightened out of her courage.

But before she could climb the stairs, she was overwhelmed by a group of figures rushing down the stairs.

Led by the middle-aged housekeeper, behind him was a group of men and women in suits and ties.

Niya hid in the crowd in fear. She knew that these people often visited the castle and were wealthy bosses from the outside world.

But when these people rushed to the bottom of the basement, they all stopped and froze, not daring to make a sound.

Only the man with hair all over his head was still chewing the beef slowly, and there was a slight squeezing sound between his teeth.

The middle-aged housekeeper stood at the front of the crowd, staring.

Although he received an electronic notification that the door was open, he still looked at this scene in disbelief.

It’s been 9 years.

The young master, known as the young genius of the century, locked himself in this basement and never came out.

Even if the master and his wife pass away.

But the family did not feel lonely because of this. The invention patents that the young master handed out through the cracks in the door increased the entire family's assets thousands of times, and their industries spread all over the world.

The butler still remembers.

Nine years ago, the young master ordered himself to build this basement, which contained 30 of the most advanced computers at the time and an uninterrupted power supply.

But unexpectedly, the young master cut off all Internet connections.

At that time, the young master had already opened up the brain-computer excuse. In his words, these computers did not need to connect to the world, but only needed to expand their own brains.

He needs computing speed and physical storage space.

It requires thinking, not information.


He wants to think about a question and find the answer to it.

During this period, anyone who tried to check on his condition would be driven away by his rage.

There is also a rumor in the family that both the master and his wife died in his hands, because the young master felt that family ties were a burden and annoying.

Of course, there is no evidence for any of this.

The middle-aged butler looked back.

The computers in the room have been repaired and disassembled many times, and the metal parts are also rusty. Many machines require motherboards welded to the outside to operate normally.

Many monitors also lack color, and some screens are even flickering intermittently and may be scrapped at any time.

The butler swallowed slightly.

These computers are still products of the Pentium processor era. Nowadays, even the scrap collectors are not willing to expend effort to transport them.

The middle-aged butler's gaze was fixed on his young master.


The housekeeper counted silently in his mind, and then astonishment slowly appeared in his eyes.

The young master only has 4 excuses before he shuts himself up!

Moreover, this was a job performed by the most famous neuroscientist in Europe at that time, and it took two years to complete. The surgeon at the time also said - your young master is simply crazy! He will die at any time after such an operation!

And now!

There are a total of 12 interfaces on the young master’s head!

The butler's pupils trembled slightly.

The young master has never left this basement!

No one has ever entered!

Could it be that the young master himself...

However, the things in the basement were arranged by myself, and there were no medical facilities or medicines!

The housekeeper narrowed his eyes and looked at the bald man's brain excuse.

But I saw that there were many small scars around those excuses, criss-crossing them, and they had already healed.

This seems to be the result of constant experimentation.

He also saw a large ball of gauze scattered deep in the basement, as well as a polished table knife. The blood on it had dried up for an unknown period of time.

The housekeeper felt a chill in his heart.

The young master did all this himself.

There's not even anesthetics in this room!

The butler's throat rolled and he said in awe: "Master Kuo'er, what do you want to do today...?"

The bald man didn't speak, he just chewed beef and stared at the newspaper on the ground.

The butler's expression changed and he asked again: "Master, have you figured out the problem in your mind?"

The bald man still didn't speak.

The middle-aged butler and the figures in suits beside him looked at each other.

These people all looked in awe and at a loss.

The fact that they are today worth hundreds of millions and leading a company is all thanks to this bald man called Young Master Kuo'er. One of his inventions can create a business empire.

Nowadays, the young master doesn't even pay attention to his closest personal butler.

How dare you ask for trouble?

It was the middle-aged butler who had served the young master for many years and knew the young master well. He found that the young master was always staring at the newspaper.

The housekeeper knew clearly that he had been afraid that the young master would be out of touch with reality for nine years, so he secretly added a newspaper of the day to the dinner plate, but the young master still seemed a little repelled, and the newspapers were always intact.

But this time, the young master did not look away.

The butler's expression moved, "Master, are you interested in that news? The company is called Founder, and their product is called..."

But at this moment, the man named Kuang Er slowly stood up.

Dozens of screens behind him flashed, scrolling out a row of green fonts: "I don't care."



The wires on the head of the dog fell off one by one, leaving only the last one, which was connected to a modified screen, which was very thin and only the size of a book.

Dog hung the screen on his chest.

He threw the half-eaten steak in his hand on the newspaper with a smack, and then ran over it with his foot.

Another line of green font appeared on the screen on his chest, "Drone disguise, or modified pictures, nothing more, a liar who is sensational."

He actually walked out of the basement.

After facing the stairs, he slowly turned back, and green words appeared on the screen on his chest, "I have figured out everything. There is no doubt that I am living like a zombie, so go out and take a look."

Including the middle-aged butler, all the black suits were immediately terrified and followed the young master to the ground!

And the maid named Niya was ignored and stayed at the scene.

Suddenly, she smelled a bloody smell.

Subconsciously looked into the young master's basement.

But deep in the room, in the dim light, there seemed to be an operating table, and the maid Li Si, who had suddenly disappeared before, died suddenly in it, her skull was cut open, and her brain was full of various wires!

Niya rolled her eyes and fainted!

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