My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1123 Contestants (1/2)

But at this time.

There was an uproar among the villagers.


"Are you the person from the three-dimensional world?"

"Are you Gu Fan's boyfriend?"

"Did you come to propose marriage?"

"What a talent!"

"I wish you a happy marriage!"

"I wish you a baby soon!"

"I wish you a happy family!"

"Come on, come on, this is an jade pendant, take it as my gift money!"

Before long, Brother Liu's name had spread throughout the village.

The people in Siwei Village were very kind and enthusiastic, and they immediately gathered around Brother Liu.

Smiling faces appeared in front of Brother Liu.

Brother Liu was caught off guard.

But I saw the village chief Gu Beijiang on the stage, his complexion turning from green to blue, from blue to purple!


"What are you doing!"

Gu Beijiang stamped his foot and the stage shook, "I haven't agreed to this marriage yet!"

A village girl said: "Village chief, what's wrong with you? How nice and handsome is Brother Liu?"

"What's good?"

"If you think he's handsome, marry him!"

Gu Beijiang glared, "I've paid for the bride price!"

The village girl said coquettishly: "The village chief is really good at joking, but it's not impossible."

However, Gu Beijiang was seen walking off the stage in a menacing manner. Seeing this, the villagers immediately dispersed through a passage.

He came to Liu Di and said, "Why, do you want to come to this five-dimensional conference to see if you are talented? In front of everyone, you can directly advance to the fifth dimension and convince everyone?"

Liu Di smiled and shook his head, "I don't have this idea."


Gu Beijiang narrowed his eyes, and his demeanor and behavior were truly inspired by Gu Gu Gu.

He said: "I have seen this kind of operation of yours a lot. You are just pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Don't think that I don't know that you are a big boss in the three-dimensional world, worth hundreds of billions, and you also have the armed force of the Punisher. Moreover, you yourself, It is also an existence that goes beyond transforming people.”

Gu Beijiang put his hands behind his back, "Want to surprise me at a certain moment? Boy, let me tell you, this is a four-dimensional village, a high-dimensional existence. No matter how much you have, your identity, money, and power are all ordinary in our eyes." Object-like existence.”

Immediately, Gu Beijiang said in a deep voice: "Those tricks of yours won't work here!"

Brother Liu nodded, glanced at the villagers, and finally returned his eyes to Gu Beijiang.

He said respectfully: "I know that this is a completely different world, and the people are not ordinary people. I have already seen this in Gu Fan. No matter how much wealth I gave, I even gave Gu Fan countless gifts. Diamond rings are as white as snow to her, and everything is not in her eyes."

Having said this, Brother Liu looked up at the sky, "Gu Fan... likes shooting stars, likes hope, and likes me accompanying her."

The kind-hearted villagers of Siwei Village all around were actually in tears for many moments.

A girl covered her chest and said, "What a beautiful love."

As soon as Brother Liu lowered his head, he saw Gu Beijiang's eyes widening to the extreme. The distance between them and his face was only 5 centimeters. He almost gritted his teeth and said, "You gave her a diamond ring. What else did you do?!"

Brother Liu's throat moved, and he inexplicably felt a powerful pressure - his father-in-law's glare.

He said with a sneer: "Nothing else. I was busy fighting against a strong artificial intelligence some time ago."

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"It's useless what you say."

"I won't let you take Gu Fan away."

Then, Gu Beijiang glanced at the villagers around him and asked Brother Liu, "Where is my father?"

Brother Liu hesitated for a moment.

But he saw Gu Beijiang staring at the empty curtain on the stage, suddenly taking a breath of cold air, then his eyes lit up, and there was a hint of secret joy on his face.

He whispered: "Father must have been delayed by you! He broke his promise at the conference because of you! I understand, father did it on purpose! Haha, benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and trust, you can't complete the word "faith"!

"This way, if you fail the test, you can't take Gu Fan away!"

"Sure enough, there is no better way to know a son than a father. He is a wise man!"

Brother Liu smiled silently.

next moment.

I saw a colorful brilliance falling from the sky and falling directly behind the door curtain. After that, a figure appeared behind the door curtain. He calmly sat on the chair slowly!

The village chief Gu Beijiang was stunned and confused!

Father, why is he here again!

don't know.

But all the villagers in Siwei Village bowed and said, "I have seen Mr. Gu!"

The figure behind the door curtain did not answer, but waved gently.

I heard the secretary on the side of the stage say: "Mr. Gu has arrived. The promotion conference can begin."


But he saw that the secretary was none other than the bearded judge who was running around. He looked at Brother Liu from a distance and said with a smile: "My Siwei Village has always treated guests politely and advocated fairness. Therefore, although Brother Liu is from outside, People, but he is still allowed to participate in the conference test! Do you have any objections? "

But seeing the boy holding an umbrella, the bride in red, and the boy playing chess, the three elders of the village stepped forward and said, "Equal opportunities, that's true! We have no objections!"

Say it.

These four people cast encouraging glances at Brother Liu.

They tested Liu Di's character separately, and were unconsciously impressed by Liu Di's gentlemanly spirit, but they also hoped from the bottom of their hearts that Liu Di could prove himself and get the attention of the village.

Liu Di returned the gift slightly, "Thank you, but..."

But the bearded judge suddenly looked at Gu Beijiang, "Village Chief, what do you think?"

Gu Beijiang sighed slightly, "I really don't want Liu Di to take Gu Fan away, but I must abide by the traditional virtues of the village."

"Haha, the village chief is sensible!"

The bearded judge licked the brush in his hand, lowered his head to write, and said: "Outsider Liu Di, the thirteenth tester!"

After that, many villagers applauded.

But Gu Beijiang whispered in Liu Di's ear: "I know you have some dimensional skills, but my father said that you are using technology to take shortcuts, so you can't pass this real five-dimensional test in front of you."

"In addition, whether the letter character meets the standard or not, everything is uncertain, you can't take Gu Fan away."

Liu Di smiled softly and said nothing.

The next moment.

The figure behind the curtain waved his hand, and a strange phenomenon appeared on the stage!

A cloud of mist rose out of thin air, gathering like a whirlpool, becoming thicker and thicker, and then suddenly dispersed.

In the center of the stage, it was as if a dimensional window had opened, and there was a world inside.


Nine continents rose straight up, each emitting different lights, and each was vast and huge.

The sixth continent seemed to be broken, leaving only a black cloud.

And on the top of the nine continents, a huge black figure sat on the throne!

The bearded judge shouted: "Welcome to the five-dimensional world!"

The villagers were shocked, and a strong desire gushed out!

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