My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1120 Have a Good Conversation (1/2)

But the door was dark and deep.

Brother Liu approached slowly.

He only heard the old man behind him saying: "The second seal is the most critical. The reason why I asked you to brew wine is because brewing wine tests your character, patience, and even contains the great way. Once you brew a pot of wine, you will know whether it is good or not. Go, kid, your right hand is the seal platform of the holy object!"

Brother Liu stepped into the threshold, and the cold air around him made him cautious.

But he heard the old man shouting behind him: "But remember, I just let you take a look first!"

Brother Liu paused.

This old man is clearly throwing bait!

He sighed softly, turned to look to the right, and saw a half-man-high platform standing quietly in the dim light.

He slowly approached and reached out to touch the platform.

But the next moment, the surface of the platform lit up, a blue nine-square grid, and a rectangular LCD screen appeared!

Brother Liu was startled!

Then the magic boy analysis appeared in the perspective.

‘Password keyboard...’

‘Display screen...’

‘With independent power supply...’

Liu Di’s eyes twitched, “The so-called biological seal of Siwei Village is a hexadecimal password lock?!”

The demon boy said: “The cracking method is very simple. Try to arrange the numbers up to 9 to the 16th power, and you will definitely be able to try out the password!”

At this moment, several spotlights suddenly lit up in the depths of the pavilion.

In the middle of the ground, there was a huge metal box more than 4 meters high!

Liu Di was speechless again, “And the device for storing biological organisms is an alloy safe?”

The demon boy said: “This safe is a style from 15 years ago. It is easy to tear and will break into pieces once torn!”

Liu Di turned his head inch by inch and glanced at the old man standing at the door.

The old man chuckled and said, "I know what you are thinking, but what I want to say is that this device for storing living things has the seal of Nirvana and Reincarnation."

Brother Liu pursed his lips, "Senior Gugugu, can we have a normal conversation?"

The old man scratched his head and laughed dryly, "Okay... That safe has a self-destruct system. Without the password, it will explode."

Brother Liu sighed, "You saw that I can test the sequence and infer the location of your Four-Dimensional Village, so you brought me here to help you crack this safe?"

The old man: "Hehe, don't be so blunt."

Brother Liu exhaled heavily.

But the old man said again: "Come on, brew me a glass of wine, and I will give you the opportunity to crack the password. We can share the holy objects in it."

Brother Liu stared at the password keypad in front of him for a moment.

He turned and walked out of the pavilion, saying as he walked: "I'll make wine for you."

The old man laughed, "Have you figured it out? It's true that a filial son is born under a heavy reward!"

Liu Di shook his head and said: "First, I am not trying to please you, the number one master, and second, it's not for the holy objects in this box. You have mentioned so many times that you want to drink. First, I remembered an elder in my three-dimensional world, and secondly..."

Liu Di, who had already started to sort out grain and spices, raised his head and smiled: "Secondly, you are Gu Fan's grandfather, and you are my relative. If you need me, I have no choice but to help you."

"Before, I saw that you were old, but your personality was like an old naughty boy, so I got along with you in the way you liked, and I was very happy to see you."

The old man was stunned immediately, "Good boy, how did you know!"

Liu Di laughed again, "I have been traveling in this village for 80 years, and I know everything about the past."

The old man was stunned!

Immediately, the old man began to ponder, recalling: "Don't mention it, your style of doing things is really comfortable, unlike those younger generations in the village who only know how to kowtow. I didn't see that you have a high EQ! Not bad, not bad!"

"As long as you like it."

Liu Di poured the wheat grains into the pot and raised his head again, "Besides, according to your age, I don't have many opportunities to show my filial piety to you."


The old man almost couldn't breathe, "I just praised you!"

But Liu Di pressed his hands down and smiled, "Senior, it's just a joke, stay calm, don't disturb my state, you said that the key to brewing wine is the word craftsmanship."

The old man crossed his legs and sat down on the spot, staring at Liu Di with his eyes, "Okay! I want to see what kind of wine your so-called craftsmanship can brew!"

But Liu Di spread all the wheat grains flat on the bottom of the pot, and checked them carefully to make sure that each of them was completely "lying flat".

The old man narrowed his eyes, "Silly boy, the wheat grains must be crushed on the millstone first."

"I know."

But Liu Di waved his hand, and a black light flashed in his hand, and a black ball suddenly appeared.

It was liquid metal!

The old man was stunned, "According to my previous peeping at you... Oh, no, it was observation, every time you enter a new timeline, you have no ability!"

Liu Di smiled, "But this is the real timeline, just a different dimension. I didn't use my ability before, which was a respect for your four-dimensional village."


The old man's eyes lit up, and then he thought of Liu Di's terrifying combat power, and his body trembled slightly.

I thought this kid had lost his ability and became an ordinary person, and I treated him like a kitten!

So, the respect this kid just said is really from the heart?

But Liu Di put the black ball into the pot and rolled it, gently tilted his ear, and carefully distinguished the sound of the Mike breaking.

It was just a back and forth, and the wheat grains at the bottom of the pot were crushed.

Liu Di clenched his fist, and the ball disappeared.

Then he stretched out a finger and tapped the edge of the pot gently. He saw that part of the wheat husk was shaken to the top. Liu Di stretched out his hand and scooped out a handful of wheat husks and threw them into the clay stove.

Liu Di said: "I crushed three quarters of each wheat grain. In this way, after fermentation, there will be layers of flavor. I left a quarter of the wheat husk in the pot. They can absorb some water and make the whole water reach the golden ratio."

The old man grinned, "It's true, three quarters, one quarter, I don't believe you!"

Liu Di smiled lightly, "Eighteen thousand three hundred wheat grains, ordinary computers can easily calculate, let alone me."

The old man was stunned, "Can we have a good conversation!"

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