My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1118 Return with a Full Load (1/2)

The village chief frowned slightly.

He turned his head and waited quietly.

Then another projection appeared, it was the judge.

The village chief did not look back, "Elder Bao, how is your test result?"

The judge rubbed his stomach and exhaled slowly: "The word righteousness means fairness, adapting to people and places. I asked him to try the case of stealing wine koji eight hundred times. If it were an ordinary person, he would have been furious. Even if he did not leave, he would have been perfunctory. But he always made fair decisions!"


The judge touched another statue, and the light was bright. This was also a vicissitudes of life. The bamboo slip in his hand had a big word "righteousness" written on it!

The village chief exhaled deeply, with an unwilling look on his face.

At this moment, another projection appeared, it was the beautiful bride in a big red robe.

She gently held her hair, "My wedding was held eight hundred times. He did not choose to turn a blind eye, but left a gift every time he passed by. He said that if we meet by chance, it is a happy event, so he will treat each time with courtesy. The heart of etiquette is something engraved in his character."

After that.

The red-robed bride gently placed a "囍" character made of ivy in front of the third sculpture.

The statue then lit up.

It was still the old man who was studying hard, and the bamboo slip in his hand wrote-"礼".

The village chief frowned a little more.

The next moment.

The little kid holding the wild gourd projected it onto the stage, pouting and saying, "I'm not as exaggerated as you guys, I only tested him with one game of chess."

The village chief turned his head immediately after hearing this, "Did he do anything inappropriate?"

The kid shook his head, "Although I only played one game of chess with the bridge official, I played eighty moves in it, and anyone can see that I have many loopholes, but he didn't say it. Although he was in a hurry to get on the road, he also had a fixed plan in his mind. This is called distinguishing right from wrong. A true gentleman watches chess without saying a word, and not forcing others to do things is great wisdom."

After saying that.

The fourth statue lit up, and the bamboo slip in the old man's hand was engraved with a word - wisdom.

That's it.

The village chief's throat moved slightly, "How can he, a resident of the three-dimensional world, have so many gentlemanly qualities?"

The red-robed bride said, "Village chief, I think you are too prejudiced. The ancestors of Siwei Village left behind ancient teachings. Our village is not unable to accept outsiders, but it cannot accept villains. Now he has met the four words of 'benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, and trustworthiness'. He has interpreted these basic moral principles of being a man perfectly, even surpassing several of us."

The village chief was a little unhappy, "So what if he meets the four words, so what if he has a monstrous fighting power, so what if he can find Siwei Village? Gu Fan is my daughter. If he has any flaws, I will not agree! I can drive him out of the village at any time. With me here, can he forcefully snatch her?"

The four elders shook their heads in unison, "Village chief, you are too eager to protect your daughter."

The village chief glared, "Gu Fan is my beloved, of course I am eager! But, I am also a reasonable person. The five virtues of a gentleman are benevolence, wisdom, courtesy, and trustworthiness. He is still missing the word "trustworthiness". My father is in charge there! I will accept Brother Liu only when the fifth ancestor statue lights up! "

The red-robed bride shook her head, "To be honest, I hope Brother Liu can't pass the test of trustworthiness."

The village chief nodded in agreement, "Are you dissatisfied with him too?"

The red-robed bride smiled, "You are dissatisfied with him because you are afraid that he will kidnap your daughter, and I don't want him to pass the test of trustworthiness because only in this way will you not agree to Gu Fan dating him. In this way, I have a chance. If Gu Fan doesn't marry, I will marry."

"After all, it is hard to find a person with the character of Brother Liu in the world."

The village chief blew his beard and glared, "You... Elder Yunhong, be careful with your words!"

The red-robed bride shrugged, "Who made my father not have so many things to do with you."

The village chief flicked his sleeves, his face flushed with anger.


Let's talk about Brother Liu.

After walking across the suspension bridge, the three clones merged and returned.

The experiences merged instantly.

Only then did he realize that he was being slowed down everywhere.

But to his surprise, a large bag of wheat grains, a small bag of wine yeast, and a bag of spices appeared in his hands, plus the wine gourd given by the chess kid, his hands were full.


Brother Liu was very puzzled.

These items can be brought back?

There must be a five-dimensional life that created all this, only they can really interfere with the timeline!

Woof woof!

I heard the low whimper of a puppy in the bushes ahead.

Brother Liu went forward to check, but saw that it was a little yellow dog with confused eyes.

Little yellow?

The little yellow dog of the old lady at the entrance of the village?

Brother Liu gently stroked the puppy and took it out of the bushes, "Are you lost? Then follow me, I will take you home later."

The little yellow dog followed behind, and Brother Liu continued to move forward with big and small bags.

Suddenly, a black three-story building suddenly appeared in the middle of the road ahead, standing quietly, blocking the middle of the road.

Although the building is not tall, it has an inexplicable majesty.

"Cough cough cough!"

A few intense dry coughs were heard, and an old man less than 1.5 meters tall crawled out of the mud stove built with yellow mud in front of the building.

The road was billowing with black smoke, which was obviously not fully burned.

The old man's face and body were all covered with black wood ash, and his hair was also burnt.

He leaned against the road and coughed dryly: "I never thought that I would almost cremate myself by making a fire."

Liu Di was startled, "Senior? Are you trying to stop me too?"

The old man wiped the ash off his face and said with his green eyes, "I don't want to stop you! I'm just thirsty and want to make some wine!"


Liu Di nodded slowly and took a look at the yellow mud stove. This is a very primitive but authentic way of making wine. Boil the fermented grains, slowly distill them, and finally produce fine wine.

"But the hateful thing is!"

The old man stretched out a finger and said indignantly, "I don't know how to make a fire! Moreover, I don't have any grain, and I don't have any wine yeast, and I don't have any spices, and I don't have any gourds, and I don't know how to make wine!"

Liu Di was completely shocked.

He suddenly said, "You have nothing after all this time, so what are you doing?"

The old man raised his eyelids and glanced at the large and small bags in Liu Di's hand, and suddenly laughed!

Liu Di's eyes slowly moved down, staring at the heavy package in his hand.


Liu Di suddenly raised his head.

The old and the young's eyes collided in the air, as if invisible sparks were generated.

Liu Di narrowed his eyes and said, "So you are the ultimate big boss who wants to ask for wine."

The old man also narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth and said, "Just tell me if you can make wine."

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