My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1116: Educating People is the Most Important Thing (1/2)

Liu Di walked slowly on the mountain trail.

As the time halberd in his mind kept throwing and returning, the memory merged, bringing a huge amount of information.

The total time he stayed, if added together, was enough for dozens of years, but it was just a blink of an eye.

The rise and fall of his footsteps wasted several months.

He stared at the scenery.

There was no clear number of four-dimensional villages, and the landforms were exactly the same.

It seemed like an unsolvable maze.

But in Liu Di's mind, a three-dimensional map had gradually been constructed.

"Gu Fan."

"Your hometown is really magical."

"From the moment I stepped into the village, it has been 700,000 and 80 hours, that is, 80 years, and my longing for you has been growing stronger and stronger."

"If every time your figure flashed through my mind, it was a drop of clear water, now it has become a vast river, rushing into the sea."

"But fortunately."

"For you, this is just the time to tie up your long hair and apply a touch of vermilion."

"If you miss me too, there is no long pain."

Liu Di chuckled, "Wait for me."

Suddenly, the sky was dark and it started to drizzle.

Liu Di looked up and saw a small river across the front, with a log bridge built on top.

Liu Di knew that he had not walked across this bridge yet, and maybe Gu Fan was on the other side.

He had just stepped onto the bridge.

But he saw an old man with a long beard running hurriedly in the distance, wearing a gray shirt wet by rain, with raindrops hanging on his beard, and holding a bamboo bookcase.

Behind the old man, there was a handsome young man holding an oil-paper umbrella, jogging after the old man to protect him from the rain.

The old man shouted from afar: "Young man, I am the teacher in this village. The children are waiting for me to go to class. Please let me pass!"

Liu Di nodded, retreated to the side of the bridge, and smiled: "Okay, teaching and educating people is the most important thing."

"Thank you!"

The old man and the young man walked across the single-plank bridge.

Liu Di saw that the young man holding the umbrella had a handsome face, with two jade pendants hanging around his waist, jingling.

The young man looked back and put a handful of wheat grains in Liu Di's hand.

Liu Di only felt that the young man was a little strange, but he didn't want to think too much, shook his head gently, and stepped onto the single-plank bridge again.

Who knew.

At the other end of the bridge, another old man and young man hurried over, with the same appearance.

The familiar voice came again, "Young man, I am the teacher in this village. The children are waiting for me to go to class. Please let me pass!"

Liu Di was stunned and turned around to take a look. The two figures who had crossed the bridge before were still vaguely visible in the rain in the distance.

Liu Di smiled bitterly. Since it was Siwei Village, he could not use common sense to infer.

He smiled immediately and gave way again, saying: "Okay, teaching and educating people is the most important."

The two hurriedly ran over.

The boy holding the umbrella still smiled back and put a handful of wheat grains in Liu Di's hand.

Liu Di returned the gift and stepped onto the single-plank bridge again.

Who knew that the familiar voice came again, "Young man, I am the teacher in this village. The children are waiting for me to go to class. Please let me pass!"

"Okay, teaching and educating people is the most important."

Little did he know that Liu Di's courtesy was an infinite cycle of 800 times.

The scene in each scene was exactly the same.

Liu Di was indifferent, and his heart was not anxious or impatient.

Time was zero.

There are countless Siwei villages, and there are probably countless schools. If the children are waiting, I will keep you here, as a good deed.


Another Liu Di, another Siwei Village.

He walked slowly and saw a building similar to the ancient government office. The plaque had the word "judge" written on it. There was a big drum at the door, but there was no so-called constable, just a group of crooked old men standing on both sides with bamboo sticks in their hands.

"This building is also the first time I have seen it."

"Maybe I can find out where Gu Fan is."

Liu Di walked in slowly.

In the court, a young peasant woman and a young man dressed as a peasant stood side by side angrily.

Behind the central desk, the bearded judge held his stomach, his face turned pale and blue, and he was restless.

When the judge saw Liu Di coming, his eyes lit up and a glimmer of hope quickly ignited. He said: "Young man, you came at the right time. People have three urgent needs. I need to go to the toilet. I stepped on both sides immediately, otherwise the dam would burst on the spot. Before I come back, you help me solve the case first!"

As he said, the judge took off his two-winged black gauze hat and put it directly on Liu Di's head. He covered his crotch with one hand and his butt with the other hand, and ran away.

Liu Di, who was a little confused, clearly saw that the judge also had two jingling jade pendants on his waist.


The village woman knelt on the ground, pointed at the farmer and said in a crying voice: "Master, you are wise. He stole my koji. He is a drunkard. He has no wine, so he uses my koji to satisfy his cravings!"

The farmer's cheeks were red, and he burped with a smell of alcohol. He said dizzy: "I didn't."

As he spoke, the fermented koji like sawdust fell from the corner of the farmer's mouth.

Liu Di, who was wearing a black hat crooked, was quite shocked and a little dazed.

He glanced at the direction where the judge ran away and sighed slightly.

Immediately, Liu Di coughed lightly and asked the farmer, "I see you have a purse hanging around your waist, you should be very rich, why don't you buy wine, but steal other people's koji?"


The young man said drunkenly, "There is only this woman selling wine nearby, but she has been brewing wine at a speed as fast as giving birth to a child. I can't fill my stomach in three months!"

Liu Di was silent.

How much wine yeast did you eat to make such a metaphor?

He looked at the village woman again, "Why can't you brew wine?"

The village woman said, "My distillation jar was broken and I can't make wine."

Liu Di nodded, "Then, brother, you pay for it and buy a distillation jar for this elder sister. You can drink the wine first, and the jar will be used as the wine money."

The two of them lit up at the same time.

"This is good!"

"The master is really fair!"

After that.

The village woman came to Liu Di, pinched a handful of wine yeast from her pocket, and said with a smile, "This is to thank you, the master!"

Liu Di smiled, "Just resolve the grudge."

But it was the next moment.


The grievance drum outside the door was struck!

I saw another pair of peasant women and a young man walked in angrily, and the peasant woman knelt down and said, "Master, you are right, he stole my wine yeast!"

Liu Di was stunned, watching the two groups of people complaining alternately.

The people were still the same two people, but one group of grievances was resolved, and the other group of grievances had just arisen.

The time was zero.

Liu Di patiently asked about the situation and proposed a solution with clear thinking.

Who knew that this trial would be another eight hundred pairs, over and over again.

"It's good to resolve the grievances."

Liu Di smiled and sent the two people away, only to hear the seamless sound of the grievance drum.

He had a question in his mind.

What kind of displacement was the judge before?

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