My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1110 Mysterious Visitor (1/2)

"Master, can I not save you?"

Mo Jiuli slowly looked up at the sky and squinted his eyes, "I feel so ashamed to play along with you all day, you'd better die."

Mo Yu lay on the ground, looking at him with shame and anger, "Little Jiuli, stop making trouble."

Mo Jiuli looked helpless and a little collapsed, pointing in front of him and said, "The tablet of the ancestors of the Mo family has been transformed into a mechanism by you, and even the tablet of the previous master Mo Changfeng has been divided into two by you. Are you polite? If one day, Master, you really pass away, how can you face the ancestors of the Mo family in the underworld?"

"Puh, phuh, phuh!"

"Mo Jiuli, you are a crow mouth. This master is far-sighted and prepared for a rainy day. I will always make full preparations. To put it bluntly, I will never die! Of course, I will not face any ancestors!"

Mo Jiuli sighed slightly and turned back slowly.

But he saw that Mo Yu on the ground had stuck out his tongue, his head tilted, and he was dead.


Mo Jiuli's face turned pale!

I just complained a little, you are too hasty!

Mo Jiuli hurried to the workbench beside him, his hands flew, changing the information channel of the Moyu core brain, and then activated the nearest nutrition warehouse.


The hatch of one of the upright nutrition warehouses slowly opened.

A naked Mo Yu stepped out, "A long-dormant dream, as long as you keep watering it, it will always sprout. You must believe that those silent years that no one cares about are the foundation for future nirvana and rebirth. I am alive again!"

Mo Jiuli looked at the slightly shaking object, sighed and lowered his head, "Master, what's next?"

Mo Yu stood straight and walked slowly, "Jiuli, I believe you have also seen that my superb acting skills just now came from the tempering of life. In the long and dull years, I picked up flowers in the morning and picked up flowers in the evening, and realized the truth."

Mo Jiuli whispered: "You are just afraid of Brother Liu."

Mo Yu's body paused, and the object shook again.

Immediately, Mo Jiuli took out a white robe and put it on Mo Yu, "You saw the clone run away and knew you were going to be beaten up, so you took advantage of the situation and performed that life-and-death separation directly, trying to completely deceive Brother Liu. Fortunately, I, Jiuli, am smart and understood it instantly, otherwise I would have saved you on the spot."


Mo Yu's mouth twitched, "My words are so poetic, can't you give me some face?"


Mo Yu put his hands on his waist, his white robe fluttering, and the inside was hollow, like a pervert, and said proudly: "When have I, Mo Yu, been afraid of Brother Liu? Just this time, I beat him 2,500 times!"

The next moment.

Mo Yu froze!

But he saw a figure in white standing with his hands behind his back on a clone warehouse in the distance. He had no expression on his face, and his right eye flashed purple.

The scene suddenly became awkward.

Mo Yu, who was like an exhibitionist, put his hands on his waist and swallowed his saliva and said, "Jiuli, look for a moment, is there a person standing there?"


Mo Jiuli turned around and looked into the distance, but he saw neatly arranged clone warehouses everywhere, nothing unusual.

He wondered, "Who is it?"

Mo Yu was also confused, and rubbed his eyes hard, and the figure really disappeared.

He was a little unbelievable, "Am I hallucinating? It must be! This cave is a secret among secrets, I must be under too much pressure!"

Mo Jiuli shook his head and sighed, "I will prepare 2 months of food and fresh water for you, is it enough?"

Mo Yu's eyes lit up, "You really know my heart, but you also know that no matter what I do, I will strive for perfection. Even if I have to hide, I must be the king of it, the tyrant of hiding!"

"So, the food must be prepared for at least 2 years!"

"When Liu Di settles the clone and everything is back to normal, I will go out again!"


But Liu Di.

From the Reincarnation Temple in Xiuxiang Mountain, step into the long river of time.

In fact, at this time, he had already lost contact with reality.

He walked slowly along the road that looked like colorful glass.

The six time halberds in his mind were very concrete at this time, emitting a faint blue light.

The reason why there were six was because one was lost at the cosmic singularity, and another was lost during the formation of the earth. Then, when he was in the Kola Peninsula, four flew out at the same time, and one never returned.

Liu Di knew in his heart that the time halberd brought a fate, and he also lost that memory.


Liu Di sighed slightly, and Cao Yuan's golden trident appeared in his mind again.

They are both time weapons.

Others are accurate and can benefit others.

And his own time halberd not only has poor skin, but also has a large error.

And for some reason, it also produced a new function, splitting into four selves at the same time, each going their own way.

It's like a child running away.

Although the effect of this collaborative operation is very good, it is uncontrollable!

What a pity.

The time halberd in Cao Yuan's hand has its own mission and cannot be "borrowed".

And the best result is Cao Yuan's golden trident, which is the final evolution of my time halberd.

This is the only consolation!


Why did this time halberd stop upgrading again?

Brother Liu was puzzled.


Brother Liu paused.

I saw a figure standing in the long river of time in front of him.

The light on his body was distorted, and there was a long light behind him, which was both real and illusory.

Brother Liu frowned!

I have seen this figure before!

It was the moment when he returned to 2021 last time, but at that time, the world was destroyed and the long river of time collapsed, so he had no time to care.

Even now, he is still so unscrupulous!

It's really strange!

The long river in this world is not a vegetable market, so many people come and go casually?

Liu Di was alert and approached slowly.

But the man did not move at all, as if he was staring at the distance quietly.

The distance between Liu Di and the man was getting closer and closer. Even if there was less than 1 meter left, the figure was still motionless.

Liu Di clenched his fist and looked at him!

But at this moment, the distorted light on the figure began to return to normal and gradually became clear.

The other party's straight body emerged, starting from his chest, first revealing a white shirt!

Liu Di's expression paused!

Then, the other party's face began to become clear.

It was a fair and handsome face with slightly long hair and a purple light flashing in his right eye!

Liu Di was shocked!

Isn't this me?

Brother Liu was extremely shocked, and slowly reached out to touch the figure, "Are you the future Brother Liu?!"

But the next moment.

Brother Liu's body suddenly condensed into a string of blue light, like some kind of virtual code, and was absorbed into the body of the 'future Brother Liu'!

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