Cao Yuan's body shook violently.

This question made him shiver all over!

Xing Wan and Hua Yue's faces were extremely pale.

The two young members were full of confusion!

The founder of the Shi Group, the legendary master Cao Yuan, has arrived!

But why is he so afraid!

The ability of the savior is not as good as before!

Why is this? !

But Liu Di said again: "Kill whoever you want to kill, Cao Yuan, kill one for me today."

Cao Yuan tried hard to suppress his trembling, swallowed his saliva, and hesitated to speak.

It was Liu Di.

His eyes were fierce!

He shook his hand violently.

The weapon behind Cao Yuan trembled and flew directly into the air!

With a ding, the weapon was nailed into the ground in front of Liu Di!

The rags above began to fall continuously, revealing the golden trident that was shining brightly and could not be looked at directly!

The hearts of the two juniors of the Shi Group suddenly exploded with thunder!

Why can he control our holy objects!

But Cao Yuan knelt on the stone steps with a plop and whispered: "All members of the time group, punish yourself."

Both young members were stunned, "What is self-punishment?"



Cao Yuan waved his arm and slapped his cheek hard!

The members of the time group were extremely shocked.

Xing Wan's body trembled violently, and it was the same scene again!



Cao Yuan's arm had no intention of stopping at all, and it was heavier each time!

Several members of the time group looked pale.

The young female disciple said in horror: "Master... what are you doing?"

Cao Yuan didn't even raise his head, "If you say one more word, I will clean up the mess myself!"

The two young members turned pale, looked at Liu Di in fear, and couldn't resist the huge pressure, and knelt on the ground with a plop.

And Xing Wan and Hua Yue also knelt down slowly, gritted their teeth, and raised their arms.


The crisp sound of hitting instantly broke the psychological defenses of the two disciples!

They couldn't believe that the founder of the Shi group and the two elders actually knelt in front of him and began to fight with themselves!

They untied their cloaks in despair.

The woman with a delicate figure had a beautiful face. In daily life, she should be a cold and beautiful image.

The big man had a face full of flesh and a fierce look.

But at this time, both of them had an expression of boundless fear and extreme regret!

They did not hesitate and raised their arms.



The sound resounded throughout the Xiuxiangshan Reincarnation Temple!

Liu Di sighed slowly, "Cao Yuan, Cao Yuan, you seem to be honest and persistent, but you are actually smart enough in your heart. Seeing that I am not a bloodthirsty person, you created such a scene of mobilizing troops. Do you want me to feel pity? You can calm my anger with a few slaps?"

Hearing this, Cao Yuan trembled slightly, frowned, and continued to increase the intensity of self-punishment without saying a word!

Brother Liu sighed slightly, "Enough."

Cao Yuan paused for only half a second, and did not dare to look directly at Brother Liu. Instead, he began to twitch his mouth again, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth!

This time, Brother Liu frowned and roared, "I said enough."

The bodies of the group members paused!

Cao Yuan's arms were suspended in the air, and he did not dare to fall!

No one dared to speak.

Even Bai Mei did not dare!

Ming Wan's three views were refreshed, and he looked at Brother Liu tremblingly. Master Liu was so fierce and domineering!

But Brother Liu stared at the golden trident.

Why didn't he want to take this thing for himself?

But thinking of his vague perception of the future.

He narrowed his eyes slightly. Many times, his own strength could not reverse the disaster.

Layout, burying more spies, and supporting others can increase the chances of winning invisibly!

But Liu Di looked up, "In the Shi Group, there is a founder and a bunch of messy elders, who are corrupt and inflexible!"

But Cao Yuan lowered his head and trembled, saying, "I can disband the Shi Group."

Liu Di shook his head, "There is a man named Liu Shang in the Shi Group, and I just heard that these two juniors are still Liu Shang's subordinates?"

The slender woman nodded quickly, "He is our former team leader."

Liu Di narrowed his eyes.

Recalling in his mind, Liu Shang also strictly enforced the rules at first, but he kept thinking about flexibility throughout the process. He once deliberately let Mo Yu go, and later deliberately let himself go, and did not interfere with Gu Fan.

Liu Shang, Liu Shang.

He is Nienen, that is, reversing entropy increase.

"I will only recognize you once as my younger brother."

Liu Di echoed this sentence in his mind.

Soon, his eyes flashed, and his elder brother also has two words, so I will recognize you once!

Liu Di waved his hand, and the golden trident rose from the ground and landed in front of Cao Yuan.

He said: "From now on, all matters of this group, big or small, will be under the jurisdiction of Liu Shang, and this time halberd will also be under his control!"

Xing Wan was stunned when he heard it, "No, he has a rebellious nature, and his qualifications..."

But Liu Di looked at him.

Xing Wan paused, gritted his teeth and trembled, "I have no objection!"

Cao Yuan suddenly had a feeling of enlightenment in his eyes, and slowly raised his head, "Thank Mr. Liu for the second chance, I will do it!"

And the two young members of the time group, although their personalities are arrogant and domineering, but in the many years of experience in the time group, they admire only one person the most!

That is the team leader Liu Shang!

He is cold and speechless, his strength is unparalleled, and the pattern in his heart is no less than the four elders!

Once, he was dismissed from his post, and several of his subordinates were unwilling to accept it!

But they didn't expect that the man in white in front of them actually helped him!

The two members of the Time Group suddenly felt how childish and ridiculous their previous behavior was, and how disrespectful it was!

This man was simply above the entire Time Group!


The foreheads of the two men hit the ground heavily.

Liu Di stood up, glanced at the Time Group members in front of him with different expressions, but all with red and swollen cheeks, and said lightly: "That's it, don't make me angry again!"

He looked at Bai Mei, "Disciple, meet again in the future."


Liu Di stepped into the black vortex that appeared out of thin air.

Ming Wan was speechless, "Master, he just left like this?"

Bai Mei: "I still have something to say! But he didn't give me a chance to speak?"

The cook: "Don't the whole temple have to starve today? I have stewed the dishes!"

And the eyes of the members of the Time Group were full of submissive eyes.

He can actually travel through time with his physical body!


Sweating profusely, as if he had experienced life and death, Cao Yuan glanced at everyone and said, "Xing Wan, you are old, so you don't have to ask about the affairs of the elders in the group in the future. You just patrol the group and see which newcomer needs help, and try to solve it."

Xing Wan's face instantly darkened. He knew that this was actually dismissing his position and serving as a logistics assistant for all the newcomers.

Cao Yuan looked at the two young disciples again, frowned and said, "Today, you two actually saved your lives! But this incident also exposed that you two are still shallow, impetuous and reckless! From today on, you will go to the reincarnation of time in the group for 40 years. After I am satisfied, you can go to assist Liu Shang."

The two disciples trembled, but they could only nod and bow their heads!

After a moment of silence, Cao Yuan felt uneasy and suddenly asked, "What else did you do that I don't know?"

Xing Wan swallowed his saliva, "I also sent a group of people to kill the leader of the Mo family. Master, you know his age."

Cao Yuan was extremely shocked, "Nonsense!"

Xing Wan's body shrank back immediately, his face was extremely ugly, "Besides, I just learned about the progress over there."

Cao Yuan immediately felt bad, "What progress!"

Xing Wan's eyes dodged and said, "More than 200 bodies of Mo Yu are dead."

Cao Yuan actually fell to the ground, "What!!!"

And at this time.

Bai Mei was suddenly startled, "Mo Yu? I heard from an old man named Song that Mo Yu is a good friend of my master!"

The entire team members were struck by lightning!


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