My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1103 Time is wasted (1/2)

Xiuxiang Mountain.

Bai Mei slowly put down the tea cup in his mouth, with a look of fascination in his eyes, "In this way, Master and I created a piece of history that is astonishing and extremely cool!"

Ming Wan on the side heard this with excitement and tears in his eyes.

He said: "Master, I envy you so much for having such a glorious past! If you can let me have such an experience, I will die!"

Baimei shook his head proudly, "You have no chance in this life. Master, he is interested in my wisdom, and you don't have that."

Ming Wan sighed heavily, "Master, you told me the whole story, but you didn't tell me the name of the master. Moreover, I especially want to know where the master is now?"

The white eyebrows were raised, and the beard was slightly waving, "Master told me not to reveal his identity in a hurry unless he admits it himself. Also, Master has great magical powers and spends all his time playing around. You ask me where he is? I can't see it. Toru! Maybe, he is in front of the temple right now!"

"The whole temple will be hungry tonight!"

The cook's melodious voice echoed through the whole temple, and there was a sadness in his words, which was his surrender to the world.

Bai Mei was startled!

But I saw Brother Liu walking slowly over!

The reason why Brother Liu rushed to Xiuxiang Mountain as soon as possible was because he wanted to see if the world had changed because of his willfulness.

I saw the elderly Bai Mei and Ming Wan sitting in front of the outdoor tea table.

Brother Liu smiled slowly.

If there is no catastrophe, history can still correct itself!

But Ming Wan raised his head and frowned and said, "Young man, why are you here again? Are you annoyed? You didn't see Master and I drinking tea?"


Bai Mei kicked Ming Wan 8 meters away again.

Then he wiped the stone bench and said, "Haha, Brother Liu, sit down."

Brother Liu looked at the white eyebrows of a 70-year-old man, and felt inexplicable. In just a moment, time was wasted, he was old.

Brother Liu slowly sat down, "Can you play chess?"

Bai Mei was startled, "People call him Gobang Yilong, the old guard on Xiuxiang Mountain."

Brother Liu clicked his tongue, "Backgammon... let's play a game."

Baimei's eyes brightened, and he said to Ming Wan, who was staring at the flower pot: "Go and get the chess piece!"


After Ming Wan got the chess pieces, he stood in a daze. He didn't know where to spit out the old blood in his heart, so he could only hold it in.

Brother Liu picked up the white seed with two fingers and slowly dropped it.

Bai Mei bit her tongue, stared at the chessboard, and took out a chess piece, about to drop it.

Suddenly I heard Brother Liu say: "Where is Wanyi?"

Bai Mei's body froze for an instant, and the black piece in his hand fell to the ground with a splash. Tears appeared in his eyes, and he murmured: "Master, you are back."

Brother Liu smiled, "Yeah."

Baimei burst into tears instantly!

He stood up slowly, knelt on one side, and kowtowed silently.

far away.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Heqi Shengcai was shocked in their hearts, and they all knelt down and kowtowed.

Mingwan was dumbfounded.

This... what the hell... is happening!

"Keep playing chess."

Brother Liu said calmly.


Bai Mei sniffed, wiped her tears with her big sleeve, sat back down, took out an old pocket watch from her arms, touched it gently, opened it, and showed it to Brother Liu.

Among them is a black and white photo of a young man and woman standing side by side.

"Wanyi, passed away."

The tears in Bai Mei's eyes have not yet dissipated, but she smiled and said: "But don't worry, she died peacefully when she died. I stayed with her all her life."

Brother Liu nodded happily and looked at Harmony and Prosperity in the distance.

Bai Mei scratched his head and said: "I missed the four little bald guys, so I later accepted these guys as my apprentices. Then as you said, I returned to my hometown and built this small temple, haha."

Brother Liu turned around, his expression softened instantly, "Very good."

Bai Mei tilted her head silently to let the tears dissipate, "Come, Master, let's play chess."


But he saw Ming Wan retreating with a look of confusion and disbelief!

He knelt on his knees, his eyes were like bells, and he pulled his hair hard, "What have I done before!!!"

Both the master and the disciple stopped talking and slowly settled down.

But outside the small temple in the tranquil mountain, an angry shout rang out, "Bai Mei! You broke the rules of time, and now it's time to be corrected!"

Brother Liu didn't turn around, but he frowned, "What the hell?"

Bai Mei smiled bitterly, "Master, you know that I am seriously overage now. There is an organization in this world called the Time Group, which specializes in correcting time problems, such as killing old immortals like me."

"Time group?"


Brother Liu continued to make moves.

Bai Mei continued: "Master, don't tell me, these little guys have clocks in their eyes and can jump around instantly. They are quite powerful in combat."

But Brother Liu didn't speak, he just looked at the chessboard with interest.

Bai Mei waved his hand, "Mingwan, go ahead and send them away. Don't disturb Master's enjoyment."

Ming Wan immediately accepted the order, "Yes!"

30 seconds later.


Ming Wan flew back, smashed the second flower pot, and fell into pieces.

He said: "Master, they seem to have become stronger. I can't defeat them."

Bai Mei was angry, "My flowerpot is very expensive!"

The next moment.

Two figures in black cloaks rushed into the small temple!

One has a burly body, and the other has a slim figure, but their faces are covered and their appearance cannot be seen clearly.

Only their eyes, which were hiding double clocks, glowed slightly under their hoods.

The only thing they heard was the voice of the exquisite figure, a very crisp but extremely cold female voice, "We are the 52nd successor of the Time Group, and we are here to correct you, He Cang!"


Liu Di dropped a piece, and the crisp sound attracted everyone's attention.

The slender woman turned her head slightly, "Please step back if you are not in the right place, so as not to hurt innocent people!"

Liu Di slowly raised his head and looked at the two people, "Correct, does that mean to kill? Whoever your team says to kill can be killed? Don't you know that He Cang saved the world?"

The slender woman paused slightly and squinted under her hood, "He saved the world more than a hundred years ago! Although he has made contributions, his life span broke the rules of time, so he can't continue to exist!"


Liu Di frowned, "Who set it."

It was the strong man who stepped forward and said, "Our team set it! This is the iron rule!"

And the slender woman slowly drew out a strangely shaped scimitar and said coldly, "And you are right, our team can kill whoever we want!"

Liu Di's face sank.

But Bai Mei quickly comforted Liu Di, "Master, don't be angry, I'll take care of it!"

Bai Mei was about to get up.

But Brother Liu waved his hand gently and asked him to sit down, then said to the man and woman: "It seems that your time group is a little twisted. I don't want to argue with you two juniors. Call your manager."

"How shameless!"

"Who are you? You want to dominate our time group casually?!"

The slender woman held the scimitar, the clock in her eyes turned, her figure jumped intermittently, and she rushed to Brother Liu in an instant!


But black metal suddenly surged out of Brother Liu's hand, covering his palm, and he grasped the scimitar, and then exerted a little force, and then the scimitar was squeezed into a ball like a piece of paper.


Brother Liu threw the ball of scimitar to the ground.

Then his eyebrows moved, and his mental power spread, forming a small barrier, and the clocks in the eyes of the two people in the time group suddenly went out!

Brother Liu, who had been sitting on the stone bench without moving his body, slowly raised his head, "I said, call your manager!"

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