My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1095 New Life (1/2)

The breeze rustled and the wild flowers rippled.

On the top of the mountain, Brother Liu stood quietly.

Wanyi's figure and those four cute little bald heads flashed in her mind, and her eyes instantly became wet.

The radioactive element francium changed their genetic structure and caused irreversible damage.

Now 33 years have passed, and their lives are as fleeting as meteors.

"Wanyi, died 7 years ago..."

"The little bald guys died 5 years ago..."

He Cang touched the stone tablet and smiled bitterly: "As for me, I am getting stronger as I grow older. I should have died long ago, but I still have a body of more than 20 years old. Master, I feel that the whole world has left me. Especially...lonely.”

Brother Liu frowned.

He Cang just said a few words, and felt endless sadness rushing towards his face.

Brother Liu has never experienced this kind of retrograde movement of time and space. Although he feels sad, he cannot empathize with it.

He didn't know how to comfort He Cang, so he just patted his shoulder slowly.

Right now.

One of He Cang's tears fell on the tombstone. The weather was very hot, and the tears evaporated in an instant. With a slight sobbing sound, there was no trace of it in the world, as if it had never been there, leaving only a blank space.

Liu Di took a deep breath and looked at the road in the distance, "Then you shouldn't give up on yourself and start this kind of business."

He Cang looked up and saw a luxury car speeding by, "I'm just like them, walking on the same road, but I mistakenly thought that I was amazing."

"I used to be strict with myself, but as a result, our family didn't get any respect because of our poverty."


"Tell you something interesting."

He Cang smiled, "Do you know why I set up roadblocks here?"

Brother Liu shook his head.

He Cang looked down the mountain, "Because this road is opposite Wanyi's tombstone, everyone who gets off the car to check the situation will bow to Wanyi."

"You know, when Wanyi passed away, I was the only one there."

Brother Liu suddenly fell silent and inadvertently saw a poem engraved on Wanyi's tombstone.

“When a person returns thousands of miles away, his intention is in a cup.”

“Think only of the long future, set sail and wait for good wind.”

Liu Di recited softly and then asked: "He Cang, do you know the meaning of this poem?"

He Cang's fingers lightly crossed the text, "This is Wanyi's favorite ancient poem, and it was her idea to engrave it here. Speaking of this poem, I really feel a little sorry for Wanyi."

Brother Liu's eyes moved slightly, "Why are you sorry?"

He Cang pursed his lips and pondered for a moment, "The meaning is obvious. Wanyi hopes that I will achieve great success in the future and wishes me all the best. Speaking of which, she also gave me the nickname He Daguo. She hopes that I will become a world-shattering person." Big shot.”

"Now that I'm blocking the road and robbing her, of course I'm sorry for her."

"I failed her."

"But, Master, I just want to be here with her and let everyone bow to her."

Brother Liu also pondered.

"When Wanyi passed away, you must have been twenty years old, right? Did you express some love for her?"

He Cang suddenly blushed, "Master, what are you talking about? There is so much age difference between me and her, how could I..."

But he saw Brother Liu still watching closely.

He Cang scratched his head and whispered: "No."

Immediately, He Cang's eyes flashed and he smiled: "But Wanyi seems to have guessed that I am not the age I look, but so what? I am not worthy of her, so I am accompanying her as a child. ,Good."

Brother Liu let out a long sigh, "Wanyi doesn't seem to have guessed it, but she definitely guessed it."

He Cang's expression suddenly changed, "Master, don't scare me."

Brother Liu looked at the poem on the tombstone, "This poem comes from the Tang Dynasty and is called "Untitled". Do you know what the last sentence of it is?"

He Cang's expression flashed, "I don't know."

"Before you gave birth to me, I gave birth to you and you are already old."

"You hate that I was born late, and I hate that you were born early."

“When a person returns thousands of miles away, his intention is in a cup.”

“Think only of the long future, set sail and wait for good wind.”

Brother Liu looked at the clear sky in the distance and chanted softly, his voice ethereal, lingering on the top of the mountain.

"In the official kiln of the Tang Dynasty, the aging talent may have really fallen in love with the passionate girl for a moment. Suddenly, just like when he encountered mountains and water that year, he stared at the distant mountains and sky in front of him."

"His heart became young again at this moment, like a romantic young man who is jealous but does not fall behind others. He is really emotional."

"There are rare times when God fulfills one's wishes, but now she is leaving. Those who are reluctant to leave must eventually let go. The mountains and rivers do not belong to him. In the end, he is just a passerby."

"In his later years, he wrote this poem."

"In my memory, Wanyi was illiterate. I am afraid that only when she is moved in her heart can she remember this poem firmly."

Brother Liu turned around and looked at He Cangshi again.

He burst into tears and broke down in sobs.

Liu Di looked at him and stopped talking, just waiting for him to vent his feelings.

Thirty years of emotional backlog is comparable to a flood breaking its banks.

Restoring tranquility is not something that can be achieved in a short time.

Liu Di stood like this, slowly counting the time in his heart. This time fragment only lasted two hours. Once he reached the end, everything would start all over again.

1 hour and 56 minutes.

He Cang was still crying.

There are only 4 minutes left in this small world.

But Liu Di's heart was very peaceful.

Because if He Cang doesn't wait for him to complete this journey of enlightenment.

Then, the so-called savior of the generation will never be born.

He Cang's crying gradually turned silent. He suddenly raised his head with tears on his face, "Wanyi is gone, but I have to continue. She wished me to 'set sail and wait for good winds', so I must not let her down! I, He Cang, will become a real big man!"

At this moment.

He Cang saw the golden time halberd behind Liu Di and suddenly stood up, "Master, do you come to me this time for any mission?"

Liu Di nodded slowly, "Yes."

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