My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1092 Hope Rises (1/2)

Cao Yuan's strap broke, and the weapon flew out.

It was hit by flying stones in the air and made a crisp sound. It rolled over and over, and finally, with a thud, it was inserted into the ground in the distance.

In the process, the rags of the weapon broke apart and slowly fell to the ground.

Xing Wan was in a panic, and his eyes never left the weapon. At this moment, the whole person was stunned, and he felt that everything in front of him was black!

On the charred ground, a trident-shaped weapon stood in the wind.

There were still some rags hanging on it, rippling slightly.


This weapon was not as bright and shining as it used to be, but dull and even covered with rust.

It was plain and ordinary, even like a burial object buried underground and overlooked by time for thousands of years.

Xing Wan didn't care about the fragments whizzing through the sky.

Shocked, he said, "Master, what happened to the Time Halberd!"

Cao Yuan's body was completely frozen. He had been hiding for so long, but the truth was still exposed!

But Xing Wan trotted a few steps, knelt in front of the weapon with a plop, and reached out to touch it. The mottled rust on the weapon was almost to the point of pricking his hand!

Xing Wan's pupils trembled, "Master, what happened to it, what happened to it!"

Cao Yuan did not speak.

Xing Wan turned around and shouted angrily, "Speak, what happened to it! Cao Yuan, what happened to the Time Halberd! Cao Yuan!"

Xing Wan had already called the name of the master!

Because his heart was already covered with shock and fear!

The Time Halberd has become like this, and its power is probably lost!

This means that they can no longer leave this end of the world, and it has become a journey that has come and gone!

"Cao Yuan, tell me the truth!"

"Can we go back!"

Xing Wan's forehead was exposed with blue veins, and he was already hysterical!

But Cao Yuan nodded silently!

Xing Wan jumped up, "No wonder you keep shirking your responsibility and don't want to take us back. Has the time halberd been ineffective for a long time?!"

But Cao Yuan gritted his teeth and said nothing!

"You killed us!"

Xing Wan rushed over angrily, but didn't want to be hit by a piece of warship debris. His body rolled over and vomited blood, and his ribs were shattered!

But Xing Wan gritted his teeth and got up, rushed to Cao Yuan, grabbed his collar, and started fighting!

Cao Yuan was also furious, raised his arm to slap Xing Wan, but his arm was stiff in the air and didn't hit!

Although Xing Wan's behavior was extreme, today's situation was indeed caused by him, Cao Yuan!

"You killed me and killed Junior Sister Huayue!"

Xing Wan shook Cao Yuan's body hard and actually tore off his gas mask!

Then, he threw his mask to the ground!

"I joined the Time Group when I was young and gave up everything in life, but ended up like this!"

"We are all going to die in this hellish world!"

Blood was flowing out of Xing Wan's mouth, and he pointed at the dim Time Halberd and roared: "You must find a way, you must restore the Time Halberd, otherwise I will fight you to death!"

But Cao Yuan smiled bitterly, "I have tried everything, I was wrong... The Time Halberd will never light up again..."

Blood was gushing out of the corners of Xing Wan's eyes, and he punched Cao Yuan's chin directly, "You can't say such things, you have to be responsible for both of us!"

Hua Yue on the side was also in tears, with empty and desperate eyes, "Don't fight..."

The last alien warship in the sky collapsed.

A black figure turned back with a bang and fell to the gray ground!

As he walked, the armor on his body faded like water ripples.

Gradually revealing the figure of the man in white.

Hua Yue cried, "Brother Liu, do you know that we are all going to die here!"

But Brother Liu stared at the weapon without looking away.

Only Cao Yuan said bitterly, "Brother Liu, don't touch it, that is... that is the sacred object of our Time Group..."

"Sacred object!"

Xing Wan's eyes bulged, "You still have the nerve to say that, it is now a piece of broken copper and rotten iron! Brother Liu, I tell you, no matter how strong you are, it will be useless, our ending will be the same!"

But Brother Liu slowly stretched out his palm.

The weapon suddenly trembled!

Layers of rust kept peeling off!

In the blink of an eye, a trace of golden light shone through!

The three people in the Time Group suddenly opened their eyes, " is this!"

"You give me a familiar feeling, but your appearance is completely different from the Time Halberd..."

Brother Liu frowned slightly!

At this moment.

A lifeboat suddenly split out of the alien main battleship that was about to crash and flew straight into the sky!

Among them, it was the green commander, who gnashed his teeth and glared at Liu Di, "You will pay the price!"

But Liu Di suddenly turned around.

With one hand pointing, the trident suddenly clanged and rose from the ground. It gradually faded away the rust in the air, turned into a golden rainbow, and kept jumping through time and space, and hit the lifeboat in an instant!


The lifeboat exploded directly, the flames shot up into the sky, and the trident turned back!

Liu Di opened his eyes wide, staring at the golden long halberd covered with delicate patterns in front of him, and suddenly a chill rose in his heart.

But what everyone did not expect was.

From the exploded lifeboat, a human figure flew out again. It was wearing a closed flight suit and continued to fly in the air. It was the green commander who survived the disaster!

Liu Di frowned.

The time halberd crossed time and space again!

When it came to the green commander, the little alien's soul left his body!

The light of the time halberd flowed, and it penetrated the flight suit. On the huge forehead of the alien, five five-pointed stars were engraved, one big and four small, surrounded by stars!

Then, the trident returned!

The alien's brain was confused!

He seemed to have seen this pattern on the moon!

Liu Di said slowly: "I can let you go back, but remember this logo. If you see it again, you can start your time and space jump, and then roll as far as you can!"

The green man trembled immediately and started to roll away!

Liu Di looked at the trident floating in front of him and solved the second doubt in his mind.

Why did he have a vague perception before? It turned out that this weapon can be perfectly integrated with his mental power.

He asked Cao Yuan, who was dumbfounded, "Can your weapon take people through time? How do you do it?"

It was the voice of the demon boy who suddenly came, "This weapon is very similar to the Time Halberd, but it is a physical entity, and it is a product of super high technology!"

"Its maker, with industrial precision, will go deep into atoms, engrave industrial structures on particles, and form electronic circuits. Each particle is a supercomputer."

"Countless such particles make up the appearance of this weapon!"

"This technology is like a super-miniature version of our Hell Leather Armor 2.0."

"Its computing power can completely code everything!"

"And the way to control it is consciousness particles, that is, mental power!"

"I think its maker has cracked the secret of consciousness and is no longer constrained by the weak carbon-based body. The life form has been transformed into energy, magnetic field, electromagnetic waves, condensed state, etc."

Mental power?

Is its essence technology?

Liu Di's eyes lit up.

At this time, Cao Yuan said, "The control method of the time trident requires..."

"I already know."

Liu Di suddenly replied, and then the trident turned in the air, creating a dark vortex.

The three members of the time group looked at each other, speechless.

"Let me borrow your weapon."

"And you, wait here quietly!"

Liu Di held the trident and stepped into the vortex. What came into view was the magnificent and broken river of time!

And the original place.

Xing Wan, whose body had been frozen for a long time, seemed to be struck by lightning. He immediately fumbled around and put on the gas mask on his face!

"We have hope..."

Cao Yuan knelt on the ground with a plop!

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