My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1085: The old place is still there, but things and people have changed (1/2)

Not long after.

The plane continued to fly.

But the lords below began to follow again, cutting through mountains and crossing seas.

Even if it was one of the four oceans, with a depth of tens of thousands of meters, these lords could still dive and walk as if walking on flat ground.

Under the dark sea surface.

A dark giant shadow could be vaguely seen swaying, and the sea surged wherever the plane passed.

The three members of the Shi group were in awe.

Cao Yuan looked at Brother Liu in confusion, "You can actually intimidate them?"

Brother Liu was also thinking, but just nodded politely.

At this time, Xing Wan didn't dare to say much.

This guy seemed a little strong.

The lords wanted to kill him, but they didn't dare to do it, just kept "shaking people"!

Perfect interpretation of the sentence - 'I like the way you can't stand me, but you can't kill me! '

And Sister Huayue, at this time, looked at Brother Liu with a blurred look.


The whole world has no moon or sun, no black or white.

The European Huasheng City has come into view. The huge city is covered with a light gray fog.

There are only more taller buildings and more scrapped cars in it, which is no different from other worlds.

The light is dim, silent, and mutant microorganisms are slowly wandering.

At 1800 West Virginia Avenue, the White Palace is as quiet as a ghost town.

Liu Di can't help but feel a little heartbroken.

There is no place in the whole world that is spared.

Lei Pu, you reckless man, did you really destroy everything with your own hands?

Liu Di was silent.

Oh, right.

In the 1970s and 1980s, Lei Pu had not yet taken office.

But I must scold you.

The Chinese-made Z-9 armed helicopter landed in front of the white palace unscrupulously.

In the original world, during the period of confrontation between the two major countries in the East and the West, this was impossible.

In Liu Di's heart, he hoped that a team of European soldiers would suddenly rush out at this time to stop the plane from landing, but this was also impossible.

Only countless lords in the distance were chasing after him.

Brother Liu glanced into the distance and said slowly: "The third floor below ground is their top-secret archive room. Cao Yuan, I believe you. You must find all the information about the 'Global Genetic Project'. As for me, I will stay here."

Cao Yuan nodded heavily, "Don't worry!"

Watching the three people in the group enter the white palace.

Brother Liu walked slowly and sat under the huge sculpture of a figure.

The lords in the distance also paused suddenly.

But even so, this Huasheng City was turned into a flat rubble under the stirring of thousands of lords.

The sky was gloomy, and the end of the world was elegy.

For a long time.

Cao Yuan and the other two walked out with gloomy faces. He said to Brother Liu: "Things are more serious, weirder, and more terrifying than we imagined!"

After that.

Cao Yuan stretched out his hands and handed Brother Liu a document.

'Noah-Global Genetic Modification Project File. '

Brother Liu slowly flipped through it.

'The global climate is changing rapidly, the temperature is hot and cold, and a large amount of toxic substances are erupting from the surface into the air. ’

‘As time goes by, humans will be completely extinct within 20 years. ’

‘So, we have formulated this plan. ’

‘We have successfully completed the first test 2 years ago, allowing thousands of experimenters to obtain antibodies to poisons. ’

‘We are ready to promote these modified drugs to the world. ’

‘Although individual malignant reactions cannot be ruled out. ’

“But, the purpose of the Noah Genetic Modification Program is to allow the human race to continue.”

Seeing this, Brother Liu’s heart suddenly trembled!

Even the fingers that flipped through the information trembled slightly.


It’s going to save the world?

Brother Liu glanced at Cao Yuan.

But he saw that his expression was also extremely solemn. He said: "I misunderstood Europe."

Brother Liu frowned and keenly perceived a piece of information.

Why does the global climate change?

Why do toxic substances emerge from under the surface?

For no reason, why does this phenomenon occur?

Brother Liu pinched the materials in his hand and found that there were some chapters after that, so he eagerly turned them over.

‘I am Dr. Korwede, the person in charge of the Noah Genetic Modification Project. ’

‘I am desperate, I have lost all hope. ’

‘The international consultation that took nine years has come to fruition, and the Noah Genetic Project can be implemented. ’

‘But it has no meaning anymore. ’

‘Because of the intensified disaster, strange species suddenly emerged from the underground of the Kola Peninsula in Russia. They are like demons, no one can stop them, and they are destroying the entire world. ’

‘Although the demons have not yet arrived, my family and my colleagues have all died in the current environment, and I... can't hold on. ’

‘The last page was written in 1983. ’

Liu Di's body began to tremble.

The piece of paper that he held tightly in his hand was already the last page of the material.

He was furious.

A name emerged in his mind - New Atlantis.

They did not keep their promise.

They released toxic substances underground, and then sent troops to attack!

The New Atlantis I saw in 1979, but they turned around and launched an attack in 1983!

In the silence, Liu Di's teeth were chattering.

He stood up slowly, with flames in his eyes. He said, "I'm going to the Orokola Peninsula. There, I should meet the so-called demon. Do you want to go with me?"

Cao Yuan stepped forward, "Of course!"

But Xing Wan said with a look of despair, "I just searched and there is no fuel nearby. Even if we find it, our plane can't support that far."

Cao Yuan's blood was already boiling, "Then let's find a new means of transportation, even if we have to work hard!"

But Liu Di slowly raised his head and stared at the white palace before the renovation.

"I know where the means of transportation is."

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