My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1080 This is reality (1/2)


An idea flashed in Brother Liu's mind.

This is a sea market.

Liu Di remembered that there was a century-old atomic clock stored in the Science and Technology Museum in Haishi.

It uses the electromagnetic waves emitted when cesium atoms absorb or release energy to time the time. The time is extremely accurate, and the time difference is only one second in 300,000 years!

Brother Liu suddenly rushed out of the bank.

Relying on his sixth sense, he headed straight for the ‘ancient’ building in his memory!

Even if the speed is maximized, it still cannot hide the eagerness in his heart.

His figure was rampant.

Passing through countless deserted streets, many huge mushrooms were disturbed and retracted their umbrella tops into the ground. Countless eating tardigrades let out low roars.


The white spire-like building appeared in view.

Only half of the large iron characters on the Science and Technology Museum have been corroded.

Brother Liu pushed the door open. The door was already rotten and fell to the ground.

He climbed the stairs step by step, and occasionally saw some bones huddled in the corner.



Brother Liu's footsteps echoed in the empty building and continued until they reached the top floor.

On the table in the center, an atomic clock the size of a safe is covered in a thick layer of volcanic ash.

"This can't be reality."

Brother Liu muttered, reaching out and slowly brushing away the ashes.

A row of red, beating numbers gradually emerged.

——August 7, 2021, 19:40:46.

Liu Dizhi felt that his eyesight went dark, as if the world was spinning.

How could this time be ‘now’!

And how could it be like this 'now'?


Liu Di climbed to the top of the Science Museum, leaning on the top of the tower, looking down at this strange world.

Countless volcanoes erupted as far as the eye could see, and their ashes drowned the sun.

The air and moisture contain highly toxic substances, and there are also unknown spores floating there.

Anaerobic microorganisms and sunlight-free plants grew crazily and even evolved.

Tardigrades are tenacious and have grown to what they are today.

The man-of-war jellyfish has an endless lifespan, but now it can fly into the sky?

It's obviously 2021, and technology and culture are stuck in the 1970s!

And humans, who once were the overlords of the earth, have completely disappeared!

Brother Liu said silently: "Demon boy, could this be a parallel universe?"

"Brother Liu, you know that our long history is completely based on the real world. Here, it is reality."

"In the end what happened?"

Brother Liu slowly sat down, and the last glimmer of hope in his heart completely disappeared, "Where is mom, where is Brother Liu, where is Ajia, where is Kun Sang? Where is the twins, where is the punisher? Where are the people!"

The worldview collapsed in an instant.

Brother Liu tremblingly took out the box of Three Towers cigarettes, opened the package, and slowly took out one.

Heat emanates from your fingers, lighting the cigarette.

The tobacco was extremely dry and cracked, and it was extremely choking.

Brother Liu had to smoke hard because the oxygen content in the air was extremely low and the cigarette would go out at any time.

Scarlet pyrotechnics flashed in this dark world.

It reflected Brother Liu's absent-minded face, and he had to accept it.

this is the truth'!

"You need to think calmly."

"What happened during the time I was away."

"We have to find the reason, we have to find the Time Halberd!"

"The world cannot continue like this."

"I have to reverse it!"

Liu Di said in a low voice that the magician's ability had just helped him explore the underground situation. There were indeed many apocalyptic bunkers, but they were just more bones!

"There is no excess nuclear radiation in the air, ruling out the possibility of nuclear war."

"There are even no traces of war."

"Geological changes also occur slowly, not suddenly."

"The gap in information is so big that I can't deduce it at all."

The demon boy kept analyzing.

Brother Liu held a cigarette between his fingers and suddenly said: "Could it be SDERS! It has revived and changed the entire ecology!"

But soon.

Liu Di himself rejected this idea.

The civilization under our feet has obviously stopped for many years, and there is no possibility of SDERS being born.

Think of the collapse of the long river of time.

Liu Di's eyes were a little red, "It's time. There must have been a problem at some point in the past! A huge time paradox! It overturned my entire time stream!"

"what exactly is it?!"

At this time, Brother Liu had gathered all his abilities, but he was unable to do anything.

No matter how much you meditate, you cannot summon the Time Halberd.

"Perhaps my time stream no longer exists."

"How to solve it this time?"

Brother Liu raised his head and looked into the air. The cigarette in his hand had been extinguished.

The thick layer of smoke was suddenly stirred by the air current.

A rare gap was revealed, and a crimson moon slowly emerged, but was covered again in an instant.

Brother Liu was a little frustrated and his lips trembled slightly.

Under the blood moon, am I the only one left?

I don’t recognize it.

Brother Liu jumped off the tower and searched for every detail in the world.


The reasons for the decline of the world are either hidden or unwilling to be mentioned.

Searched for a long time.

Brother Liu only saw this sentence on one sculpture - "We believe that the world will get better."

"Someone give me an answer."

A chill kept rising in Brother Liu's heart. This huge mystery made him breathless.

He looked around blankly, but there was no sound. Even the mutated microorganisms were dormant because of his arrival.



Brother Liu's ears moved, and he keenly heard the sound of stones breaking 50 meters away, as if they were crushed by human leather shoes.

He turned his head suddenly, and then his eyes widened!

It was a figure!

He was wearing a leather windbreaker, covered in dust, with an old-fashioned gas mask on his face, and a slender weapon wrapped tightly with rags on his back!

He was breathing slowly, and a sharp sound of filtering air came from the gas mask!

Brother Liu's eyes burst into light, "You are a living person!"

The figure also raised his head slightly, although his expression could not be seen.

But it can be guessed that he is also very shocked now.

This person, just wearing a white shirt, can survive in this doomsday? !

The masked figure also spoke: "I am Cao Yuan, the founder of the Shi Group, and you... are a human?!"

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