The sun was already setting below the horizon.

The three of them were still walking.

Brother Liu frowned slightly, "Big shot, do you see the problem?"

"I can tell."

The boy sighed slightly, "Boss Chaifu is more generous than before. He is really a kind man."

Brother Liu was stunned, "That Polina is so obvious, can't you see it? Have you lived 100 years in vain?"

The big man raised his head and looked at Brother Liu blankly, "What do you see?"

"That gesture was kind of violent."

Brother Liu stretched out his hands to think of a way to describe it, but found that it was difficult to express it in words, so he sighed: "Forget it, you must be a eunuch."

The big man's face turned red, "You and I are not!"

Brother Liu shook his head, "Anyway, don't go to that Chai Fu boss's dinner party from now on."

The big shot was completely puzzled, "Don't go to the dinner when you have the chance? Are you stupid? Are you going to support me from now on? Are you giving me such a stupid command? Do you really think you are my master?"

Brother Liu gritted his teeth and turned around, "If you don't listen to me, I will feed you to death."

After another full 20 minutes, Wanyi in front stopped.

It seems that we have finally reached our destination.

In a depression ahead, there stood three dilapidated wooden houses.

The scene at the back of the wooden house is even more spectacular.

It was a huge mine, like a large bowl with a diameter of three to five kilometers, embedded in the ground.

The deepest part can no longer be seen clearly due to the dim light.

Brother Liu sighed in his heart.

This thing has also been recorded in history. It was a diamond crater that was once popular. It was huge in size and hundreds of meters deep. It was like a scar on the earth.

This is another way people mine minerals and find diamonds.

Because this thing is also located on the Kola Peninsula, it was once misunderstood as the Kola Super Drilling Well.

But anyone with some common sense knows this.

The Kola drilling depth is tens of thousands of meters and the diameter is 30 centimeters. It is already a great project!

Brother Liu followed the big shot and Wanyi to the cabin.

Just opened the door.

But I saw four little bald heads rolling around on the floor in the house.

They are only three or four years old, and they are really cute.

Seeing someone returning, four little bald heads were like spinning tops on the ground, falling to the feet of several people.

Three of them hugged the big man's legs directly.

The fourth one seemed to be lost and hugged Brother Liu's leg directly.

The four children all opened their mouths and said in a milky voice: "Brother, I'm hungry."

Brother Liu looked at the little bald man at his feet, whose forehead was like a lightbulb, and was startled, "Isn't this the case that harmony brings wealth?"

The big shot was also stunned and looked at Brother Liu, "You are quite savvy! But their names are Ping An and Xiang Xiang! They are also Wanyi's adopted children!"

Brother Liu pursed his lips.


According to time calculation, harmony and wealth should not have been born yet, right?

But these four little bald heads are really a coincidence.

This time travel really makes me confused!

But Wanyi walked in and said with a gentle smile: "Don't worry, dinner will be served soon!"

Watching Wanyi walk to the back room and lift the lid of the pot.

Suddenly the room was filled with steam and fragrance.

"It smells like potatoes."

Brother Liu sniffed the air and subconsciously touched his belly. He hadn't eaten for a long time.

Look at the big shot again.

His eyebrows look more and more like an old man with white eyebrows.

Liu Di is always very happy when he thinks of that time in Xiuxiang Mountain.

The voice of 'the whole temple is hungry tonight' echoed in my mind, and the aroma of cabbage and tofu lingered on the tip of my nose.

When I'm with Bai Mei, my appetite is always strong.

Bai Mei is ready to eat!


Wanyi was holding two chipped porcelain plates filled with fragrant potatoes.

She put the potatoes on the table, looked at Brother Liu, and said with a smile: "Eat with an open stomach, there is a lot in the pot." At this moment, four little bald heads stretched out four small hands from under the table, grabbed the potatoes and hugged them respectively. Then he started chewing.

Brother Liu nodded in response, grabbed a small potato, broke it in half, put one half in his mouth, and chewed it slightly.

Soft and sweet.

It’s so delicious!

The next moment, Brother Liu put half of the potato back on the plate and smiled slightly, "I'm full."

Wanyi was stunned, "What? Doesn't it suit your taste?"

Brother Liu shook his head and sighed, "It's very appetizing, but my appetite is very small."

While talking.

Brother Liu looked at the kitchen. Just now he clearly saw that the pot was already empty.

The grain bags on the side were also completely shriveled and piled aside.

What is on the table is the last food of this family.

And at this time.

The big shot sitting nearby, who was not at the table, nodded slowly towards Brother Liu, his eyes slightly moist.

But Wanyi rolled up her hair and said apologetically: "Tomorrow, I will make you a sumptuous dinner tomorrow."

At night.

The four little bald heads fell asleep with snot soaked in their noses.

Wanyi lay gently beside them and fell asleep soon.

The big shot stayed in a separate room and made no noise.

And Brother Liu.

It was sitting outside in the moonlight.

Too many questions remain unanswered.

If the current Baimei does not have the ability to convert the element 鄄, then who crushed the Tunguska meteorite 77 years ago?

In comparison.

The drilling holes all over the Kola Peninsula are not a big problem.

After all, it would be 13 years before hell broke out.

What Liu Di has to do is to quietly wait for the arrival of the ability, and then be a little rough and wild, and smash these wells one by one, and then the job will be done.


On this peninsula, people like Wanyi, the four little bald heads, and the big shots all rely on these wells to make a living. Now it is so difficult, not to mention that these wells are destroyed!

Liu Di scratched his head.

Such a decision is still hard to bear.


Liu Di's ears moved, and he heard someone approaching from behind!

He turned around suddenly.

But he saw a masked figure holding a sharp blade in his hand, standing behind him!

But Liu Di sighed slightly, "As expected, you are a funny guy in your bones. Mr. Big Shot, even if you put a black cloth on your head, with your underdeveloped body, is there anyone in the entire Kola Peninsula who is blind enough to not recognize you?"

But the masked man snorted and said directly: "I'm going to make money, do you want to go?"

"I think you are going to rob money?"

Liu Di pondered slightly, and thought of the four little bald heads and the embarrassed Wanyi in his mind.

"What plan?"

Liu Di suddenly raised his head.

But the big shot pointed to the mine not far away with the dagger in his hand, "I have been observing here for a whole year, and the current plan is foolproof. Let's go to steal diamonds tonight!"

"I am a scholar, and I always borrow things."

But Liu Di still stood up slowly, "I will accompany you for a trip, for peace and good fortune."

The big shot raised the dagger in his hand, "For peace and good fortune!"


The first and second generation saviors took advantage of the night and sneaked towards the mine!

Little did they know.

As soon as they left, Wanyi suddenly opened her eyes.

She slowly got up, her hands and feet were light, and she didn't alarm the four little bald heads at all.

She opened the cabinet.

She took out a delicate paper - Chai Fu's invitation, beautiful Ms. Wanyi, twelve o'clock at midnight.

Wanyi fumbled for the invitation with large gold-plated characters.

She bit her teeth lightly, "Children, you can all have enough food from now on."


She fixed her makeup, left the wooden house, and ran towards Chai Fu's villa in the night.

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