My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1053 Double Miracle

Wang Mang is located at the rear of the army.

At this moment, Xinyan saw General Wang Yi falling to his side, his feet still twitching slightly.

His face instantly turned pale and his soul was gone!

"Something bad happened, my life is at stake!"

Immediately, Wang Mang raised his head and looked at the sky. Liu Di's pendant was extremely small and he didn't notice it.

But Wang Mang roared angrily: "But I still don't believe in fate. Where did the meteorite come from in Lang Lang Qiankun? Are you going to kill me? You can't even think of leaving completely! Everyone, listen to my orders and fight to the death for me!"

Following Wang Mang's order.

The flag responsible for delivering orders wavered violently.

The 420,000 troops shouted angrily and marched together, and the ground thundered!

And brother Liu.

Facing the endless enemy front, it was like a huge torrent approaching with the aura of death.

At the front of the enemy army, there were countless cavalrymen with ferocious expressions, charging towards them, staring at Brother Liu!

Brother Liu’s expression remained unchanged!

He put his hands behind his hands and said loudly: "Wang Mang usurped the throne and established a new dynasty, which made the people miserable and made heaven angry and resentful! Now, I, Liu Xiu, have come according to the destiny of heaven. I will use the power of heaven to attract the power of heaven to kill you!"

The next moment.

The sky buzzed, as if the dome was shaking.

The sky was originally as clear as Wang Mang said, but at this moment, dozens of black spots suddenly appeared!

Then, these black spots began to expand, from ink dots to the size of a bowl, then to boulders, and finally to the size of houses!

The dozens of black spots before suddenly covered the sky and the sun!

‘Meteorites’ formed and began to fall!

The sound that broke through the sky was extremely sharp, like the roar of death!

And the area covered by this is Wang Mang's 420,000 army!

At this time, the enemy's face was already dull. Unknowingly, they forgot to charge and stagnated in place.

And Wang Mang.

He looked up at the sky, his expression frozen.

Although all this was absolutely absurd and unbelievable, he couldn't help but not believe it. His mind was completely blank at this time!


The first meteorite fell!

Smash into Wang Mang's army!

Although the size of the meteorite was limited, the enemy only suffered a few hundred casualties.

But it caused an uproar instantly!

Wang Mangjun's soul disappeared immediately!

The horses were frightened and ran wildly!




Meteors fell one after another, the earth continued to shake, dust rose everywhere, and vegetation collapsed!

Liu Di's meteorite was formed at an altitude of 1,000 meters, and the power of real space meteorites all lies in its impact. Compared with Liu Di, it is not even a little bit worse!

Even compared to Wang Mang's 420,000 troops spanning several kilometers, it was not a devastating blow at all.


The momentum of this divine punishment caused all the enemy soldiers to collapse inwardly!

Because this scene is simply the coming of the end of the world and the destruction of the world!

There is only one thought in people's minds, this is really the wrath of God!

Wang Mang's army fell into chaos in an instant!

Some trampled each other to death.

Others fell from their horses.

Many of them fell into the river and drowned in order to escape for their lives!

In just a few minutes, it collapsed.

Brother Liu exhaled slightly. Wang Mang's 420,000-strong army probably no longer has much fighting power!

"Arc DNA has arrived!"

The devil boy's voice suddenly came.

Brother Liu was stunned. The ability of arc can be used to create electric current by himself.

turn out to be

Brother Liu shook his head slightly.

According to historical records, Liu Xiu first summoned meteorites to fall from the sky, and then summoned the Nine Heavens Mysterious Thunder!

Double 'miracles' defeated Wang Mang.


There can be no mistakes in history!

Brother Liu already understood his mission, and then he jumped up, using a meteorite in mid-air to fly into the air again!

He shouted in the air: "It comes like thunder to absorb its wrath, and it ends like a river and sea condensing clear light, a real dragon's ears calling for thunder, and history's evildoers leave no mark!"

at this time.

Liu Di landed on a high-altitude meteorite, stretched out his hand and said with unparalleled power, "Wang Mang, be baptized by this thunder, your dynasty will be over, and I, Liu Xiu, will become emperor and obey God's will!"

Brother Liu's words and deeds are not useless.

In ancient times, people were superstitious and believed that if there was a new emperor or a new dynasty was born, it would have to comply with God's will, and there would be even more visions from heaven!

There was a rumor that when Emperor Qin succeeded to the throne, a real dragon soared.

Also during the Liu Bang uprising, he used a trick to hide a note saying "King Liu Bang" in the belly of a fish. The fishermen picked it up and shouted God's will to build momentum for him.

Only in this way can we stabilize people's hearts and create the illusion that the general trend is inevitable!

These words of Brother Liu are intended to have this effect!

In modern terms, it is the guidance of public opinion!

Currently, Brother Liu doesn't know where the 'Liu Xiu' is.

"But I, 'Liu Xiu', have paved the way to the top for you!"

At this moment, the purple pupil of Liu Di's right eye was flashing, and a fine current appeared on his body, like a big blue net, which was instantly transmitted to the liquid metal under his feet!

"Arc DNA fusion reaches 80%!"

The house-sized liquid metal under his feet instantly turned into a blue sphere with electric light, and lightning crackled in the air like tentacles!

Extremely dazzling and shocking!

And below, whether it was the Green Forest Army or the Wang Mang Army, they were all dumbfounded at this time, the cold air under their feet suddenly surged, and they were trembling all over!

Many people even want to kneel down and kowtow!

The electricity on the liquid metal accumulated more and more, and finally reached a terrifying level.

Liu Di seemed to have turned into the god of thunder, with his clothes and hair moving without wind!


A thick lightning bolt splashed out from the liquid metal!

Like a blue spear, it hit the ground, and the land exploded and charred and rolled!

Not only was the power amazing, but the thunder was also deafening!



The liquid metal under Liu Di's feet was like the center of a storm, with lightning striking one after another!

Countless people were blown away, and the ground was covered with desolation!

Wang Mang's army was even more terrified and began to flee with their heads in their arms. They were scared before, but now they were full of despair!

"What on earth did we do?!"

"What on earth did we anger?!"

At this time, Wang Mang didn't care about the meteorite falling, didn't care about the lightning exploding around him, and fell down in front of his dragon chair, as if he had turned into a sculpture, looking at the entire battlefield expressionlessly.

His long grey hair had long been scattered, his dragon robe was covered with dirt, and he had no thoughts in his mind, only a dead ashes.

He kept muttering: "God really wants to kill me, God really wants to kill me!"


"There is Wang Mang, and there must be Liu Xiu!"

"Oh God, you are unfair!"

Amid the rumbling thunder.

Wang Mang shouted in despair, "Why is this happening!!!"

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