late at night.

Under the moonlight.

In a bar, a famous drinker left with weak legs.

And another bar roof.

Brother Liu closed his eyes and crossed his legs, and from time to time he would reach for the void with his hands.

Below, Yellow-eyed Viper, a group of young men, and Friedrich squatted in the corner, watching eagerly.

"I said."

"What is Master Dongfang doing?"

The yellow-eyed viper asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Friedrich scratched his head, his eyes rolling.

I wonder if this guy is addicted to acting?

Do you really think of yourself as a master?

But Friedrich couldn't tell the truth because they had just reached an agreement with the yellow-eyed viper and would join forces to dig for gold tomorrow morning!

After thinking for a moment, Friedrich said seriously: "Have you ever heard of Eastern Qigong? The master is using luck and accumulating energy! When you go digging for gold tomorrow, your eyeballs will be shattered!"

"Oh! Is that so?!"

All the yellow-eyed vipers are awe-inspiring!

But Friedrich reached out and touched the feathers in the leather bag.

Just when he was 'measuring the value of the pearl', he had already taken precautions and nipped in the bud, plucking up every last strand of the gypsy girl's skirt!

The moon sets and the sun rises.

The rising sun in this wild land seems to be redder than other places.

Friedrich woke up in a daze.

Last night, they couldn't wait for the dancer to be free, and they couldn't wait for Brother Liu to finish practicing.

He was lying in the corner and fell asleep.

At this time, Friedrich was still holding a yellow-eyed viper in his arms.

In his spring dream last night, he thought the yellow-eyed viper's beard was a girl's hair, so he rubbed it hard all night long.


Friedrich waved his hand and looked towards the roof again, only to see that Brother Liu was nowhere to be found.

"Where is Master Dongfang?"

The yellow-eyed viper also woke up and stroked his beard, feeling as if it had been gnawed by a dog.

Friedrich pretended to be calm, thinking to himself, that boy wouldn't abandon me and run away, right?

But he said firmly: "The master has already gone into the mountain to observe the terrain in advance! Haven't you heard, look for the dragon and divide the gold to see the winding mountain, one layer of entanglement is a layer of barrier@#$#%, even if you tell me, you don't understand!"

Immediately, the yellow-eyed viper followed Friedrich into the mountain with a group of men, full of awe!

The Klondike River is hidden among mountains.

Every time I go to start work, I always have to climb some mountains, big and small.

The same is true for the 8-mile watershed owned by the yellow-eyed viper.

But when Friedrich walked down the hillside and saw the scene in front of him clearly, he suddenly felt bad!

I saw hundreds of people standing bustling under the river!

The leader was the same Indian-African team from yesterday, a dozen black men with extremely strong muscles.

They looked at Friedrich with eyes that could spit out sparks!

Friedrich had many thoughts.

Has my bird feather deception been exposed?

No, it stands to reason that work has not started today, but they were very grateful to me yesterday!

The yellow-eyed viper smiled and said: "Why, Mr. Friedrich is afraid of those natives? You don't have to worry, this is my territory!"

The yellow-eyed viper suddenly showed a vicious and arrogant expression, strode forward, and said to the leading black man: "Yorick, this is my territory! Why, you are like your stupid brother, your brain is broken, before you Come to provoke me?”

The black man Yorick snorted angrily and pointed at Friedrich!

The yellow-eyed viper rolled his eyes, "What? Jealous of Master Dongfang that I took away from you?!"

The black man spat directly!

Then he stretched out his hand and lifted up a piece of black feather.

Friedrich took a closer look and suddenly realized something was wrong. It was not his 'magic blessing feather' at all, but a leaf that was blackened by ink and had lost color!

Friedrich's mind was spinning rapidly and he laughed, "So the feather is lost? It doesn't matter, I can still give it to you!"

But he saw the black man Yorick turned around, revealing a figure behind him.

It was a young black man with an unknown aura, his expression was dull, and his face was covered with snot and saliva.

The black man Yorick traveled thousands of miles to dig for gold with his tribe, and among these tribesmen, there was also his younger brother who was born mentally retarded.

The most important thing is that at this time, Yorick's mentally retarded brother has a black feather stuck in his nostril.

Friedrich's mouth twitched.

That's my bird feather

What are you doing?

The black man Yorick was seen yelling, and a white digger next to him translated: "Yorick's younger brother was naughty and replaced the real feathers with fake feathers. Unknowingly, Yorick led his tribe and continued to A night of nuggets!”

“It turns out that we can still dig out more gold than usual!”

"And the so-called sacred feather has always been in his brother's nostril!"

"He thinks you're a liar!"

The black man Yorick pointed at the yellow-eyed viper again and shouted.

The translator said: "Boss Viper, you were also deceived by him!"

at the same time.

Many diggers behind the black man also started shouting.

"We also reacted!"

"His feathers are just ordinary feathers!"

"It even looks like a gypsy girl's dress!"

"Maybe turkey feathers too!"

“Gold is obtained through our own hard work!”

"He and that Eastern Master are both liars, and he should be hanged!"

Yorrick's silly brother stepped forward, exhaled a breath from his nose, sprayed the feathers on the ground, and then picked them up and stuffed them back into his nostrils, repeating the same thing over and over again, with a silly laugh.


Friedrich's face became uglier and uglier, and he subconsciously took a step back.

Never expected that his plan would be exposed by a fool!

At this time.

The yellow-eyed viper also began to realize that something was wrong, and a pair of yellow eyes looked at Friedrich with anger. He gritted his teeth and said, "Explain to me what's going on!"

Friedrich slowly stepped back, "Ordinary people can't understand the power of the Eastern Master."

"Eastern Master?"

The yellow-eyed viper slowly touched the gun in his hand, "By the way, where is the Eastern Master? Has he run away?!"


Friedrich swallowed his saliva and said, "He is looking for dragons and dividing gold"


The Yellow-eyed Viper loaded his pistol and pointed it at Friedrich's forehead, growling, "I trusted you so much and agreed to a 50-50 split. Now it seems that you are the most brilliant liars I have ever seen!"

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