My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1020 History is amazing

"Friends from the East!"

The young cowboy turned around and looked at the mountains and rivers in front of him with a heroic look, "Welcome to this great era!"

"Here is the Klondike River Basin in Ghana!"

"At this moment, the biggest gold rush in history is taking place here!"

Liu Di immediately looked in the direction of the young cowboy.

And then he was stunned.

But he saw thousands of people squatting on the river bank on both sides of the narrow river below the hillside, holding baskets or iron basins in their hands, constantly scooping up the fine sand in the river, and concentrating on selecting!

Except for the sound of the water, almost no one made a sound, it was very quiet.

In the valley in the distance, there were countless figures!

The scene was quite spectacular.

Liu Di took a deep breath.

It was about 130 years ago now!

Located in Ghana!

What the little cowboy said was right, the biggest gold rush in history was happening here!

In the mountains in front of us, people have discovered that there are a lot of gold mines. Some of the fine gold will be washed down by the Klondike River and hidden in the sand.

And those people in front of us are gold diggers from all over the world who dream of getting rich!

This is the legendary gold digging era.

Liu Di suddenly realized.

Only then did he understand why Gu Fan was squatting by the river before!

Looking at the previous scene.

Liu Di was surprised.

Speaking of gold mines, they are often discovered in modern times, but at least in a country ruled by law, there has long been a clear land use right, and it is impossible to take them privately.

In the current era, the grand occasion of thousands of people digging for gold can only be witnessed in the long river of history!

Liu Di was stunned.

He was also thinking.

Now is really an interesting time point.


What kind of history does Gu Fan want me to correct?

Could it be that he wants me to make a fortune here?

Collect the bride price?

Aren’t those three sacks of diamond rings enough?

Women’s hearts are so hard to understand.

I just heard the little cowboy next to me continue to sigh, "I was born in Germany and Italy, I was frustrated, then I took a cruise to Europe alone, I ran a barber shop, but I was still frustrated. Fortunately, I caught up with this super gold rush!"


"Here will be my first step to getting rich!"

"In the future, I, Friedrich Repp, will definitely create my own business empire!"

Liu Di was suddenly stunned.


Born in Germany and Italy, took a cruise alone, and ran a barber shop in Europe.

Friedrich Repp.

Liu Di took a breath of cold air.

He looked at the little cowboy with his eyes wide open.

This guy

is Repp's grandfather!

Repp's grandfather in Europe!


Liu Di just felt cold all over!

According to historical records

This Friedrich Repp was born in poverty, but he did make his first fortune in Ghana. Then he took a different approach and opened a hotel business on the banks of the Gold Nugget River. It was rumored that he also had various pornographic transactions and became famous.

Countless gold diggers came to support him!

Then, he accumulated the first fortune for the entire Repp family.

Later, his son, Repp's biological father, began to dabble in real estate business.

By Repp's generation, their family had become super rich! Repp also turned from a businessman to a regular businessman, and eventually sat on the position of ruling the country!

At this time, Brother Liu.

was in a state of shock.

Could it be that Repp's grandfather was going to encounter an accident?

And then I would correct it?

Then, the later Repp and his status

were my contribution?

Tsk tsk.

Brother Liu suddenly felt that the things he asked Repp to "borrow" were still a little too little.

After all, it was me who made you what you are today!

You little Repp.

Kneel down.


Liu Di coughed lightly and retracted his boundless imagination.


Liu Di looked at Rep's grandfather Friedrich and asked, "So, what are you going to do next?"

Friedrich patted his chest, "Of course, I will do my best and start looking for gold without sleep!"

Liu Di nodded with relief, "Very good, you have saved me once, so I will accompany you on the next trip."

Friedrich was very excited and seemed to be a man of temperament. He smiled and said, "Okay! From now on, the two of us are good brothers on the road of gold digging, fighting against foreign enemies together. You are older, so I call you brother!"


Liu Di nodded meaningfully.

In this way, I am Rep's great grandfather, and in some places I am simply called his uncle.


5 minutes later.

Two good brothers of different skin colors came to the river.

Each of them had a broken basket.

There were people digging for gold everywhere, almost one every two meters.

The atmosphere was quite intense.

Friedrich had already squatted aside seriously and started to pick up the mud and sand.

Liu Di was also infected by this atmosphere.

It was really interesting to dig out gold from the mud and sand!

I only heard someone talking in a low voice.

"Whether I can make a fortune in my next life depends on this gold sand!"

"I heard that old Corey found a thumb-sized gold grain yesterday, which can be made into a pendant directly!"

"What's that?"

"I heard that a master from South Africa only took 7 days to find 208 ounces of gold sand, which is worth more than 100,000 dollars! He has made a fortune!"

"Oh, don't envy others. You know that some people didn't find any gold in 3 months! In the end, they starved to death!"

"Let's do our best!"

Liu Di listened carefully.

It's really the gold rush!

Some people get rich, while others die without success!

Uncertainty makes everyone feel hopeful, which is the fundamental reason for people's madness!

Liu Di looked at the river in front of him and rubbed his hands subconsciously.

Oh no.

Why am I so interested?

Before Liu Di could do anything, he heard a cry next to him.

Friedrich was lying on the riverside in a big letter shape, and said lazily: "It's so hot, I'm exhausted, I need to rest for a while!"

Liu Di was stunned.

Only 2 minutes had passed!

Liu Di looked at Friedrich in astonishment, "Where is your fighting spirit just now?"

The boy said half dead: "My fighting spirit was baked by the hot sun, and now I need a glass of vodka with ice cubes!"

Liu Di frowned.

It seems that he knows what he needs to correct.

This kid is probably a lazy guy!

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