My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 1017 I am so ordinary

In the long river of time.

Brother Liu frowned and thought.

What puzzled him the most was the 'imprint' on Gu Fan in his mind.

Above Dracula's castle just now.

Gu Fan seemed to be waiting for him to take action and defeat the Ottoman Empire so that history could continue.

Her abilities are even more mysterious.

It seems that not only can you descend into the past, but you can also see the future there.

And everything she did seemed to guide me.

"Sequence upgrade, second sequence of strong artificial intelligence."

"The flight speed of the Time Halberd is increased by 50%."

"Response speed increased by 50%."

"Time accuracy increased by 10%."

"Can throw two time halberds at the same time."

The devil boy's voice suddenly came.

Brother Liu was startled, "What have we done to make you improve, Demon Boy?"

The virtual image of the demon boy appeared in Liu Di's mind, standing in front of seven time halberds emitting blue light.

My forehead feels cold.

He also thought: "Whenever we travel through time and correct some history, the coded world from my perspective will become more real, like a glass full of water mist, suddenly a piece of it becomes clear, a huge world , is slowly unfolding.”

Brother Liu was stunned.

He is extremely unfamiliar with the time branch of strong artificial intelligence, because this is no longer a computer in the ordinary sense, let alone a program in the ordinary sense.

This may be the limit of human imagination.

Of course, the world is like this, and no one understands the mystery.

Even the devil boy is just exploring step by step.


Brother Liu asked: "What about those data that were improved just now?"

The demon boy said: "After you threw the time halberd, the time you spent walking on the river of time was reduced by nearly half, and everything became faster!"

"The time accuracy allows you to accurately locate the time you want to go. If it continues to increase, it can even be accurate to the moment a certain cell divides."

Brother Liu was in a daze.

Whenever he throws the time halberd, it seems that there is always a period of flight time, and after the time halberd is positioned, he does need to travel a distance.

Now the response speed has increased by 50%.

For example, a 10-minute journey becomes 5 minutes?

But what's the use?

The devil boy reminded: "Have you forgotten Liu Entropy's ability? He should be able to continuously correct his own time within 15 seconds. At that time, even if you explode with all your strength, you will not be able to attack him once."

Brother Liu was suddenly enlightened.

That is a method that can be called heaven-defying.

The devil boy added: "I also have a sense that strong artificial intelligence in the direction of time is a growth program with unlimited potential."

"I suddenly feel that I am no worse than the waiter's son."

"We can figure it out."

“If I reach peak strong artificial intelligence.”

"You should be able to control 9 time halberds. Provided that you find the two lost ones, and the reaction speed should be negligible, then you can seamlessly jump within 9 time points, and the span is the entire length of time. !”

"Of course, you may also evolve abilities that I can't predict."

"Such as distorting time and space, splicing time and space, folding time and space, erasing time and space, etc.!"

Brother Liu was a little shocked and inhaled slightly subconsciously.

Traveling in time and correcting history can make the devil boy evolve.

I seem to be fixing bugs in this world, like an administrator.

And Gu Fan?

She was guiding me to my mistakes.

Such a good wife?

Brother Liu sighed, I am so ordinary.


Brother Liu instantly became very energetic.

Gu Fan must be waiting for me in some supreme realm. I have to wash away all my glory, transform and be reborn, understand the secrets, and achieve impressive results. Only in this way can I match her.

The man in white, who is full of fighting ability, looks towards the river of time.

During this short period of time, Gu Fan's mark was particularly obvious.

Liu Di gathered his mental strength and meditated. Two time halberds rose from the ground, turned into blue streamers, and flew straight to that time and place.

Sure enough, as the devil boy said, the time halberd's corresponding speed and flight speed have increased a lot!

The destinations of these two time halberds are one behind the other, very close to each other.

Liu Di also wanted to use this time to test the effect of throwing two time halberds.

The speed of time all around is speeding up in vain, and the time tunnel is flickering.

I don’t know how much time has passed in a moment.

When Brother Liu stepped out of the river of time, the surroundings suddenly became bright.

The mountains in the distance are rolling, and a clear river slowly flows down from the mountains, like a ribbon winding between the mountains.

It was just a piece of natural scenery, and Liu Di couldn't tell what time or place it was at the moment.


Brother Liu caught a glimpse of the figure who was thinking about him in the distance by the river.

She was still wearing a white dress, with an innocent expression. She was squatting by the river, holding a small basket in her hand, constantly scooping up fine sand from the river, and then shaking it slightly, as if she was sifting something.


She seemed to have gained nothing. She wrinkled her nose slightly, poured the fine sand into the river, and repeated the sifting action again.

Her figure was hazy and unreal.

Brother Liu knew that this was also her mark.

So, what does Gu Fan want to guide him in this 'encounter'?

With such beautiful scenery, what kind of crisis could there be, what could be corrected?


Liu Di actually stunned himself.

Suddenly, something strange happened!

Behind Gu Fan, a vortex of void appeared out of thin air!

Space and time seemed to be torn apart, and in the dark crack, there seemed to be hidden thunder!

An old man in a white robe, with snow-white hair and beard, holding a golden halberd, stepped out of the vortex!

There was a golden halberd embroidered on his chest, with a fairy-like style and magnificent momentum, like a god!

As soon as he appeared, his eyes were fixed on Gu Fan, and his expression became fierce in an instant!

"Shameless four-dimensional person, I, Xing Wan, have been chasing you in the long river of time for a long time!"

"Now, I finally found your figure!"

"What about your projection?"

"The power of my time halberd can be traced back to your time and space and destroy your body!"

In an instant, the old man burst out with a strong aura, his robes and beard were blown away by the nameless airflow, and the golden halberd in his hand was busy!

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