The man in white walked slowly.

The shoes and half of the trouser leg were burned.

Revealing a pair of feet as red as molten iron.

And all around him, the ground continued to explode, like wells, erupting huge pillars of fire. No matter whether the Ottoman soldiers approached or fled, they were unable to prevent themselves from being sprayed into the sky by flames at any time.

Brother Liu was also very lucky.

But he didn't expect that the location he was in now would be Romania's largest natural gas basin many years later.

Thin natural gas has now been bred under the ground, which has become his weapon to get twice the result with half the effort.

Otherwise, it will not be easy to reverse the battlefield of 50,000 people just relying on the witch's ability!

He rushed into the battlefield alone, surrounded by flames, and strolled to the center in an instant.

At this time, Della looked at the man who seemed to be walking out of the flames, her heart trembled, and she murmured: "Buff"

The archer in silver armor was completely sluggish at this time.

He is the weird man who called me an 'ugly bee'.

I have judged him as an ordinary person.

But the scene in front of him was far beyond his imagination.

I saw Brother Liu stepping forward.

He raised his hand and grasped the tip of the archer's sword.

The archer was stunned and came to his senses. A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and then he moved the mechanism of the sword hilt.

His long sword is similar to the ancient Chinese sword-within-a-sword mechanism, and there is an independent dagger hidden in the hilt.

You can take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness, pull out the dagger, and slit his throat!

But Liu Di is faster than him.

Just a frown.

Huge heat exploded in his hand, flowing upstream along the long sword.

A cry of pain suddenly came from the silver-armored archer!

The dagger that had just been half pulled out fell to the ground. It was seen that the dagger had already turned red, and the front part had melted into molten iron and spread on the ground.

The silver-armored archer looked shocked and extremely shocked.

At this time, the asphalt on Della's body was melted by the heat brought by Brother Liu, and his body suddenly rose up, and one hand turned into a claw and scratched across the archer's neck with a click.

Blood and minced flesh flew for several meters.

The archer's eyes were wide open, still in shock and had not recovered.

There was a crash.

The archer in silver armor fell to the ground and stood up!

Brother Liu looked at Della, "The people still need your leadership."


Liu Di slowly squatted down, and the witch's DNA was instantly fused to 99%. The ultimate heat erupted from his palms, causing heat waves to roll around him, and even Della had to take a few steps back.


Brother Liu pressed his palm to the ground.

The huge heat melts the surface sand and is then transferred to the underground natural gas layer.

The ground on the battlefield was cracked and full of cracks, and traces of natural gas had already begun to leak.

Now, it is even more ignited in an instant.

The next scene was like hell descending.

The monstrous flames spurted out and cut the earth into pieces!

And the place with the highest concentration of natural gas is surprisingly at the feet of the Ottoman army.

The Ottoman army never dreamed that this battle would turn into a struggle in hell!

The trebuchet and archer camps in the rear were in chaos, gradually becoming chaotic and paralyzed!

Countless soldiers had just been swallowed up by the flames and died immediately.

And Della also woke up in the flames, and her body turned into a zigzag black lightning, heading straight for the enemy's command queue. Seen from a distance.

Like a life-seeking demon, Dera was unable to stop it and rushed into the location of the Ottoman commander. Every time he swung his claws, the necks of senior Ottoman generals were torn into pieces.

In just a moment, the enemy's command center was almost wiped out. The 50,000-strong army was leaderless and fell apart.

Brother Liu stood in the center of the flames and scanned the entire battlefield.

Although there are still small-scale battles taking place in some places.


The battle is decided.

Brother Liu looked back and finally relaxed his brows when he saw 'Gu Fan' sitting on the city wall.

He even gave a thumbs up to the battlefield from afar.

Brother Liu was in a trance.

Can she see me?

Or is it because she saw the ending she wanted?

Just when Brother Liu was puzzled.

Della, who returned from the victory, waved her huge wings and landed next to Liu Di from the sky.

He breathed heavily and said with awe in his eyes: "So you are the one with demonic power!"

Liu Di smiled slightly, looked around and said, "Now the victory has been decided. You have led everyone to successfully resist an invasion, but we cannot take it lightly in the future. Long-term peace depends on you, respected Duke Dracula."

Della immediately heard the meaning of Brother Liu's words, frowned and said: "Are you going to leave?"

Brother Liu nodded lightly, "It's time to leave a long time ago."

Della asked again, "Where are you going? You can stay and build the empire with me."

Liu Di's eyes suddenly fixed on the super fat pig in the distance, which was once again alive and kicking.

Then he smiled playfully and said, "It can live for 600 years, so we should meet again."

The words just fell.

A dark twisted passage appeared next to Brother Liu.

After waving goodbye to Della, Liu Di stepped in, and all the information about him disappeared perfectly at this point in time.

Soon after, this earth-shattering and incredible battle spread throughout the entire Western European continent.

Everyone thought it was due to Della, the Grand Duke of Wallachia, Duke Dracula, and the devil incarnate.

But he was just and mobilized the fire of hell to fight against the Ottoman army, making him a god in one battle and achieving great fame.

But Della knew.

The one who really reversed everything was that brave man.


Della ordered people to build a statue in the city.

It was a short-haired man wearing strange clothes.

The signature below was the transliteration of ancient Arabic: Baffo.

No one knew who he was.

A few years later, Baffo was said to have become Baffome, one of the Christian demons.

Its body is the head of an antelope, the body of a human, the lower body of a deer, the feet are goat hooves, and it has a scorpion's tail, and a green flame is burning on the top of the scorpion's tail hook.

It was also the object of crazy worship of the Templars in the 14th century, also known as the "Sabbath Goat".

There is also a version of the rumor that this Baffome is a demon complex, that is, the incarnation of Satan, who often turns into a handsome young man and sneaks into the upper-class cocktail parties.

Only the unknown Dracula genealogy records the truth.

'He is a brave and fearless man. Whenever his purple eyes flash, he will no longer be afraid of any enemy. He brings me the courage to overcome everything. I am proud to know him - Dracula.'

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